Afternoon, Veeky Forumsizens. Which one should I read first? Also, What are you reading atm?

Afternoon, Veeky Forumsizens. Which one should I read first? Also, What are you reading atm?

>Those Pynchon editions

Top right one is "The little golden calf"(Gilded calf) and the other one is Notes from the Underground in case you can't tell.

the grapes of wrath

I think a chronological reading would make a lot of sense here. I'd just suggest to read Dostoevsky before Faulkner because of the influence and also Faulkner before the Pynchons to see the influence there. I've never heard of the golden calf so I cant help you there and Steinbeck was also heavily influenced by Faulkner so I think that chronological order makes a lot of sense

The Sound and the Fury is the best book there by far.

I'm reading As I Lay Dying right now

the where's waldo ones, throw the rest out

>that gr
Why didn't you get this one?


Yeah, I'm gonna need that edition of TSatF, famalamadingdong.

I love REDSPINES, I just bought the one I saw in Waterstones. If they had a different one, would have got a different one

Cheers, man. Will do that. In addition, I haven't read in Russian for a while so it is a nice way to mix it up.

I unironically think that 'V.' is the best book there, I'd say read it first, at the very least I would recommend reading it before Gravity's Rainbow.

The Sound and the Fury is the second book there. So maybe pick between V and TSatF

Really makes you look

Pic related, now gimme.

I like that book, but I prefer this one from the author.

>not Anna Karamazov



Notes from undergound is short. Readt that one first.


You got me pegged sadly, I have about 30 or so books that I keep pushing down my list of books to read each time I buy new one.


you have terrible taste

Not OP, that cover looks fucking amazing, but i have never seen it at any bookstore I've walked in, sounds kind of autistic but I really would like it in my shelf.