Should humans try to selectively distinguish certain breeding stock so that more highly intelligent children can be...

Should humans try to selectively distinguish certain breeding stock so that more highly intelligent children can be raised in the future? Think about it a little, if someone with an IQ of 110 breeds with someone that has an IQ of 90, then the children are more likely to be in the middle due to the genetic basis of gray matter in the brain being strongly correlated to IQ (assuming they were raised in a standard environment). However if someone with an IQ of 110 chooses to breed with someone that has their IQ, it would effectively create a child similar to them. So let's that nearly everyone in the world chose option 1, it would round out both those in the higher and lower brackets to constitute an average that would be less diverse in the ranges of IQ, meaning that the averages of 68% being between 85 and 115 would be lowered down to 90-95 and continually drop from that point due to lower IQ populations breeding at a much higher rate than higher IQ populations. Where would the smart people be then? Instead of doing that, we could judiciously breed a population of elite so that human growth won't stagnate.
Thoughts on this?

no one has any thoughts on this huh?

Things don't average like that.
A couple with IQs of 110 and 105 can have a child with an IQ of 130. That doesn't mean all HIS kids will be smart. Look up "regression to the mean". Likely they'll be a disappointment to him.

It's true that if the stupid have more kids, the average IQ of the human race will drop. But regression to the mean works in the other direction as well. Two stupids can have a kid smarter than either parent. Because intelligence is the result of multiple genes, not a single one, it'll take a very long time before there'd be a noticeable change.

Cultural & technological factors operate much faster. Facebook and Twitter are making people dumb even without any change in the gene pool.

For a look at what the long term results of genetic "dumbing down" might be, read "The Marching Morons" by C, M. Kornbluth.

1. Human beings already selectively breed with those who they perceive to have superior genetics.
2. You are forgetting about genetic mutation. If your model was correct then evolution wouldn't exist.

>Look up "regression to the mean".
>But regression to the mean works in the other direction as well.

>parents have a dumb kid
Regression to the mean!
>parents have a smart kid
Regression to the mean!
>when /pol/tards watch some youtube charlatan talk about IQ and parrot terms they don't understand

Doesn't the success of the Ashkenazim indicate that it is possible to increase the IQ of a group by selecting for intelligence? I imagine that the first Jews to immigrate to Europe were, as a group, at least somewhat below the European mean. A thousand years of selective pressure later, and they're a SD above the mean. And this happened all under "natural" conditions. What if humanity conducted an intensive breeding program similar to the Balyayev Russian domesticated fox program? Considering that intelligence and fertility are inversely correlated, wouldn't it be a good idea to produce an elite population before the world becomes overrun with brainlets?

Myself, I do think that the Ashkenazis are a particularly interesting case because they have indeed
maintained their IQ successfully by carefully selecting for intelligence, but what is odd is that they
have very high rates of schizophrenia and an abnormal skull structure compared to just about every
other ethnic group in the world.

Perhaps, but that's beside the point.

don't most people do this on their own anyway? try to select a partner from good stock? at least in the absence of modern propaganda....

No. Women are attracted to status above all. Intellect may or may not help you to achieve status. Consider that Mick Jagger has 8 kids to 5 women and Terry Tao has 2 children to one woman.

>shawty t h i c c tho
Yeah man they do this all the time...

>implying nice boobs and butts are correlated with intelligence

IQ isn't real.

The elite already do this lol. The 0.01% rule this world and its their playground and we are all their stock.

next time you dont know what your talking about, just dont post

Yes, they're doing this out of greed and power for politics and such, but not for the
passion of scientific and technological advancement.


The upper socioeconomic strata already do this. Since income is correlated with "IQ" (a pathetic attempt at quantitatively measuring someone's cognitive ability that has limited, but still some, usefulness) intelligence won't be bred out of the human population.

Every once in a while some rich guy's daughter might fall in forbidden love with some rough-and-tumble clod and get knocked up by him or some shit, but that's not all that bad. A little genetic diversity is a good thing in a population

Societies need a lot of stupid people to do grunt work and take bullets for them. You only need a few smart people to run it all. Let those r-selected plebs fuck like rabbits while the k-selected elite run everything.

Also, the Flynn Effect seems to suggest that IQ is pretty environmental. Societies tend to get a big spike in average IQ scores with increasing access to the internet... but I'm just following your line of thought here, you >eugenicist.

this board is reddit and this question is reddit tier. you should all be embarassed to call yourselves scientists or science students. unbelievable ignorance

This already happens nig nog. Do you think a 180 IQ level 69 stud like myself would breed with a sub 160 IQ plebeian? Aghast, for the elites will always breed with elites.

Fuck IQ
I want to make horse people

Well I am going to have to disagree on the correlation of income being cause for IQ because it is very non-substantial given that there are quite a few people in the upper echelon of wealth that have considerably low IQ scores. The way I have always thought how the environment and biological factorizations combine to determine the cognition of someone is by first actuating if said person has experienced malnutrition or not, because if they do then their bodies including their brain are going to be lacking major development in important places which obviously has affect on the general mentality. Someone who hasn't experienced malnutrition will most likely live up to their complete biological potential, and we've seen with certain people with >150 IQ that they have been able to solve things on their own without any or barely any education to guide them, however most people would call those "a natural prodigy of mankind!" but it's not just blind luck.

There is a correlation between income and IQ -- whether you agree or disagree with it is irrelevant. "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is an entire book that has been written about it.

That being said, your point about environment is valid. A lot of the disparity between IQ scores among different social classes is self-reinforcing -- poor people have shitty environments/drink lead-laden water/don't have access to good education (especially not now in the US because of Betsy DeVos, but that's an argument for /pol/) and rich people have access to yummy health foods, clean water and good schools... so yes, correlation doesn't imply causation.

People with IQ's >130 are fucking freaks statistically speaking. You get to some asymptote where IQ doesn't really confer any more advantages to someone in a 3D, human world. I personally think that point is somewhere in the high 120's, but idk. For these people IQ can end up becoming more of a handicap than an asset because very few people will be able to relate to them and their reproductive success will be negatively affected.

The most important feature to determine the success of a long term relationships is the equivalence of the partners IQ. I have the research about this somewhere if i find it i'll post it .

Have you ever read "Player Piano" by Vonnegut? It actually explores this idea kind of well.

IQ is irrelevant. I've been officialy tested with my IQ in low 80s, this doesn't stop me from making six figures and speaking 4 languages. If you let some number dictate what do you think you can and cannot do you're the real dumbass here.

I mean sure you can make good money as a grunt, that's not really the point though.


We need morons for cannon fodder.

but user... we don't use cannons anymore

quiet you!

or itll be front of the line for you.