Can... can any biologists tell me what the fuck kind of mold this is

can... can any biologists tell me what the fuck kind of mold this is

what the fuck

I can't tell just by looking at it, but my God that's bad

burn it, burn it all down.

It's the kind that gives you AIDs if you get near it. Sorry OP :(

i wish you could smell it

Did it come from a 3 year old pasty ?

month old tomato sauce pasta from the cheesecake factory

>the cheesecake factory
Jesus fucking Christ, you asked for this.

yeah i went to the cheesecake factory ironically for thanksgiving. not kidding. i know i deserve what happened

eat it

it is already in the trash i am sorry. it smells so bad

Moar pics OP

>unironically doing things ironically in 2017
That is so 2016. In 2017 you were supposed to unironically not do things that you would have done ironically. But I guess that doesn't matter, 2018 is the year of ironically doing unironically things that you would have done ironically.

dude i just want to know what this mad fuzz is called lets not get too deep

You already got the answer. Impossible to tell just by looking. If you weren't a pussy you would have no thrown it in the trash an instead kept it to test it yourself. There are books on this stuff. Even taking a small sample would be enough, you just need to run tests on it. So why don't you get going and tell us if you find the newest strain of AIDS and then we can all file a class action lawsuit against the cheesecake factory for giving you AIDS.

you're kind of intense my dude

The only way to be sure is to taste it.

>month old tomato sauce pasta from the cheesecake factory
Did you leave it sitting in a windowsill? I've got leftovers in my fridge MONTHS older than that and they're not anywhere near as fucking grungy as that.

probably some sort of rhizopus.

It looks more like Mushroom Mycelium than normal mold. Plant it in a bucket of dirt and keep it warm and moist to see what happens. It's for science, you know!

It's impossible telling without a rigorous taxonomic analysis... It could be deed of a vastitude of genus.

Of genera, you mean.