Does LaTeX take you guys a long time to write...

Does LaTeX take you guys a long time to write? I wrote a 2 page script with double integrals and summations and it took me nearly an hour. Any tips on writing shit faster?

no i still have to google most things, but dat formatting tho, absolutely worth it

I guess. How long have you been using it?

I used it the first time last semester. By the time I was done, I could type a hw sol. Set. In maybe 20 minutes or so. Took me 2 hours the first time.

just get used to it, newfag

I've been using it for years and it can still take hours to do certain things such as Tikz figures and long winded derivations.

why do i feel that everyone exaggerates their tex skills? ive been using it for a year and i can still spend hours making a paper look good. especially tables

heres a tip

there is a front end program for tex called lyx. what you can do is put all your complicated stuff in it easily then view the code and put it into your latex editor. it sounds confusing but try it, its easy to get the hang of it and will save you hours

It's quite fast once you get used to it, and the time saved formatting etc. more than makes up for the little extra time it takes writing it. I see some PhDs in other fields writing their papers in word, and hearing them complain about things like having to renumber their figures and changing the references in the text accordingly.

Try TeXmacs, is like emacs but to enter LaTeX fast, you need not to type directly on LaTeX but you can although the default mode is like autocompletion. Try it and you'll understand.

>especially tables
i save time by ripping tables from old documents and changing the content

wrote about 800 words with about 32 equations today, but I guess most of the time I sank into actually doing the math. Typing equations might be odd at first, but you'll get the hang of it with time.

Latex takes some practice, you'll get there. When it comes to writing your thesis, I wouldn't go with anything else.

The two best answers.

Is TexStudio pleb

I bet you didn't even use texmacs.

Probably the worst advice here. Just use vim and write at lot of documents, you'll get the hang of it eventually

Learn vim

LaTeX is the worst if you want fine grained control about the Layout and grid typesetting. I'd love to work with ConTeXt but for chemistry purposes it's almost unusable.

Practice, that's all there is to it.

For normal equations and symbols, I usually use the Symbolab's editor. When you copy the input on Symbolab, it goes to the clipboard as a LaTeX code so you just have to paste it on your document.
If you need more complicated stuff as pics, tables, etc., then try one of these programs that the other anons mentioned.
Good luck!

>WYSIWYG editor for a WYSIWYM engine
what did he mean by this

What You See Is What You Get
What You See Is What You Mean

latextools and sublime text make it a breeze.
I still spend hours on autistically making marginal layout gains though.

LaTeX is everything but good WYSIWYM. Sure, it's sourcecode and shit, but usually one needs to make an shitload of dirty hacks before the document looks like intended. Heck, my preamble is often as large as my document (or even bigger).

>not using emacs with aucTEX

Practice, and hard-coding definitions makes things faster. Once you get good enough, you can create your own document class to make things very speedy.