Tfw can't read more than 10 pages in one day without giving in to the desire to just watch anime and play video games...

>tfw can't read more than 10 pages in one day without giving in to the desire to just watch anime and play video games instead

how do I fix myself Veeky Forums?

You give up reading. You're not a reader, and you never were. It's not a bad thing; most people are not readers.

Just give up the pretense.

>tfw when you want to read Sons & Lovers but your dryer squeaks too loud and your gf is watching Once Upon a Time on full volume to try and combat the dryer

how the fuck can you watch mind numbing shit like anime? maybe some people are just born pseuds

After watching the reactions to the new Star Wars trailer I agree.

Also, why read if you don't even like it?

Tell me, OP. Why did you post this? Almost the exact same thread gets posted to Veeky Forums frequently. In addition to that, the situation you describe is so ridiculous that it severely impacts my ability to believe you.

Tell me, OP, is this something you actually struggle with, or do you simply want to see Veeky Forums's response?

step 1. Sell your game systems and tv. Nothing good has ever come from them.

step 2. Use the money to buy books

A week after doing this he will regret it. It's like a pig selling its sty to buy a chicken coop.

He's not a reader, so he should stop pretending to be one.

>implying exchanging methods of entertainment is equivalent to selling one's home
kys faggot. guy should read. it's not a fucking secret club.

It's not a secret club, but it is something someone has to like doing in order to do it.

How about this: it's like telling a hockey player to sell their skates and buy a baseball bat.

Reactions to new Star Wars??

What if I've only seen like 10 anime in my life and I'm 26?

I must be a fag huh..

Your addiction (yes, it is an addiction) to cheap entertainment is slowly frying the decision-making part of your brain, making you a slave to the cycle of pleasure.

The damage is reversible though. If you go back to reading you'll build that habit back up and find yourself concentrating more easily. It's just tough at first, which is why most people can't bring themselves to do it.

Just make the choice to not stop just because you want to do something else. I have episodic depression. Whenever I'm going into a depressive episode, one of the first symptoms is that I lose the ability to read or write for extended periods of time. I cant focus for more than half an hour or so, and I cant maintain interest. Whenever this starts happening, I eventually just have to force myself to spend a couple hours reading a few days in a row. No matter how slow it is. Thats the only way Ive found to override what the depression does to my brain. You have to just choose that you are going to spend x amount of time reading on a given day and stick to it. Eventually it will just start becoming easier and easier to do.

>addiction to cheap entertainment

If this is an "addiction" literally anything else ever that anyone has ever done is an addiction.

Help! I'm addicted to vacuuming my carpet!
Oh no! I'm addicted to breathing in air!!!

It is completely meaningless.

so glad to say I have never enjoyed, nor watched a single anime.

and I'm glad I hate video games, because it opened my eyes to books.

I discovered what I really liked about games was the combination of great music and a great story, and I get that same experience without games.

Reading is like exercising; you have to do it regularly.

Be quiet pseud the adults are talking

If someone felt an overwhelming urge to vacuum their carpet, to an extent that it interfered with other parts of their life, then yes, I would call that behavioral addiction. That's probably never happened (which is why your post is stupid) but it theoretically could.

And addiction isn't just a buzzword, it causes real and scientifically verifiable problems. It sounds like you only "believe" in substance addiction, but behavioral addictions like porn, games, internet, etc. have been shown to physically damage the structure of your prefrontal cortex, aka the part of your brain responsible for conscious decision-making. Any behavior can potentially cause this effect if it forces you into a feedback loop of cue > behavior > reward. Just look at gambling, wouldn't you say that's a real problem for a lot of people, even though it doesn't involve ingesting a foreign substance?

Try to reduce the amount of time you spend on videogames and anime. You shouldn't play vidyas/watch anime/browse the internet for more than 3 hours a day, and that's still a fuckton of time. At this stage your attention span is fucked up pretty badly, so don't try to read something complex and instead read something that is accessible and enjoyable (i don't mean something like Harry Potter), also you shouldn't read books that are too long: having a tangible proof of your progress (the book you read) helps you make more progress, reading shorter books helps in this regard. Also do something that requires going out: go to the gym, hang with your friends (if you have any).

If you don't actually enjoy reading books, you can skip the reading part. You shouldn't force yourself through a hobby you don't actually like. Same story if you do enjoy reading but don't enjoy a certain kind of books. That doesn't mean you should read garbage though, always try to read quality works.

Also don't forget to kys.

I forgot to mention that is gonna be rough at first, as quitting something that is both an addiction and a habit is kinda hard.

>tfw you can't bring yourself to read anything other that russian and post-modern american literature

Have you ever been a reader before? If not just find something you actually want to read and power through it. Just get yourself into the habit of doing it. If you can't do that then there is probably nothing for it and you will never make it.

Picking things up just because Veeky Forums recommends them and you just want to fit in might work when you have enough experience to know what you want, but if you are at the level where you are struggling with the mentally reading part of reading then you should just focus on finding something fun.

>an overwhelming urge

It has not been established that OP has this. It's just easier to play video games than it is to read. Meaning he is not a reader and surely doesn't have an addiction.

One doesn't have an addiction to Pepsi when they would rather drink it than Coke (which is why your post is stupid).

Not that guy, but op has clearly said that he feels an urge to play videogames and watch anime.

Can you read light novels & VNs? Use that as a start.

Also go watch more art films like Tarkovsky. Even if they put you to sleep, just pause and sleep and wake up and watch. Watch those art films until your attention becomes tailored to go beyond normal entertainment

So what? It's more than likely a path of least resistance than it is an "uncontrollable" urge.

For a board of readers, this place sure is dogshit when it comes to reading.

I think I must have something like this, but I haven't been diagnosed. Some days, something will seem very interesting to me, while on other days, it will seem very boring and I have trouble concentrating on it. I haven't noticed a pattern to it, though. Anyway, I'll try your advice to stay consistent with my reading.

As long as one of them was Cory in the House, then you are not a fag.

>tfw when i want to sleep every time i read
what do

Read before bedtime.

You cannot skip robocop either.

Read 11 pages today, 12 tomorrow, and 13 the day after. Keep on pushing it until you've built up the attention span which Spongebob Squarepants and Call of Duty robbed from you.

This. Don't let the assholes in this thread dissuade you from reading. No one comes out of the womb with a copy of Gravity's Rainbow. Sure, most of us read when we were younger, but even then, in school we had to power through books. I remember being assigned like 10 books over the summer for AP English and having to will myself through most of them.

People have this idea that if you have to work for a book, you're being pretentious or a pseud, and that's really not the case. Keep on reading, challenge yourself, and on top of that, I would recommend taking a month-long break from videogames (or at least weaning yourself down). Anime, I would cut down to one or two shows at a time, and make sure that it's stuff with good plot and writing, not the same moe crap that gets shoveled out every season.

better than weed lmao and video games lmao

If you're that much of a weeb might as well get something useful from depravation. I'm learning japanese and the discipline it requires actually help me a lot to read aside. Discipline can be applied to pretty much anything once you have some, so as others suggested you, maybe find something to do each day and read aside, even 5 pages will be good as long as you do something. It'll progress if you want it.

assuming this is the same poster kys
Reading takes patience and patience takes practice. Keep working at it OP don't let these sexless virgins get you down. I struggle the same way because of ADD and im getting better at a slow rate

Read something you want to read instead of meme books.