What exactly is that "vomit" flavor in fermented foods?

What exactly is that "vomit" flavor in fermented foods?

I taste it all the time in cheese and beer (not all though).

Are people truly unable to taste this, just pretending they don't, or are they so impressionable that other people's elitism deludes themselves into thinking it tastes good?

i only taste the vomit flavor after 20 beers

I literally don't know what you're talking about. Are you sure it's not just a personal aversion to some particular element of taste commonly found in fermented items?

Butyric acid.

sucks to be you my nigga, literally have no idea what you're talking about. you're probably one of them motherfuckers who don't like cilantro

I like cilantro, though

I think this might be it.

Fermentation produces acid

well if you like cilantro, you're alright in my books.

i'm afraid to have a beer in case it tastes like vomit now, you've planted the seeds

The only thing I ate that had cum flavor was a Hershey's Chocolate bar but personally I think it's kinda good.

Dead, sometimes alive bacteria. I don't get it in beer, but I understand the cheese thing.

Helps to be full of pizza when you vomit. Pizza vomit is the best vomit flavor imo.


I don't know about beer and cheese, but it definitely appears in some whiskys. I can't stand Balvenie, or Monkey Shoulder, or even Springbank, because what other people describe as a "sour" note tastes like straight vomit to me.

I taste it in cheese, never in beer before. Seeing a large wheel of cheese honstly puts a bad taste in my mouth like OP.

Butyric Acid. Most people aren't that sensitive to it, but it's the same "flavor" present in vomit in much higher quantities.

I dunno, my vomit tastes like iron and tomatoes

Arby's curly fries and jomocha shake have a vomit quality

It's only in stuff like peroni nastro azzuro beer, parmesan or pecorino cheese, some wines etc;

I don't know what it is but it's not that bad really, I'd say probably some kind of food acid due to the stomachy flavour.

>you're probably one of them motherfuckers who don't like cilantro
Fuck you nigger, that shit is literally inedible for me, I didn't choose to have these tastebuds

beer and cheese are delish
cilantro is for spics

Look up how those things are made, It is literally the fart gasses from bacteria eating through the cheese and farts from yeast making alcohol and C02 in the beer.

I'm pretty sure it's elitist bullshit. I notice a lot of people think they're the shit for eating vomit cheese off of stale bread


farts are my fetish

Pickling food is fermenting right?
What are some cheap/goodstuff to pickle?

Wow, do Americans really put this in chocolate? Disgusting folks

It's probably your breath because you never brush your teeth. I bet your tongue is yellow.

No idea what you are talking about.

The only odd taste about food that I taste is a disgusting irony taste in meats.

No, brining is fermenting.

Youre gonna have to be specific because the only vomit flavor I know is a tongue burning sour acid and I know I dont willingly eat that shit without knowing.

So cheese... is brapcake?

Shut your whore mouth!

Your body is telling you that you shouldn't be eating this stuff because it is not good for you.

tastes can change dramatically.
when i was younger, i would get the vomit smell and taste from blue vein cheese, so i was disgusted by it any couldn't understand how it was enjoyable.
then i got older and discovered i really enjoy it, along with anchovies and beer

T. Flawed genes
T. Flawed taste buds
T. Flawed human

This has to be bait right? No one can be this autistic, can they?

pickling is curing

So this is the latest brand of cheese with this shitty flavor, which inspired me to make this thread. I tried googling reviews, but they were all positive.

I've also tasted it all the time in cheese from Trickling Springs Creamery, I never get cheese from there anymore.

I've also tasted it in several popular hard ciders and beers, but can't remember with brands.

>goat cheese fidget spinner

technically that's literally how they separate the cream from the skim


What about butter?

I may have tasted a very slight hint of it in some butter before, but generally it's completely absent from butter.

Mrs made tomato sauce from our garden tomatoes; she threw a rind of Reggiano in for flavor.
That ' this'll give me heartburn' taste right off the bat.


I've actually never noticed it in parmesan cheese.

its just PROBIOTICS man

i taste vomit very heavily in one of my favorite cheeses: brillat-savarin. sometimes, if i forgo a shower over a weekend, my hair smells like it.

i dunno, opie, i like it. i also like how my balls smell like sourdough after a good sweat.

Tried that once. Maybe I got a bad batch. Was strong in a bad way.

if it had a sharp, ammonia (you know, high pH cleaning solution) smell/taste, your cheesemonger should an hero. brie—and other cheeses with bloomy rinds—get that ammonia funk when it's been wrapped in tight plastic film for too long.

of course, if you mean that it had a very strong acidic taste (like vomit), then it was probably a fine batch—some people are just drawn to the flavor.

I love it when my taint starts to smell like tacos.

I taste it in goat's cheese especially. Another flavour I struggle with is matcha flavoured stuff, especially that new green tea Starbucks frappuccino drink. I think it tastes like fish but none of my friends believe me.

Brillat-Savarin must be spinning in his grave at the thought of a pasteurized cheese being sold under his name

some fermented food tastes a little bit like vomit, most fried food smells like farts, milk chocolate has a distinct spoiled milk flavor, mayo is just oil and salt.
But its still good, i guess if you grew up having very little cheese or just having american slices then real cheese will taste like shit or at the very least be very hard to get used to because you are eating a strange bizzare thing thats completely different from the rest of your diet

Hardwired spoiled food detector in our taste buds i'd assume. These things aren't designed well enough to differentiate between harmless/harmful bacteria

No, fermenting is fermenting

Yep, this is also a common off-flavour in beer

the term your looking for is 'rancid' i am also sensitive to the flavor, mainly because i dont smoke or anything that has ruined my tastebuds

ive had wine a handful of times but i just cant stand it because of the rancid flavor

(that's what fermenting is, shit goin rancid)

I literally got drunk ate pizza and barfed it up into the toilet last night. Absolutely 100% true story.