Code is literature and so are code comments

Code is literature and so are code comments.

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I know. That's why I've written code poetry.

>writing and debugging 10000000000000 lines of code like a good slave to optimize Mr. Shekelstein's business while spending all your free time reading up on updates to keep yourself marketable
Programmer's life must be a neverending party

what should one work as instead?

now tell me somethign i dont know

cool it with the anti-semitism, pal.

DFW has a story about this called here and there. Sort of.

I thought Jews were all evil Marxists? Aren't Open Source Software devs working as shills for the Jew to bring down the True And Righteous Aryan Capitalist System?

Question the premise that one should work at all, Pietro.

I'd love being a NEET but I can't afford it, my parents would kick me out

Nigga I work 20 hours a week and make $40 an hour.

It can be really hard but I get tons of free time.

I have a programming degree.

How do I get your job

code can be literature and so can be code comments

that's a very important distinction

> writing non-free code in 2017
A GPL a day keeps the capitalists away.

I dunno, I live in a city with 700,00 people. Where do you live?

Actually it's a really low-commitment job if you're any good at it.

Veeky Forums is too stupid for programming, and that's saying something, since software "engineers" are braindead.

This is funny

I contributed to some open source software in 2013 that ended up getting really big and is now used everywhere and experience with it is now a desirable skill in my field, so I had a lot of recruiters offering me jobs (had to go as far as changing my name on linkedin). I think most programmers with any experience should be inundated with job offers. It probably helps that I live in London though.

My uncle is a civil engineer and my dad is a software engineer. My cousins are an investment banker, an economist at the royal bank of london, and a solicitor respectively (fun fact: all girls). I think software engineers get a bad rep among other kinds of engineers (mainly because we don't learn any maths and engineering is pretty gruelling maths-wise. But my uncle and my dad work equally hard and while my uncle does slightly better than my dad they both supported pretty big families of their own.

poor bait

The notes on engineering schematics must also be literature.

>most programmers with any experience should be inundated with job offers
>lottery winner says he thinks everyone should be a millionaire

Hardly a lottery winner. Almost all my open source contributions have been in my own time. If you know what good software looks like, you can help build good new software which should always help your employment prospects. I've had recruiters contact me simply they trawl the contributors lists of popular open source software. If you can program well then it's not that hard. That said, I have worked up from being a not-good programmer. I worked at a company for a long time doing Rails/web stuff (which I really don't like doing much), even though they paid me only £40k, and I had a 4.5 hour commute each day (until I could afford to move to London), and the hours were brutal, but I stayed because they were the best at what they did and I could learn from each of the people who worked there. You have to invest in yourself.

I just want some part time job that pays around $20 an hour so I can live and then spend all my time off reading and working on personal projects.

But it's sort of hard because I realized I don't seem to like programming all that much. Maybe I could get some sort of cushy system admin job where I don't have to code very much, but I bet I would have to code full time for at least 5 years to be available for that sort of thing. I guess I'm better off than people who get degrees in things they love but can't find work. I just have a degree in something I don't like very much so I don't want to find work. I sound like a whiny bitch.

That's the difference: I don't have a degree. I was lucky enough to love programming from an early age. If you don't love it, you'll find it very difficult to do for a living. You have to know how lots and lots of little moving parts in all different kinds of systems work, and you have to be able to recall a lot of it all the time. It can be quite stressful. Although,

>some sort of cushy system admin job
This is basically what I have now. I've been into the office about 3 or 4 times this year (although I have been quite sick). It's still work, though, system adminy roles are less day-to-day stress, but then when something goes wrong it's a huge fucking deal and it's all on you. You still have to learn the entire system, help build it and know how it works. You still have to be able to work quickly and well.

Learn dependently typed programming with Idris


same desu

Getting a job offer from contributing to an open source project is lottery winner tier of unlikely.

>I just want some part time job that pays around $20 an hour
Same guy as other reply but I thought I'd be useful and offer you a roadmap.

