Can we have an mbti thread without brainlets who cant think rationally screaming "HURR HOROSCOPE PSEUDOSCIENCE XDDDD"...

can we have an mbti thread without brainlets who cant think rationally screaming "HURR HOROSCOPE PSEUDOSCIENCE XDDDD"? the mbti test after all is based on observation and rational, logical conclusions, there is nothing bullshit about it since everything is concluded from real conditions

also remember: if your T is any less than 100% and your F is over 0% you are a brainlet who cant think rationally, maybe /r9k is a better home for you than /sci

Other urls found in this thread:

>the mbti test after all is based on observation and rational, logical conclusions, there is nothing bullshit about it since everything is concluded from real conditions
>also remember: if your T is any less than 100% and your F is over 0% you are a brainlet who cant think rationally, maybe /r9k is a better home for you than /sci

ohHOho, you almost had me there user

You're as free to shit up the board with pseudo scientific bullshit as I am to call you out on that bullshit. Freedom works both ways

i paid money for jordan petersons crap
idk if its accurate. considering im holding a 3.8 gpa in Mech E. atm.

waste of 8 bucks


Horoscopes are real!

okay maybe its bullshit but atleast i dont download the same image twice holy shit get your life in order user

I download lots of things, user.

Find've post him along the way.

I hope you realize that all S types are stupid brainlets

what is this image inferring

>daring to call anyone else a brainlet

3330 nigromante

Says the sensing faggot lol.
Hail ENTP.

It is a pseudoscience tiered horoscope test. Clearly the test is flawed because your F should be higher than 0% if you think the MBTI is legitimate.

It's the map to the universe.

It's the keys to heaven.

It's also the gates to hell.



It explains so much, I also score very high on Aspergers tests and fairly high on sociopathy.

You have to be 100% honest, not "what you desire".

I usually get this or INTJ, but turbulence is always consistent.

Reminder that the man with the highest IQ in the world, Chris Langan, is INTP. Anything else is literally brainlet tier.

Y-....y-you a femputer?

MBTI has been debunked. It is not empirical at all.
Most dichotomies does not make sense

Also, juste imagine the case where I'm ENTP but with 51% perception

That's okay, some fag would say, as I would therefore be in between ENTP and ENTJ

Yet, when looking at the 8 cognitive functions, we've got NeTiFeSi for ENTP and TeNiSeFi for ENTJ, which are not at all the same thing

Even worst if I get in between S and N or T and F

The only people out there using MBTI are companies, the same that use graphology to know if you should get the job or not

Even the us army says its shit:

This thread belongs to /x

I figured out an improved way of folding any issued jacket

The US army isn't smart.

t.Combat Vet

>You have to be 100% honest, not just what you desire
That isn't how you determine if a test is good. The test fails to show significant differences between each of the different criteria, except for the introvert - extrovert scale and scores can vary wildly with the same person depending on the day.

Personality is really just a means to describe behavior. I'd argue that personality tests as a whole are unnecessary, but even if you assume they are, the MBTI is a terrible test even among personality psychologists.

>MBTI has been debunked.
What the fuck it hasn't been 'debunked'. It is a system for classifying different personality types based on different subjective criteria. That's all, it never pretended to be anything more than that. Anyone using it as though it represents some sort of intrinsic property rather than just observational behavioral classification is misusing it in the first place.

For something to be 'debunked' it would have to be somehow false or claiming something that isn't true. MBTI doesn't do that, it just applies classification labels based on observed criteria. Its occasional misuse by poorly informed HR employees and Veeky Forums posters doesn't mean the system itself is any less valid.


I've gotten almost the exact same results as you every time I've taken the test. I'm always right on the border of INTJ or ENTJ

>The content of the MBTI scales is problematic. In 1991, a National Academy of Sciences committee reviewed data from MBTI research studies and concluded that only the I-E scale has high correlations with comparable scales of other instruments and low correlations with instruments designed to assess different concepts, showing strong validity. In contrast, the S-N and T-F scales show relatively weak validity. The 1991 review committee concluded at the time there was "not sufficient, well-designed research to justify the use of the MBTI in career counseling programs". This study based its measurement of validity on "criterion-related validity (i.e., does the MBTI predict specific outcomes related to interpersonal relations or career success/job performance?)." There is insufficient evidence to make claims about utility, particularly of the four letter type derived from a person's responses to the MBTI items.

Are you telling us that MBTI does not claim that all the dichotomies exist and make sense ?


ESTJ master race reporting in

>cognitive functions
Literally horoscope tier.

Cognitive functions make more sense than just the letters.

aww yeah

"cognitive functions", as you know them, are literally bullshit made up in some internet forums by brainlets who seriously use anecdotal evidence
The only reason why they seem real at all is because the first 2 functions match the dichotomy type descriptions on a surface level, but the whole model falls apart as soon as you realize that you simply can't detect the "obvious differences" between, say INTJ and INTP in real life that go beyond the J and P differences, which are explained easier by dichotomies anyway. Everything beyond that is literally horoscope tier. They are not falsifiable. They aren't even clearly defined.


INTJ checking in
I dont know if there any correlation but i also have depression anxiety and am introverted. This results in me being a social outcast by choice in a way even when others want to be my friends i zone them out but those who are in my circle are there because i want them to be there.

>using a horoscope instead of the ocean personality test

fake and gay

>Hurr durr let's measure some psychological parameter and then fit it to a bimodal distribution because we believe in a silly fairy tale typology that DOESN'T EXIST.
There's no such thing as an introvert. There's no such thing as an extrovert. At least, not in the way that you think these types of people exist, and certainly not in the frequency that they actually do exist.