I got a B in Calculus I with Analytical Geometry...

I got a B in Calculus I with Analytical Geometry. I reviewed my errors on my exams and understand where I went wrong immediately.

How fucked am I for Calculus II?

I had a c in Calc 1 and an a in Calc 2.
Calc 2 is just an introduction to Calc 3 and Calc 4. It's an entirely different beast. Just keep your head down and you'll be ok.

I honestly did better in cal 2 than in cal 1. I don't want to say the classes have nothing to do with each other, but they're two different types of thinking. Cal 1 is differentiation and basic integration and their applications whereas cal 2 is different integration techniques and series.

If you truly understand where you went wrong immediately and it's not fake understanding, then it means you know the material and with practice you could easily get 100%. You're the opposite of fucked for calculus II

i cant remember the last time i took a riemann integral of anything.
put the work in and you'll be good. If you understand the fundamentals then you'll realize Calc 2 is just plug and chug garbo. Marchese at CCNY has a decent lecture series online with the usual integration memes. Prep a bit before the semester begins.

Personally, I thought calc 2 was the easiest of the calc series. The majority of the class covers methods of integration and series, which require almost no visualization. Most of the class can be done with formula memorization and algebra.


calc 1 is one variable and calc 2 is multivariable right?
in that case, I did calc 2 better
I found it easier to visualize what integrals, limits etc actually are when they were in 2 and 3 dimensions
we also learned linear algebra in the same semester and they tried to tie them together which actually helped


its ok user. Just try twice as hard next semester

How exactly are the mathematics/calculus courses broken up in the US?

i got a U (so shit they didn't consider giving it a grade) the first time i did a basic calculus exam.

then i took growth hormones for brainlets (it's called 'hard work', would recommend) and managed to get 100% in the same exam and 90+% on the UK equivalents of Calculus I and II.

You're in a better position than me and you know your weaknesses.

>i got a U
Holy shit nigga. I got an A in AS and a D in A2 and I wasn't even trying.

What uni do you go to that calc I is called that?

UBV: University of Brainletsville

I am sorry you attend a brainlet uni to know that.

>How fucked am I for Calculus II?
Not at all. Just practice in exam conditions.

Get past paper. Sit in place like exam room. Have someone else supervise and time keep (including a pre-set start time). Make it as realistic as possible.

Also gives you good feedback during term how you are going.

>calc 4
How do identify a brainlet university in 2 words

>How do identify a brainlet university in 2 words
>How do identify
>How do
How to identify a brainlet from a single sentence

Calc4 is differential equations and matrix math, different unis call it different things

>matrix math
How do identify a brainlet university in 2 words

You didn't do matrix/basic linear algebra in calc 3? Calc 3 is trash without linalg. Did you even do change of bases and 3D parameterizing and all that juicy, actually applicable, stuff?

Some schools split the calculus sequence up into four semesters of three hours instead of three semesters of 4-5 hours