What is the best language to learn if you really want to broaden your horizons?

What is the best language to learn if you really want to broaden your horizons?

Languages are not only a way to communicate, but also to understand the world better. Each grammar construction and vocabulary sharpens our definitions and our perceptions.

This in mind, which languages would allow me to look at life completely different?

I'm thinking about



I already know Spanish, French and Portuguese, btw

I spend a lot of my free time trying to learn other languages.

But I'm too anxious and awkward to ever talk to anyone.

Russian is the obvious choice.


Unironically programming
You won't gain any new insights from studying a foreign language, just a slightly different method of saying the same stuff

>You won't gain any new insights from studying a foreign language, just a slightly different method of saying the same stuff

Nice bait

If you want radically different grammar from English, learn a Mixtec language.

Japanese desu

learn italian then latin, then advocate for the unification of southern europe

Been thinking of learning Russian simple because I heard in a Peter Hitchens talk how the Russian word for "security" or "safety" is "without danger," making it an opposite of a language developed on a tiny island protected by cold water and high cliffs where you are safe or unsafe, rather than undangered. That difference has fascinated me over the last few days and has given me a lot to think about.

programming has been great for my writing, but a new language would be a boon as well.


these kinds of differences are almost always meaningless bullshit people on tumblr think are thought provoking

>lernanta la meme-lingvo
Mi vere esperas ke vi ne faras cxi-tiun

You mean the word 'бeзoпacнocть'? Бeз(c) is just a generic prefix used for a magnitude of words and has nothing to do with evolving inland or anything

Бeз-вoльный - gutless - 'without will'
Бec-пoкoйный - restless - 'without patience'
Бeз-дapь - idiot/schmuck- 'without a gift'
Бeз-нpaвcтвeннocть - immorality - 'without principles/morals'

Also, the word safety has other synonyms like coхpaннocть - could be literally translated as 'safeness'


Japense is so fucking complicated.I want something new and hard,but japanese is ridiculous. I'm past my learning prime

Except 'safety' and 'security' aren't English words.

Easy: Latin
Medium: Ancient Greek
Nightmare: Sanskrit

Japanese is more annoying than all of those
also Gothic is about medium if we're going for old IE languages