Any med fags here? I've had a pilonidal cyst for years and sometimes it's worse than others

Any med fags here? I've had a pilonidal cyst for years and sometimes it's worse than others.

I could get it removed but I don't like the changes for reoccurance. Also you get an ugly scar and the only real way is to have someone slice up the tissue around your ass and pack it with gauze No thank you!

I want to try an alternative treatment. I was thinking of using some kind of suction pump like dem muslims use for 'cleaning the blood' If I get a small one like one of those nipple pumps and put in on the cyst with a small incision do you think I can suck it out? Any percausions? What do you guys think? If it works can I get money for the technique?

Buy a syringe and suc c it out as best you can I guess dude? Or cut it and do the cup thing if that floats your boat. Just be sure to STERILIZE YOUR SHIT and then clean/cover the wound because getting an infection near your ass/spine is real bad.

you need to clean your ass right dude before you invent some bullshit. go to the doctor stop being a pussy

Google: bascom method
I had my pilonidal removed this way and was back at the gym in 3 weeks

Good lord i'm glad i live in a developed country

I had one for years, had surgery twice. The second the time it was gone forever, but it left this massive, and I mean truly massive, scar tissue right in the middle of my ass cheeks.
Maybe you can try a steroid cream and see if it just closes by itself.
Ironically, living in a developed country increases your risk of getting a pilodinal cyst, not to mention all kinds of allergies and autoimmune diseases, diabetes etc.

get a pair of pliers and pop it.


You need to learn2wipe

Lol you don't get it from not wipping, who the fuck gets shit that far up their asscrack unless you get a complete blowout up your back.

It's genetic, I have a very hairy ass and it's caused by ingrown hairs. Even shaving and keeping the area clean can just cause more ingrown hairs.

Im not saying you dont wipe, i'm saying that i can just go to a doctor and get it fixed for free, instead of
>using some kind of suction pump like dem muslims use for 'cleaning the blood (wtf btw?)
or any other DUI shit.

Option one is
>go to the doctor
>get shit done
>yeah, you might get a scar

or option 2
>somehow find the right shit
>i assume you want some pain relief/anesthetic?
>cut into my own back/insert some kind of tool while using a mirror, close to your back?
>hope to dear god it dont get infected
>unless its removed, you will probably have to re-do whatever you did in a few years anyway

Do you by any chance fix your own teeth as well?

Always wondered about those shows where people come on and go "Yeah, i've had this 40 pound cyst on my ball these last 10 years, but i've been putting it of for (insert strange reason here). Lucky that you came through my village with the medical bus and film crew!

Its not strange to live in poverty user. Not everyone has been equally lucky in this life.

Poverty isn't an excuse for doing shoddy surgery on yourself.

Well i mean..i can understand it if thats the case.

Sure, but it is an excuse for the people in 's comment.

Just thinking about this is why US is like a 3rd world country.

>or any other DUI shit.
Randyman what we have here is a shit cysts...

I have this pimple too

I have one too but most of the time I can't even feel it. It's just a slight bump on my tailbone. Sometimes it gets irritated and will hurt but that's really pretty rare.

I've thought about going to the doctor for it but yeah the procedure sounds pretty extreme for something that causes me no issues like 90% of the time.

Is this true?I wipe until there is no shit left and often times I will even shower after I shit and lightly rinse with soap and water. I have also started recently using ass wipes. My ass however is also extremely hairy and I have one of those damned cysts.

>it's caused by ingrown hairs.
Can you not just put some tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar on it in between applications of benzoyl peroxide?

Can it not go away naturally if I just lose weight and eat healthy or should I not leave it? If i'm honest I don't even know if I have it, but I do have a bump around that area that goes away very fast, but comes back like once every 2 months.


I got those a couple of times. For me, they always got to the point where they nearly burst on their own. Nothing ad satistfying as squeezing one.

Well I'm fucking scared they are gonna tell me to go into a surgery and fucking cut all of my ass skin off and cut deep into my ass area.

No they fucking won't. It's a tiny cyst right below the skin, right? The most invasive thing they would do is cut it out. For that they just use a tiny needle for numbing and a tiny scalple to cut the skin.

Oh lol... I watched a video with a guy doing the bascom method and I wanted to puke. Well, now I'm not that worried, any clue if it reappears?

It can reappear. When the remove it, they try to cut away the whole capsule to reduce the chance it comes back.

Hmm that sucks. Guess that's what I get for being a fat slob. Well I'll go see a doctor soonish then, like in 3 months, and see if they can fix it up for me. Thank you very much for the help bud.

don't shave; get it waxed. There are other more permanent ways (namely cosmetic surgery) to prevent any hair from growing there in the first place

I am skinnyfat with not much hair and I have the pimple. it not purulent, but more like a blackhead once it matures, then it comes back. I saw a tv doc about the surgery to remove the thing. You get a big hole where the cyst was, then a nurse comes each day to clean the area and you live on the tummy for 2 weeks.
then the cyst comes back hahahahahaha

how much of an idiot do you need to be to care about a quarter inch incision scar in between your ass cheecks jfc the absolute state of modern people

You can also just SAY NO. like just go, they’re not gonna trap you in the office and forcibly remove your ass cyst

Also this