Would you kill yourself if you had undeniable proof reality was a simulation and nothing was real?

Would you kill yourself if you had undeniable proof reality was a simulation and nothing was real?

Nah I'd just live more recklessly. Simulated fun is still fun.

Would you kill yourself if you had undeniable proof there was life after death and everything is meaningless?

What would such knowledge change for you?

I want to kill myself anyway

no, that would make life valuable

>there's life after life supposedly "ends"
>makes life more valuable
the people who come to sci for anything other than math generals are actually retarded

how would you know what happens after simulation?
they could just force you to respawn and start again

most people on Veeky Forums are walking on the edge anyway, a little breeze and we die

No, I would become more hedonist

Everything we know suggests "undeniable proof" is unobtainable, so no.

If your living life has any kind of effect on your next life, and if the afterlife is eternal, then it magnifies the value of the current life greatly. Right now life just seems like a pointless waste where everything you do will quickly fall to ruin and be pointless once you die. If there is some sort of afterlife, then everything you do will at least in some small way have continuity

How would that make this life any less real? You would still die.

There is no undeniable proof that wouldn't be constructive i.e. if I had undeniable proof, I could hack the matrix.

... why would killing yourself even be an option? Indeed, how would it then be possible?

you either fail to deal with the existential crisis and commit zero-sum, or you achieve CHIM.

this is from the Elder Scrolls video game series in case anyone is curious

No, I would spend my life trying to find out how to hack my coding to become a god in the simulation

Exactly what I was thinking

No, that'd be fucking retarded, just like how fucking retarded that one Dr. Who episode was about that.

So achieving Nirvana a la Buddhism is zero-summing, no?

No, it would literally change nothing to my current existence. The claim that "reality [is] as a simulation and nothing [is] real" is senseless babble. If we were to exist within a simulation, 'reality' would simply refer to the simulation.

No, I'd actually find that very freeing.

How does reality being a simulation make it less real?

No, I'd try to figure out how the world outside the simulation works by studying metaphysics.

It would mean we can't trust induction anymore, and most science could suddenly cease to be true if someone on the outside decides to turn a dial.

With enough scientific rigor we could figure out the behaviors of the dial turners.

Do you also quit playing games because you know they are games?

I mean you can pretend the game is shit and that's why you suck at it so you quit, or you could get good.



>Can't trust induction anymore
When could we ever?

Even if I knew I was in a simulation I would still be happy to be alive and get to experience it all.

If the only thing that exists is the simulation, then the value you bestow upon it should be the same as the value you bestowed upon life. They are the same really. If there are still struggles, rewards for perserverence and effort, happiness, saddness, then this simulation is life and everything you love. I would carry on.

The only exception is if I had a very easy life, then perhaps I'd realize it wasn't because I worked for it, it was because of the simulation.

>Htiler knew all along that this is a simulation

No, that's stupid.

you assume the afterlife is singular and eternal, there is no reason to assume either