What is his endgame?

What is his endgame?

Reminding me of glamour shots of late 90s and early 2000s PC video game developers

i wish richard garriot would stop fucking hookers in his stupid larp castle/mansion thing in texas and put out a sick retro game

I fucking love this dude and how he's subbed to some obscure ass channels I'd never expect.

His endgame is to bring wisdom and Hegelianism and as a side effect anger issues to the whole populace of the world

To dictate to r/philosophy what the correct interpretation of Hegel is.

laughed IRL

I tried listening to his Heidegger lectures and they were shit.

I tried listening to his Neitzsche and Aristotle lectures and they were ok

>I tried listening to his Heidegger lectures and they were shit.
please expand on the issue

At least he's giving people an interpretation of Hegel. I mean the dude is at like 200 half hour videos and only fucking half way through the PoS. Ain't nobody except Hegel scholars and crazy wizards got the time to compare all the different interpretations.

How is his hegel series

Finishing the phenomenology of course.
I met him, great guy.

Boring everyone to tears.

I took a class on the Phenemenology once (we only made it half way through) so I think I can compare. I only watched one or two of the videos and he does a really good job breaking everything down for the viewer that isn't philosophically trained and there's little unecessary jargon. But obviously, something is getting lost if you break the ridiculous level of abstraction that Hegel is operating at down like that.

I mean really, there's no replacement for actually working through it and getting a bunch of headaches. But most people watching his series aren't going to (totally unterstandable) so it's fine at the end of the day.

I've only watched a few of his videos on the preface but he does a remarkably good job of making it digestible. As another user pointed out you probably lose something this way, but what's great is he doesn't impose an interpretation of the text. I really know fuck all about Hegel beyond the basics though so take what I say with a scoop of salt.

Becoming Penn Jillette.

Oh, he's definitely imposing an interpretation of the text just by the way he is communicating it. Hegel is similiar to Heidegger in that way, these texts are so dense, complex and idiosyncratic that any reading is going to be heavy on interpretation, it's impossible not to be interpretative. But like I said in a post above, it's fine, for non-wizards t's great even to just understand one interpretation of Hegel.

Perpetuating anglosphere dismissal of Kant in favor of voodoo dork with bad haircut.

I'm starting to think it's the translations fault desu. "Self imposed nonage" sounds retarded, I'd disdain Kant too.

I thought traditionally Anglos were hardcore Kantians and thought Hegel was a bunch of bollocks? I'm not an Anglo so i'm just going off what i've heard. In any case, I would argue that Hegel has suffered from bad translations much more than Kant since a lot more effort has been put into translating Kant.

Who is this guy?

Becoming Hegel