I bought this on impulse.. did I pleb out Veeky Forums?

I bought this on impulse.. did I pleb out Veeky Forums?

Every book is worth a read, even if you hate it.


Sam Harris is at his best rationally deconstructing current events. When he gets into new-atheism-as-new-age-dogma i turn him off.

Breh.. I saw a vid if him on big think about the illusion of self and another on psychedelics. Everything he says seems coherent and clear..

I gifted it to my mother. If it's good enough to gift it to her, it's good enough for you. It's quite accessible and I say that as a compliment. He's a writes very clearly. If you're well read in philosophy and the history of science, it'll feel a bit redundant.

He is a meme figure, but who isn't here. Read it and report back with another thread.

Have you read it?



Harris is an eloquent moron. The only thing worse than his limp attempts at philosophy and dogmatic scientism is his support for Western imperialism

what about mine kampf, u fucking nazi??

please stop posting

>rationally deconstructing current events
when has he ever done this? I'm genuinely looking for an example of his no doubt thoughtful analysis.

yes, I did. Once he gets over the meme anti-deist stuff, his epistemological questions are worthy of a read.
are you saying he claims that the scientific method makes epistemology a futile discipline?

Would you read the bible?

Just look at his podcasts.

if I am to look there you must guarantee me I will find rational analysis of current events, not obstinate gibbering and a constant insistence to defer to absurd hypothetical situations.

His scientism kicks in when he claims science can provide an ethical code

Yes. Big time.

Gay af

I've noticed that one thing liberals and the alt-light can agree on is hating Sam Harris. Who else manages to do this?

Why do they hate on him?

If you mean liberals, He never defends islam against criticism and called it "the mother of all bad ideas" once
If you mean alt-lighters, because he always rips on Trump

ethical code, yes. refute moral relativism, no.