“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud...

“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs...thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.” ―Arthur Schopenhauer

Does anyone know where this quote is originally from? Couldn't google out the source. Thank you

The Wisdom of Life, Chapter IV, Section I

[spoilerlearn2google, cucko][/spoiler]

One of Hunter S. Thompson's favorite quotes was Sam Johnson's "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Which is similar in content, and earlier.

Why don't you realize that the redpill is true and we must maintain white nations and traditional gender roles to ensure the future of our white children and nations.
I am proud of my blood. I am proud of my nation. I am proud of my heritage. FUCK SCHOPENHAUER

My favorite part of polemics against intermarriage (specifically that it kills the "white race") is that they are universally used around the world reappropriated by the nationalist faction in every dominant ethnic group. A half Jap in the US is an "Asian" but a half Jap in Japan may not be a full citizen.

>may not be a full citizen
Wut? If one of your parents is a Japanese national, you're a Japanese citizen by law

üntermensch as fuck

you reek of sexual frustration lol

Sound like you gonna shackle up some white women in your basement dawg.

Isn't natural selection supposed to be...well...natural?

You're proud of the circumstances of your birth, something that will never change, that you have zero responsibility for, and that you can never fuck up in any way.

Congrats for having realistic aspirations, I guess.


Relax. What is considered "white nationalism" today is the default belief of 19th century philosphers, he was talking about the Germans who were obsessed with muh motherland and empire n shieet

>he doesnt know what "pride" means
>he fell for "the accident of birth" meme

Kek, no one wants to breed with you Adolf

Nice tits.

>he fell for the "meme" meme


>I am proud of my blood.
So do you feel more kinship with a black man who shares the same blood type? Or is it like a Japanese blood type as astro sign thing?

I disagree with him. I am a miserable fool whom has nothing at all of which I can be proud of, and I don't care for my country one iota. I reject the notion of national pride.


That just means you are a miserable fool who didn't make that move.

And also means he's wrong

Can someone clarify what Schopenhauer mean by this remark?

Does he mean that everyone who feels "pride in the nation to which he belongs" is a miserable fool, or that of the miserable fools, they all opt for nationalism as a last resort?

>ugh, why do ethnic groups want to preserve their own genetics? ugh I just can't understand anything outside of the lens of liberal universalism

I've literally never stepped foot in Japan but I'm a citizen because my dad was raised there.

Boswell reported Johnson's having made this statement in the Spring of 1775, a few years before Schopenhauer's birth. The Life appeared in 1791. This thread's loaded with crap. The query's most plausible response is near the top.