What are some good books about the culture of capitalism?

What are some good books about the culture of capitalism?

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my diary desu

White Noise

The Communist Manifesto
The Conquest of Bread

brave new world

The Jungle is one of the major ones, absolutely check that one out. It actually accomplished a lot too, caused some heavier regulations in the food industry.

Dude, capitalism sucks because, like, people only care about money and won't give me things for free. What a bunch of consumerist sheep.

It's not about a capitalism as a whole, but I would suggest one of the essays from "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" titled "E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction" by David Foster Wallace.

As the title says, it is about TV. I know, who watches TV in 2017, but - Wallace writes more about human nature, supply and demand and mechanisms that TV uses to take advantage of its viewers. That is something that is easily transable (it that a correct word?) throught the time, because humans don't change as fast as technology (if ever).

The whole book is also a good introduction to D.F. Wallace if you are interested in Veeky Forums.

The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch
The Consumer Society by Jean Baudrillard

How do you read it? Any guide/hints into enjoying this book? I am half way through and not enjoying it that much desu.


No Logo by Naomi Klein
Made to Break, Technology and obsolescence in America by Giles Slade
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
False Economy by Alan Beattie
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast
The shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein

The Origin of Capitalism by Ellen Meiksins Wood
A Thousand Plateaus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze
The Accumulation of Capital by Rosa Luxemburg

Fahrenheit 451

Yeah, Huxley's not the best writer. Unironically, Sparknotes has a video summary for it that I watch in little bits, chapter by chapter, to catch me up. It helps because it has pictures that make the story a lot more vivid and enjoyable. But yeah, the book is overrated DESU

Seconding this.

Every literary work since the nineteenth century.

the fountain at the centre of the world
by robert newman

reading that should be mandatory to post on Veeky Forums:

1. The main texts of the Greeks
2. Shakespeares most important plays
3. E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction


If you're not in the top 1% and you defend capitalism because of a knee jerk reaction congratulations you're a bootlicking cuck

Theodor Adorno's "The Culture Industry" was written about this exact subject

He discusses mostly film and radio/music. E Unibus Pluram supplements it really well by discussing TV. Both are on the same page really

The fact that you wrote this post says that you haven't read it
jsomers.net/DFW_TV.pdf read up boy

Seconding Baudrillard.

But really, why not just read the basics?

Marx, Capital and Grundrisse and Smith's Wealth of Nations?

David S. Landes also has some good books.

>has pictures that make the story a lot more vivid and enjoyable

stop posting on Veeky Forums

Why? It's not like I do that for other books. BNW is just bad.

> How do you read it?
In one sitting

>the top 1%

This board is for people who read books.

dude like the free exchange of goods between individuals is like wrong because it's flawed #LateStageCapitalism



probably fear and loathing in las vegas, keep in mind there is no getting off the train my man. most of this thread is masturbation, see this list it's riddled with people that thought the world's only failed oil state was a fantastic time. that and Greg. Greg is alright.

excellent. spot on. bang on the money. can i cite you for my paper?

Propaganda/Engineering of Consent by Edward Bernays, he's the guy who essentially created American consumerism as we know it.

Marx was retarded and didn't produce anything of value. His influence has caused nothing bug suffering.

Veblen, "theory of the leisure class"

Economic but also psychological and I guess sociologial inquiry into how money and status affect and dictate our behaviors and habits (not necessarily limited to capitalism, but I think it is most applicable to modern consumerism under capitalism).

>Marx was retarded and didn't produce anything of value. His influence has caused nothing bug suffering.

yes, just like capitalism

i do believe you are currently not starving and are utilizing the comfort and prosperity of capitalist society to post right now user.

i recommend you look at chinas economy and how it changed once it began switching to a capitalistic system. marx was R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D. leave it to the jewish leech living off his friends mother to think abolishing property was a good idea.

Huxley is a wonerful writer you plebs

>Dude, if you don't think my specific ideology serves your interests, you're a bootlicking cuck

Sorry, I'd rather not be a part of the millions-strong death tolls that invariably follow your Socialist/Communist fantasies.

Any book that details the lives of the Rothschilds, and I'm not being ironic or edgy. There are plenty out there written by competent people who held various positions of power in politics, finance, etc.

Even if you don't buy into the "conspiracy" side of things (and by that I mean you've probably read "the Rothschilds own the banks bro!" comments everywhere, but there is actual fire beneath that smoke"), it still answers your question and is worth reading.

another great post from the five cent army

>i do believe you are currently not starving and are utilizing the comfort and prosperity of capitalist society to post right now user.

