Only read philosophy, hard sci-fi and religious texts

>only read philosophy, hard sci-fi and religious texts
>only drink water and lemon juice
>only eat bread, fruits, vegetables and dirt
>don't consume illicit drugs
>walk seven miles each day (same route)
>haven't verbalized since January 1st
>only communicate via anonymous online forums, pseudonyms and written notes (to cashiers etc)
>no longer responsive to attempts at inter-personal verbal communication
>only wear black
>avoid onanism and thoughts that may encourage it
>avoid looking at women online and in public
>transcended duty to family, society and species
>no longer identify with a consistent Self
>capable of rationally articulating the inferiority of women and non-whites
>hacked my subjective value system and no longer feel external pressure to conform
>transcended feelings of shame and guilt
>avoid salaried employment
>avoid pursuit of fame, social validity and sexual conquest
>spent most of my conscious hours staring silently across the barren field out back
>awakened to the fact that solipsism is the basis for existential perfection
>calmly awaiting VR technology capable of allowing complete immersion into a self-produced server-like "reality"

Have I made it Veeky Forums? Is this it? I feel like I've completed the GTA-esque game of life and now I'm just drifting around San Andreas with nothing further to accomplish.

Any books on this issue?

Try again after you've dropped scifi.

Nope. Reset and try again.

Wow OP, I mean...are you for real? I've honestly never come across someone who was so enlightened and forward-thinking. I bet you are used to being described as an "old soul", huh? It's a compliment, I mean it. There aren't many like you out there. I bet you feel *very* isolated at times (to put it mildly), I really hope you know that there many of us out here who literally admire people like you who can see through the "web of lies" that governs so much of our world. Kudos to you dude, seriously. What you're doing isn't easy.

>I feel like I've completed the GTA-esque game of life and now I'm just drifting around San Andreas with nothing further to accomplish
It was worthwhile to read this thread all the way through. Thank you, OP.


Seriously OP keep it up. Holy heck I thought all the great philosophers were long gone, but then I sign in to Veeky Forums you are. Wow. Truly.

Why the pick of Russell tho?

Awesome thread. Here's a little bump to keep it top of the page ;)

But seriously, until I read your post I was just another mindless pack animal trudging through life sustained by shallow contentment and bound to a hollow ideology. Now I can happily announce that I am also on my own journey to enlightenment. It may take me longer to reach there than most, but one day I hope to see the world the same way you do. right now I'm unprepared and under-qualified. But soon, mark my words, I will be able to read your post again knowing that I too am worthy of your presence.

OP do you have a patreon? I, and so many others here, would totally donate if you do. I'd give my life for you bro.

Dude. I just had an idea. Run for office. I mean it. Who's with me on this? Guys, seriously.

Heck yeah. Do it OP!


You got this bro.

After spending a few minutes here I can easily say that all of are lacking of any wit or intelligence whatsoever. You all believe yourselves to be better than everyone else, and I can tell you right now, that that is not the case in the slightest, you pseudo-intellectuals. I am much better than all of you. Clearly I am because I am neither pretentious, long-winded, asinine, discourteous, nor are my tastes quite as bland as yours. No, I am quite concise, and I would never stretch beyond that of my means or what I am designated to.
I'd have to say that this board is full of anonymous lurkers, attackers, and trolls, who have nothing better to do than throw their elitist opinions around in an attempt at misguided show-boating with people they'd never ever meet.
None of you build any persona or stand by anything remotely attached that I can feel some sort of personal connection to. You lack any sort of direction and I can't have that. You're analogies are far too complicated, linear, and they're rather contradictory. Why, there's never even any variety here!
I give this image board, masquerading as a message board, a 1/10.

OP samefagging. Leave this board please.

How can a lowly being such as I even exist on in the same reality as OP? Just through his post the shine of his divine essence blinds me. OP made me truly feel. Perhaps rage, perhaps envy, perhaps love? I can not tell. All I know is that I have no place on such an earth. As I sink back into the dusty abyss from which I came I cry out to the world. With tears of joy and bitter defeat I cry: "World rejoice, for the Übermensch is finally here." I beg of you, fellow forlorn souls without place and purpose, make way for mankinds saviour. Let him take his rightful throne.

"I've never wanted to join a Cult until now"

>16 replies
>7 posters
Fuck off and die, samefagging cretin.

Include me in the screencap please. I need this.

OP, if you're still here. Just go for it dude. We've got you are back on this one.

This so much.

Why do people get so het-up over caffeine
It's not that big a deal


Bro we got this. OP, jeez dude. What can I say? You're one in a million dude. Please, please write a book if you haven't already. Now THAT is something I want do read.

10 / 10

Can I link this page on my blog?

Did you just upload a pick of some schmuck with a pipe in his mouth?
Bro simmer down on encouraging that nicotine hedonism, 6/10.

I'm dying

You are an inspiration to all of Veeky Forums. I screencapped your post OP and have made it my screensaver so everyday I am remembered by your greatness.

whenever i see a faggot with a pipe i just figure he must be an analytic doofus

Best thread of 2017 confirmed.

Kill yourself fucking piece of shit complying with mass.


I like gta 3