What's the best store bought cookie, preferably, but not limited to chocolate chip...

What's the best store bought cookie, preferably, but not limited to chocolate chip? I'd like to binge eat a pack and I'm not in the mood for chips ahoy anymore.

If you factor in cost, HEB brand are better than chips ahoy.

Famous Amos.
The little cookies they have in those tubs at Trader Joes.

Turns out I'm to stupid too read OP's post correctly, and suggested chocolate chip cookies that aren't Chips Ahoy.
Milano ones are great, they have a variety of flavors. Personally I would just bake some cookies at home, they're way better than storebought. I like peanut butter cookies.


I don't know the brand but Aldi has oatmeal raisin cookies that come in purple packages that are pretty good. If chocolate chip is your favorite I think they have those too but I can't remember what color the package is. I feel like I've seen peanut butter cookies in those packs too


DO they have a raspberry milano? I know the orange is delicious.

The generic unbranded baked goods from a local bakery which any decent grocer stocks are going to be your best bet, since they're the freshest. Just check the info label to make sure the source is nearby and the package date is within the last few days. Fresher cookie = better cookie. That's all there is to it.

From how high were you dropped on the head as a baby?

These little pieces of mana from heaven.

>If you factor in cost
No matter what you follow this up with, all you're saying is "the drop in quality is negligible because I saved 50 cents."


The only correct answer

You're welcome


Nostalgia is the best flavor.

Pepperidge farm is the highest quality big brand.
Famous Amos are vending machine god tier cookies.
Grocery store bakery is also an option.



Pecan Sandies
