Convince me that the Earth is a ball, Veeky Forums. This is not a troll thread...

Convince me that the Earth is a ball, Veeky Forums. This is not a troll thread. I genuinely believe we live on a flat plane and there are too many inconsistencies to explain how our world could possibly be anything else.

Lunar eclipses.

u know there's a thing called gravity?

Things fall downward when they're dropped. We don't need some special theory to explain that. It's basic logic that any kid understands. Until you can explain to me, rationally, why objects would be able to stick to the underside of a giant ball, I won't accept that as a valid explanation.

and if earth is flat why not try find the edge?

gotta look super edgy to selfie there

TPTB would never let you get near the edge.

Who said there's an edge?

If the Earth extended forever, you'd be able to stand on any mountain and see that it stretches on for eternity.

ohhh u mean we're living on a infinite plane?


If the universe extended forever, you'd be able to stand on any mountain and see that it stretches on for eternity.

I don't understand your point.

i think this has nothing to do with the universe..

>too many inconsistencies
And you don't find it inconsistent or ridiculous that flat earthers believe that when travelling across the ocean to another continent, you don't actually wrap around the earth, but instead travelers are fooled into thinking so by the fact that their compass leads them around the perimeter?

maybe try to list out the inconsistencies?
so we can talk on the same frequency

because they fall towards the middle
there is no underside

fuck I just replied to a troll thread what the fuck is wrong with me

hahahaha ur not alone lad

You're willing to believe the universe extends forever despite having never actually "seen" that. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.

Our eyes are limited by perception, we can only see so far until everything beyond the vanishing point merges into the horizon. The atmosphere also provides a curtain for light to get through.

This still doesn't explain HOW things would mechanically "fall towards the middle." I don't feel pulled towards large buildings when I stand near them. Objects I drop don't fly towards them and stick. Why would I then, believe, that things stick to a ball earth just because of a mass difference?

Easy. Take a picture of the moon. Then go to the southern hemisphere and look at the moon. It'll be upside down

I'd love to hear an flat earth explanation for that.

What middle? Have you, or anyone else, been there?

I just think that flattards need to be gassed as soon as possible. We as a species have reached a considerable height. We have sacrificed many things and many lives even the lives of other species. Science has helped us to reach this height and the sacrifices were the fuel. The scientists have spent their whole lives to study the truth and yet these idiots who dont remember how to divide numbers of two digits think that they are all knowing.
If they are kept alive then we will see the onset of our downfall. We will become cavemen and all of our glory that we achieved will vanish. All of it will be because of the arrogance of some illiterates.

Are you implying that standing in different locations on a flat plane and observing an object moving overhead wouldn't allow you to see that object from multiple angles?

not upside down idiot

We do see almost the edge of the universe. Read about hubble sphere.

Tape a piece of paper with some text to the ceiling of a room. Stand on one side and read the text. Then walk to the opposite side of the room and see if the text is still right side up.

You can apply the same reeasoning to the falt earth theory. Neither you can know that falt earth is true because yo havent seen it yourslef.

Are you intentionally being dense? I guess you're just trolling me.

If I write "Hello" on a piece of paper and walk around from any angle, it may read "olleH", but it will never read "hello" upside down.

Once again, the flat earth cuck pretends this argument wasn't posted and replies to every post except this one. The lunar eclipse argument is such a flawless point, no flat earth cuck has ever dared to argue against it to this day. It's a point that will never ever be discussed by any flat earth brainlet retard because there is zero way of explaining lunar eclipses on a flat earth, and flat cucks know it, so they pretend there is no argument instead. At this point, we can safely assume that no other point is worth being used to refute the flat earth pseudoscience since they all get dismissed with unfalsifiable counter-arguments.

op doesn't even respond to this picture
>are you even try op?


u can do some experiments to show mass cause stuff stick together (cavendish experiment

i still encourage u to list out ur evidence that supports flat earth, which enhance discussion

and we can beat ur shit out ur skull with better efficiency

That is because the gravitational field is much weaker than any other types of forces. Take a magnet, earth is like a magnet but exerts much weaker force on objects.

You have, have you?

So if you were in the northern hemisphere looking at the moon, and then you flew to the southern hemisphere, still looking at the moon, you would see the moon turn upside down?

the earth is obviously round. retard op youre so silly

Why the homophobia?

we are men of science. we must not use petty pea brained insults. and plus, women belong in the kitchen

"Burden of proof is upon you, lol!"

Its obvious these fucks wont have their threads deleted by now. You would think it would be pretty easy to have some decent mods going through on a regular basis removing this shit, but apparently not.

So don't waste your time, don't argue with the troll-tards, just agree with them, humor them.

Yes, the earth is flat.


It's not being removed because it's real science. Science is about proving theories wrong, no matter your emotional investment in them.

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