Which one?

Bought these two to impress people gazing at my bookcase. Actually found time to read one, which one Veeky Forums? I'll be flipping the other's pages cover to cover a few times to make it look read just in case tho

They're both shit why don't you just read war and peace that way you won't be wasting your time.

>read that slave rapist i love plz

I genuinely believe that the whole slave rapist thing is posted by one single uber-triggered dosto-fag

Admit it, Lev's the better writer.


Atlas Shrugged is more likely to put people off if they actually know what it is.

rand is unbelievably boring if you are not an avid reader, but her objectivism is very underrated, I recommend it.

actually it is i who am the innovator of this trend, and i don't particularly care for dostoevsky, i'm a turgenev man. no, tolstoy was literally a rapist of slaves.

Why is raping slaves bad again

No one's going to be impressed by you reading either of those because the average normie has no idea who Tommy R. Pinecone is and either doesn't know or hates Rand.


your point?

Who's Tommy R Pinecone?

This fine fellow

Reddit begone!

This is peak Veeky Forums. Holy shit.


AS is shit and I've never read GR. so whatever you want, friendo :^)

Rand was a attention whore making up bullshit to publish something, anything.

Read Adam Smith instead.

Atlas Shrugged is one of the worst written books I've ever had the misfortune of reading.
I've tried to pick it up a few times and I'll be damned if I can keep my concentration through the first chapter.
So yeah, I'd read Tommy Pinecone.

Atlas Shrugged is if anything really easy to read. The only people you'll impress with it, though, are pseuds and asshole conservatives

>socially and economically conservative, atheist

>liked by 'asshole conservatives'


If you like anime you'll love Atlas Shrugged.

what characters that we were meant to support were douchebags and for what reason?

genuinely curious

GR is genuinely good tho. It's just kinda dorky.
But hey, dorkyness has been a thing in literature since Aesop I guess.

GR for sure.

AS sounds like a fun read, but the philosophy seems specious

You should proabably check out Coggs v. Bernard to start. If you're for some reason interested in contract law.

fuck wrong thread pls ignore


Ayn Rand

Read Rainbow. Atlas is garbage.