I really was on the verge of starvation because the financial crysis and no jobs in my country. You've found the wrong user.
This happened to me as many other people.

>marx was R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D
because you say so?

>eave it to the jewish leech living
Stupid baseless conspiracy theory form the "rationals"

no one argues against free exchange of goods between individuals dumbass lil nigga

>people being vocal about their supporting capitalism

My god, I know that it is a shit /pol/ meme, but that's the most bluepilled thing to do

Infinite Jest, Finnegan's Wake, the list could go on

isn't it bedtime in Chicago?

Capitalism has allowed incredible growth and opportunities for *everyone*, and it's compatible with a truly free society, with free speech, democracy, and everything you've come to expect from a western developed society. While socialism and communism has always ruined countries and it's basically incompatible with freedom.

Defending communism makes you basically a retard that has no idea what capitalism truly is i.e. someone that hasn't worked a single day of his life.

>blue pill
Veeky Forums is for 18+ years old people only.

Brecht's the Threepenny novel

But the millions killed under capitalism is fine, I suppose?

funny thing is the free market is not even "free"

>Capitalism has allowed incredible growth and opportunities
>for *everyone*
>it's compatible with a truly free society, with free speech, democracy, and everything you've come to expect from a western developed society.
Nope. See among other things: the first italian elections post ww2, south america and the Monnroe doctrine.
>While socialism and communism has always ruined countries and it's basically incompatible with freedom
No, for socialist countries to be sucessful cooperation and good trading agreements are needed but instead the US has gone out of its way to make sure that cannot happen (see: Allende's assassination, Eisinhower's Cuban embargo after Cuba began nationalising its industries principled via Monroe doctrine, Truman Doctrine via Marshall Plan). G. Kennan is known to have discussed how how couldn't give a shit about democracy. Also, Soviet model =/= communism&socialism. I'm sure you will anticipate me saying how china is a perfect example of how capitalism is not a product of freedom and democracy (they just don't hide this fact like the US et al. does)

>no JR

Your heart's in the right place but you really ought to read more Marx.

save me the patronising tripe.
I've never referred to marxist theories as to use it as a basis for any of my comments.
And why should I read more marx? point to me how in relation my previous comment? I've been talking about geo-politics and historical events.

as to my comment:
>Soviet model =/= communism&socialism
go read some Moshe Lewin

>53 replies
>no American Psycho

I mean hate on the book all you want, but that's literally the whole point

well it's certainly A capitalist culture

>truly free society
>developed society
>capped by appealling to ressentiment

Your vexation by spirits is cause for amusement

The only reason I'm not starving and am able to study is because of state provisions which are being cut off ( due greatly to corporation tax being lowered and shit tax system). Gentrification is making it really hard to stay in my area, where communities are being broken apart by the cost of living.

All of history can be followed through power dynamics. Government began with the premise of capitalism; successful individuals ascend the social and economic hierarchy, and eventually the stratification leads to the development of a state. A state formed in this manner typically will also became rather oppressive. A free market will lead to only a few capitalists at the very top and the rest of society at the bottom, ironically ridding the vast majority of the populace of their freedoms. Capitalism doesn't work.

Is this really all you could fucking think of?

well you didn't give me much to go on.

Not disagreeing w/ much as I don't know enough to rebut but can you cite this bit please
>Government began with the premise of capitalism
I would like to read up on this notion
>leads to the development of a state
Just for clarification, you do mean "a" and not "the" right?

You're a moron

so are you

came here to post this. Also A Frolic of His Own

The Road

Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

from this guy Ha-Joon Chang

Reminiscences of a stock operator, by Edwin LeFevre

Au bonheur des dames, by Emile Zola

>free exchange of goods between individuals
>this is what (You) actually believe capitalism is
fucking hell dude stop listening to lolberts and read a book
>inb4 reddit

>rich guy: I'll give you money if you work for me.
>non-rich guy: Okay

>rich guy(s): work for me or you'll starve
>non-rich guy: i suppose i'll have to work then
>right """"""libertarian"""""": this is a Voluntary™ Transaction™

And no one ever starved under communism, right?



How do commies refute this?

minima moralia

lmao ah yes the great communist thinker and writer boris yeltsin

is this a new meme?
ive read it but i dont see how it relates other than the obvious ties TV has to capitalism.

>under communism
not out of the inherent system that is communism but out of craven bureacracy, in terms of Stalin's Soviet Russia which was rather non-capitalist than communist, the technological gap that existed between the western and eastern bloc (which the the West ostracised the Eastvia agressive diplomacy)

Capitalism is built upon inequality, thrives upon it, requires that below a certain line many people suffer