Coffee shop tells me I can't have cream unless I buy a coffee

>coffee shop tells me I can't have cream unless I buy a coffee

Good thread.

Did you buy anything else?


kys then

what do they care the cream is free

Then go to their supplier for it.

are you homeless?
also the cream is free for customers not bums

Ask for water with cream next time.

It's a courtesy. It's not free but they still give it for free to their paying customers mostly because charging them for it would be too much of a hassle. Being homeless sounds fucking horrible.

Just walk in like you're in a hurry and slightly annoyed and say you're girlfriend/boyfriend got a few coffees but you forgot cream.

>not taking cream with your complimentary water

Guess OP and I are the only smart ones in the thread.

Oh yes, just mention your genderfluid girlfriend/boyfriend and they'll shut up, for fear of getting sued for hatespeech. the puurfect crime.

I just laughed audibly.
"Oh sorry, but xir forgot to get some cream for us". It's a coffee shop, they'll know what you're talking about.

You can walk into starbucks and ask for a cup of water and drink the water and then pour yourself the entire jar of whole milk from their condiment bar into your cup and walk out.

They're not gonna stop you, and you need the calories, right?

I don't need a whole cup I only need enough for my tea.

You're not a homeless?
What the fuck are you doing begging for milk?

I need cream for my tea.

tea shouldn't take cream

You brought tea to a coffee shop with the expectation that they would give you free cream to put in it?

I don't need the third degree from you memers I'm not on trial here.

>can I have a water with room for cream

Buy tea from the coffeeshop in the future.

>buy their crappy tea

my tea is better

If you are putting cream in it then you are ruining it either way so what is the difference?

Buy your own cream

how am I supposed to carry cream around

just stop at one of the million cream stations in the city

This thread is fucking wonderful, but OP you're scaring the shit out of me.

I'll give u some cream

>how am I supposed to carry cream around
In a small plastic container. What are you, stupid?

kek i know that in every way this is just a stupid meme bait thread gone wrong and yet i'm still laughing my ass off here

>coffee shop tells me I can't distribute communist literature on their premises

I can't justify buying cream because I don't drink enough of it before it goes bad it would be a huge waste and even if I did have cream I would have to carry it around all day and I'm already carrying my thermos and tea mug and the cream would just get warm plus that's not even getting into that I also need sugar

they sell cream in small amounts you dingus plus if you go to any diner you can just pocket a few of their cream in plastic containers and carry those around

>Anons struggle on the quest for cream

>Have favourite cafe
>Know two of the waitresses through friends
>Know they used to be prostitutes
>They know that I know
>Break all the rules for me
>They think I'll tell their boss
>Actually don't judge them for sex work, just like getting fresh muffins instead of whatever they have left on the shelf

>coffee shop tells me they won't pay me unless I get a job

Such a milky problem for a tea drinker. Are you so wealthy that you feel like everything is a birthright? Excellent bait creambro

>I don't need the third degree

Burn it down.

>3rd degree

Were we to compose an actual jury, you would surely hang.

I literally have a co-worker that keeps to massive boxes of coffee creamer mini cups in the trunk of his car.

Kind of a creepy dude tho.

Don't blog about being a pennypinching faggot on Veeky Forums then

I have worked at a coffee shop without getting payed for it. I did it because my friend was working there and I wanted to spend some time with her. She wasn't getting payed either. At the time the owner was away and one of her friends was running the place. She also wasn't getting payed. I just assumed it was normal to not get paid in coffee shops.

Oh look, it's another "user pretends to break a social taboo without being aware of it" episode. Yawn.

>No, get out of my store

Somehow it's not unbelievable that you and your friends managed to work at a coffee shop without getting paid.

How do you know it wasn't a coffee shop on a ship? Not everything is about money you hook nosed scheming ferengi

>cow won't let me suck creamy titty even though it lets the calf do it for FREE

no, my tea is better