What work of literature best encapsulates the American Dream?

What work of literature best encapsulates the American Dream?

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

american psycho

Atlas shrugged i guess

The Great Gatsby

Wait I take that back, Death of a Salesman

Flushing ranch dressing down a dirty toilet

a day in the life of Ivan Denisovich




This nigga
The cop conference is the perfect allegory for america

let me re phrase that to be more clear

any books that doesn't suck dick?

Listen nigga it's JR it just is read the wikipedia page if you want to.

>suck dick

yeah if you're fifteen and on the path to being a degenerate drug addict burnout

look I can make visual representations of what I believe the American Dream to be too

also it's JR, like that other user is saying. Fucking 10/10 book and exactly the subject matter you're looking for


just the movie was even too much for me

that doesn't look like the American Dream desu

what about this one

After Many a Summer Dies the Swan

a little better

(I'm saving it btw)

What the fuck, you are not the original poster, I am.

To clarify, I'm not looking only for books that confirm the American Dream, critiques are good too.

These are pretty good answers, but they're books I've already read/knew about.

Adventures of Augie March, even though nobody cares about Bellow anymore.

American Pastoral

The Day of the Locust

The post wasn't very polite, but don't try to come in my thread and troll.

Liberty by Franzen

they say it sucks though


It was a short-lived phenomenon, wasn't it? I knew an anomaly like that couldn't last. It was just a fluke. A one-time thing that will never be repeated.

glad you like it

>a book written by an Irishman living in Europe about Dublin encapsulates the American Dream

Most Americans think eating organ meat is gross and masturbating on the beach is highly illegal.

Worse choice dingus

The Art of the Deal.

If only you two went to high school together maybe you wouldn't have had to sit alone at lunch.

hey bud, I'll give you five shiny dollars to sppend on crack if you come over here and try to say that while you suck me off

Mein Kampf
