Fuck my shit up senpai I have been hand whisking for an hour

Fuck my shit up senpai I have been hand whisking for an hour

with a fucking fork?

Is it a milk product? Does it have carrageenan in it?

its baby chicken thats for baby cows or some other bullshit

>its baby chicken thats for baby cows or some other bullshit


egg whites, i thought you where telling me i was going to get cancer for consumong milk

Use a whisk. A real whisk.

Use a whisk retard.

i dont have ojne
i have an automatic thing wich is half broken and missing the whisk attachment, im going to try to fabricate a whisk attachment using a plastic spoon

Get some some thick wires and fix them up into a whisk shape by attaching them to a stick
Should be better than whatever the fuck you're using now.

I'm a good dman genius

Lel, not bad user. Post end result.

op, how much cream of tartar did you use? that's probably why they aren't whipping up.

its taking a while and making my hands super sticky

use a whisk you stupid fuck

so i made a fucking mess, got nothing out of it and ended up throwing everything to the garbage but thats life, thats fucking life for me, every time i want something nice

It's because you're the kind of retard that tries to whisk egg whites to soft peaks with a fork

Were you even using a whisking motion?

You've got to beat air into it, not just stir vigorously.

You can make a whisk out of just about anything thin. They work because they are thin and whip through the egg dragging air behind. Big things like spoons can't do it.

i need a fresh start in life
how do i into reincarnation?

Toaster in the bathtub should work

Why destroy your body slaving away in the kitchen when you can just chuck this in the microwave for two minutes?