1. See what kind of programmers are required in your area. Put your CV as it is on a few jobsites and see who bites. Search for job listings in your area and see what comes up. While you wait for a job, do 2., 3., and 4.

2. Learn a couple of languages really well (Ask if you don't know which, but a language that's paying well where you live is always good).

3. Contribute to a lot of open-source projects. Solve a lot of mock interview questions. Play hackerrank or something if you prefer. If you prefer reading, read The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena, although you have a degree already so you probably don't have to catch up on algorithmic knowledge like I did.

4. Start applying for jobs and contacting recruiters, if none have contacted you already. Bear in mind, if you are not a particularly good programmer under pressure in the interview, you will likely not be hired. Practice on hackerrank or something.

5. Once you have a job, stay there for as long as you can even though it'll likely be fucking horrible. I wanted to be a writer when I was younger because I'm a manic depressive and pretty OK at writing when I want to, so I found it very difficult to focus on actually getting up and going to work. I was fired from my first job in a few months. I left my second job after about 2 years because I couldn't bear the stress. My third job ended up being 5 times as stressful but somehow I had learned to cope and stayed there for two years too. My current job is a lot easier. By the time I quit my last job, I had spoken at conferences, helped write a small digital/print company-published book about running a software team, consulted on systems architecture, etc. etc. etc.

6. ACHIEVING YOUR GOAL: Do step 5 for as long as you physically can. You should have saved up enough money for YOUR GOAL: a part time job that pays enough of money for a comfortable life. At this point you should be getting recruiters chomping at the bit to show you jobs. At one point I was getting 5+ calls per day because I left my phone number on my CV uploaded to a jobsite. Quit your job and take only part-time remote contracts.

Job done, that's the life you want. The roadmap takes about 5 years. Good luck.

If a company already uses software that you helped write, it's at the very least a foot in the door. Thousands of companies in some measure or another run some code that I helped write. I went to conferences and met people, I gave talks, all of these things not only look good on a CV but help you meet people who might know of jobs that are going. I'm part of three separate google groups of programmers passing around jobs in my area.

The point wasn't just about the contributions, it was about getting involved. If you get involved with all of it and work really hard for a while, then you can take it much easier after only a few years.

>engineering schematics are literature

JG Ballard thought so. He said that technical writing constituted an "invisible literature" that was the real engine behind the 20th century, rather than our explicit dogmas and rationalizations. Which is not to say that we should start reading our Ikea manuals like they're the Iliad, but says something nonetheless.

Another note: In step 5, the reason you have to save up money is because some companies fuck you around for months before they pay you, so I'd say save up enough so that you could survive for at least 6 months without employment before you go contract.

Check it out, I'm a hacker now. I can move files and delete them without even touching my mouse.

Open source software is capitalist.

Isn't saying that code is poetry like saying that a circuit or switchboard is poetry?

I'm open to the idea if you can convince me, but it seem that if you were using code in poetry it would no longer also be code-as-code, and therefore not actual code being used but rather just its aesthetic or form. Just using the textual-aesthetic appearance of code, and misusing or retooling it for new structural / formal / syntaxical ideas in a completely different language and function.

I think code as used in poetry would more have to be in the functional output of the underlying code, which would still be written to come out as a textual product.

I do like this idea of using code form in poetry though, and I've done similar things myself in my own work, but that's not really code (of the type in question, at least).

Carpet design is poetry if look hard enough

shitposting is literature and so are my shitposts

Architecture is poetry.

Music is woodworking.

lit is reddit

You sound salty, lol.

Move to a country with a good neet allowance

The lines of code are like Sisyphus's rock and so one must imagine programmers happy~

Please don't remind me of my miserable life. Coding isn't too bad when you get to design and write new stuff.

Having to decode someone else's stuff is absolutely horrible though, especially in large codebases and that's pretty much what my job is.

Code is really bad for conveying what people were thinking and a big picture view of what the fuck is going on.

I guess this is a good way to be both a shitty programmer and a shitty writer