Fascism was an attempt of the bourgeois economy to defend itself, in extremis...

>Fascism was an attempt of the bourgeois economy to defend itself, in extremis, from the dual threat ofcrisisand proletarian subversion; itwas a state of siegein capitalist society,away forthatsociety tosurvivethrough theadministrationofanemergencydose ofrationalization in theformofmassive
State intervention in its management. Such rationalization, however, inevitably bore the stamp of theimmenselyirrationalnature of themeans whereby itwas imposed.Even thoughfascismcameto
the aid of the chief icons (the family, private property, the moral order, the nation) of a bourgeois order that was by now conservative, and effectively mobilized both the petty bourgeoisie and unemployed workers panicstricken because of the crisis or disillusioned by the impotence of revolutionary socialism, it was not itself fundamentally ideological in character. Fascism presented itself for what it was a violent resurrection of myth calling for participation in a community defined by archaic pseudovalues: race, blood, leader. Fascism is a cult of the archaic completely fitted out by modern technology. Its degenerate ersatz of myth has been revived in the spectacular contextofthemostmodernmeansofconditionigand illusion.Itisthusonefactor intheformation
of the modern spectacle, as well as being, thanks to its part in the destruction of the old workers'
movement, one of the founding forces of presentday society. But inasmuch as fascism happens also tobethecostliestmethodofmaintainingthecapitalistorder, itwas normal enoughthatitshouldbe dislodged by more rational and stronger forms of this order that it should leave the front of the stagetothelead players, namelythe capitalist States.

Is there any nationalist perspective still worth acknowledging?

This was painful to read. Word spacing, maybe?

He probably pasted from a scanned pdf. It tends to come out like that. Pro tip: try to find a better version. Usually the smaller the size, the better it is.

where is this from

probably society of the spectacle

Have you read de Benoist? His Nationalism is inspired more by Debord than fascist corporatism

This is what happens when you live in a neo-messianic Jewish money cult. You cannot live outside your own autistic end of history heaven on earth bullshit, and every political perspective counter to your own is just a conspiracy by 'class enemies' to put you down. Go ask a fascist or nationalist what their ideology entails and is based in, rather than zealot Marxist academics who are in no way at all biased against it because it appeals to working class people who they think are their monopoly.

nationalism is for autists and poor people.

Nationalists btfo


>Fascism is capitalism because I don't like either of them
Dumbest argument I have to hear on a daily basis.

Marxism is literally an outsiders attempt to undo a society, to use the underclass (uneducated who don't know better) against the society with promises of power (when revolution happened guess what the unfortunate/uneducated end up on the bottom again)

>everything is reducible to marxist economics

>fascism isn't capitalist.
Are you retarded?

I never realized Trump had such great dick sucking lips

Why did it make capitalists so nervous in Italy and Germany?

they honestly make me hot everytime

>citation needed

I think the night of the long knives probably put them at ease.

are you not?

Nice argument retard.

Totalitarianism doesn't exactly make for a good free market. That said, saying that fascism or Nazism is identical to Marxism/Stalinism is also thunderously retarded.

It's still capitalist and there are places like China/Singapore. I know you're not one of them but these nu-fascists co-opting radical left rhetoric to the point where they claim to be getting rid of capitalism? That's fucking retarded shit.

But thats wrong

Were the victims not fascists themselves? Does anyone really believe Hitler was the epitome of Fascism?


You understand you could have white nationalism and communism, right?

Fucking dumbass.

China and Singapore aren't fascist and China isn't capitalist.

Yeah, that'll show those racist Democrats.
Jeb 2020!

capital, even as defined by smith not marx, would still apply in all these systems because they did not cross into some nonmaterialist dimension by changing their political or economic stance. you literally do not know what one of your favourite words mean

The passing from the gold standard to fiat currency crosses into a nonmaterialist dimension

/pol/ go