Are humans the only creatures who can act irrationally, intentionally?

Are humans the only creatures who can act irrationally, intentionally?

Animals act irrationally all the time.

Humans intentionally act irrational?

I said intentionally dumbass. Animals don't intentionally pick the wrong thing to do. They think they are picking the right thing every time. According to what I have seen.

No. Crows are known to "thrill seek" for their own amusement. Clearly risking your life to tease a predator capable of killing you is intentionally irrational to some extent.

Dogs and Dolphins attempt to rape humans and objects


that's irrational?

The answer is, "Yes."

Define "intentionally".

But that's rational to them, that's fun, they don't actually account for possibly dying, they're too dumb
They are horny and think it's right

Are you mentally retarded or something?

>Intentionally being a jerk

I swear, this board is full of retards.

Not him, but that's the right question to ask here.
That you think it's obvious what it means isn't because it's clearly defined. Just the opposite. "Intentional" is a very poorly defined notion that could map to a lot of different interpretations. It's the words that seem the most obvious to us that we tend to have the least rigorous definitions because we take the for granted and don't think about them much.

Don't swear please, it makes you look stupid.

>human acts intentionally irrationally
>durr they were just stupid and thought at the moment it was the rational thing to do in their situation for whatever reason

You could go out and do something irrational right now. Right?

I mean, we can act irrationally because we know what "the rational thing to do" is.

No, clearly it wouldn't be irrational, for I'd be trying to prove something, which is very rational behaviour.

If you believe nonhumans can't act intentionally at all then of course you fucking retard

I think we should define "Intentional and rationally"

Knowing that bombing a school of children is logically inefficient and impedes progress but instead going with your emotional status is intentionally picking the irrational answer. And many times emotions are stable and people still pick the wrong decision in spite of logic. Whether they have a valid reason or not, they KNOW they picked the wrong answer.

Sorry. Intentionally as in willing the specific decision knowing it's negative or positive ramifications.
Yet your right here you goop brained fuck.

Non humans don't anticipate or contemplate decisions you stupid fuck, they respond to stimuli instantaneously and learn off memory, stupid fuck.

Then they're not picking the wrong thing intentionally, they're just bombing the school, they probably didn't think about impeding progress.

>they're just bombing the school
Exactly they're just acting irrationally when they do know in fact that it will worsen circumstances, every decision is moral even the logical ones. That's why science is considered truth to most people. Even though all this time, all information could have been intentionally deceitful

This word "irrational" is dishonest namecalling. A madman, hallucinating bugs all over his skin, is acting with computer-worthy logic in trying to scratch them off. His problem is data, not rationality.

you're tremendously stupid

>no u sthupid
good one fagit

thats not the same, we can prove that guys brain is jeopardized, im talking about people who are medically normal, dumbfuck

>implying humans can act irrationally intentionally.

>implying humans can act rationally intentionally.

Prove that humans can intentionally behave irrationally. At least give an example.

How many examples do you need to prove that humans can intentionally choose against their inner logic AND emotion.


>intentionally irrational

as in work against an understood better decision, yes, what is wrong with this pseud fucking hive

A desire to be contrary (or any desire, really) can override other factors if it's strong enough.

basically humans can act arbitrarily as oppose to animals which respond to stimuli

Primates and Crows have been proven to be able to plan ahead, bringing tools with them to places where they know they're going to need them.
One instance of this was an Orangutan who had food hung outside his pen just out of reach, he was given a hook to grab it with.

The next day he anticipated the food would be there again and anticipated he'd need the hook, taking it with him to investigate, as opposed to investigating first and then retrieving the hook.

We drink alcohol.