QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread

Pic related - how do you call the material that emblem is made of? I remember that there was a term for it but forgot the word itself

Not related to the picture - What's a verb that denotes the motion of swirling an object (say a tentacle) to gain momentum and using it to smash upon a surface? Is there even one that does?

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What makes something philosophical? For instance, compare the difference between "we had a discussion about apples" to "we had a philosophical discussion about apples". What would be different about the latter discussion to make it philosophical? What would the first discussion lack?

Will keeping a journal help me with my writing?
Are dreams a valid inspiration for writing?

Are you talking about the patch that you have, or do you just mean heraldry in general?

Centripetal force?

There is philosophy as philosophy is, and there is philosophy as that which pedant and philosophologists engage.

We must also understand that politics, science, literary criticism et al. are all subsections of philosophy and operate on implicit, silent, or unconscious philosophic concepts.

A non-philosophic discussion about apples would treat apples as apples, while the philosophic would not treat the apple qua apple, but its parts, its role, its etmology, its symbolism.etc

A journal will help your writing, but you can only write as well as you can read. Learn a new word every day. Write ten sentences with that word and then journal.

As for dreams, sure why not - but don't expect to be taken seriously.

I wanna gain a working knowledge of either Latin or German (I still can't decide which), but I don't know if I should learn grammar and vocabulary simultaneously or if I should focus on familiarizing myself with one before the other. Also, since I'd be learning this by rote, I'd need some good textbooks. Can anyone recommend me some good German grammars?

Can't help you with the patch, but do you mean something like the expression "winding up a punch"?

As long as you keep at it, it should help you to at least practice sentence construction. I've been trying to keep a kind of journal/notebook/commonplace thing in which I write down ideas, make sketches of scenes or characters and comment on what I feel is working and what might need to be changed or replaced. I feel it's better to get it down on paper because then at least I don't have to rely on memory for every stupid little thought that passes through my head; but, and maybe this is just because of the haphazard way I'm doing this, I feel like this is the equivalent of treating power walking as training for a marathon.

I am talking about the patch itself, and the material other patches with a similar rugged appearance are made of. There was a specific name for patches with that texture and I knew it but need to be reminded of.

>Centripetal force?

I was looking more for a single verb, that would preferably fit in a literary context

>do you mean something like the expression "winding up a punch"?

Yes, but something that can be applied more generally


That's spinning but not necessarily followed by smashing.

I tried illustrating if it helps.

What is the recommended reading list for Accelerationism, and how can I live the accelerationist lifestyle? Should I just buy literally everything off of Amazon?

What about whirl?

>to throw or hurl violently with a revolving motion

"The pawn move of 1 cases", it is correct in english ?
Or is it "by one case" ?
For speak about a pawn in chess who can move up only of one case ?

Is it actually possible to get an agent? I sent out about 5 aps, received 2 rejections so far, been two weeks. Story is action-type. Sort of like game of thrones without the fantasy elements, but with better writing and prose and better army tactics, and better everything really.

Has anyone here gotten an agent? How many queries did you send?

It is a fibre. I'm guessing it's acetate or possibly cotton. But I'm guessing acetate.

and other question, did we say it or he for a pawn in english ?

We refer to pawns as "it" since pawns are inanimate objects.

>"The pawn move of 1 cases"

I think you mean a "checker" or "square"

Though I think a better phrasing would be "The pawn was moved by one square"

ok thanks, and "it" is also for the queen and the king i imagine ?

Perhaps this question deserved its own thread.

Can someone post the Bible translation flow chart? If not, can someone recc the best translation for the most balls-to-the-wall literal translation (if it has commentary to explain that'd also be pretty cool)?

What should I read next? My options are:

Paradise Lost
Aztec Poets

Who am I?

So, I got redirected from /wsr/ to Veeky Forumsmbgg/, from Veeky Forumsmbgg/ to Veeky Forums and from Veeky Forums's CYOAs thread to here: I'm looking for gamebooks/interactive fictions/textbooks. Any you can recommend? Thanks in advance.

I've heard very good things about the NASB. NIV is more directly literal, but to a sort of fault—phrases are distorted and clumsy, and the translation caters to Protestant theology.

Why is Thomas Pynchon good? I didn't care for Gravity's Rainbow. It was entertaining, but for the most part just annoying.

The bible I have says "New American Bible (Revised Edition)". Is it the same?

theyre different translations, and I'm unfamiliar with yours, sorry


How do I read poetry?

I don't mean how do I understand it, I mean literally how do I read it with the correct metre and the like? I just don't "get it".

>silky smooth skin, achieved due to the efficiency /efficacy of a Bic razor.

Which one is it, family? Efficacy, I am leaning towards