Good books on mental illness? Can be fiction, non-fiction, whatever. Pic related

Good books on mental illness? Can be fiction, non-fiction, whatever. Pic related

Girl, Interrupted

also inb4 my diary desu

zeno's conscience,
anatomy of melancholy,
iunno, stuff by freud?

my wife hat

the atrocity exhibition

The Stranger

Metamorphosis is the best story of a shut in neet living with his family I've ever read

my diary desu

You already posted it.

It's a masterpiece.

It's one of the most amazing works I've read yet I hesitate to call it a masterpiece given that it wasn't written for literary purposes

the bible XD

Kafka - The trail

protip: he never left his room, he just imagined being arrested and everything that happened after

Authorial intent... are we in 60s?

Dark Spring - Unica Zurn
The Fatal Bodice - Alina Reyes
Pilgrim - Timothy Findley
My Diary - Desu

He wasn't a shut-in NEET though. He had a job.

I'm reading this now and it's really good. Gold mine of Further Reading.

(first time I bought a book that I found on Google Books after Googling text... will do again...)



Written by the lead singer of Throwing Muses, who hallucinates due to a head injury as a teen.

This. It's not supposed to be taken literally. It was all in his neural ganglions.

Karinthy Frigyes - Journey Around My Head. Not really mental illness as much as neurologic damage due to a brain tumour. Pretty good writing for a guy with a tumour in his head, désü.

regardless of intent it's difficult ascribe to it the necessary aesthetic values for which a declaration of masterpiece status can be made (masterpiece of *what?*). certainly one can read it as if it were penned as a novel, as art, but we would lose out on some of the psychological richness of the book in doing so imo


Was Artaud cuckoo in the head?

infinitejest is basically being inside dfw warped mind

The Noonday Demon.