What is it about video games that attract right wing thought...

What is it about video games that attract right wing thought? Hordes of angry young virgin white men who call people cucks versus the more cerebral leftist medium of literature.

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Video games attract idiots and nihilists. Right wing politics attracts idiots and nihilists.

Leftist shills fuck off, sage and report.

Right-winger here, who's proud of whiteness and masculinity.
Video games are the only escape and respite from the persecution we as white men suffer on a daily basis.
Women avoid me, because they've been conditioned to, and so what can I do amidst the genocide of my brethren? Get some perspective

Let me just go full Adorno/Freud and claim that video games are merely a self-representational outlet for socially anxious, control-craving and sexually repressed individuals.

Gamers can't express themselves in real life because they are repressed. Video games become an outlet into which they can funnel their resentment of society. They are the hero/protagonist of the game, no matter what. They matter. Nobody else. They hold agency.

Compare that to literature which is a passive medium. You don't hold agency. Obviously it's not attractive to somebody who seeks agency.

Gaming is a form of social escapism.

>I bet the board that reads things from 5000BC is super interested in 2017 shit that doesn't involve reading anything of substance
What is it about all your thoughts that they have to be retarded?

How do I upvote on this site? Can anyone help me here

>video games attract right wing thought
>leftist medium of literature

dear me

This thread is just as bad as the one with Bill Nye and doesn't belong here

Here's a hint: the bill nye was a false flag to make the right wing look bad and this was a false flag to make the left wing look bad

I masterminded both threads.

I'm about as left as it gets, and I play video games. What OP has suggested is what we call a correlation fallacy. He's probably only thinking of the dudebros that they market the blockbuster titles to. Personally I play the crap out of strategy and RPG titles. I assume that most pseuds like myself prefer more intellectual gaming.

>and I play video games
Back to /r9k/, pathetic child. Do you have a folder of frogs too?

>Women avoid me
>because they've been conditioned to

I do not. I have a folder of suggested philosophical reading.

Video games only became right wing after feminists tried to censor them. That Anita woman really poked the hornet's nest. Honestly they should never have fucked with young men with infinite free time and a predilection for virtual slaughter.

Care to share, m'senpai?

we have threads about it all of the time. lurk more. Here's a link to get you started:

Please don't talk to me in that tone of voice again, ok?

Or your wife's son?

There's no tone to my typing at all. I just don't feel like posting 20+ images in a thread that isn't devoted to it.

Literature that's actually published and read widely tends to be published because it's deemed to be something with the potential to be easily marketed to those with fairly mainstream sensibilities. Centrist liberalism became the default political mode for Western pop culture several decades ago because of how bland and inoffensive it is. It started out as a rebellion against failing conservative values, petered out into banality once there were no real mainstream ideological battles left to wage, and has now devolved into total retardation due to fringe leftists as well as the people vapidly parroting them gaining more and more cultural ground over the years. The best ways to avoid cretinism are to either be as apolitical as possible or willfully commit to an intentionally absurd/irrational position for fun because it's all long since become a naked farce that's impossible to take seriously if one has any genuine awareness.

Don't bring my wife's son into this. This is between me and you.
I definitely detected a dismissive and unfriendly tone. Would you talk like that to your own wife's son?

Gamergate attracted a bunch of people who play games to the right wing.

Young men like video games.
Young men are disposed towards more radical right-wing ideology.

The brazen cuckolds on this board make me ashamed sometimes.

Not true.
This is not what political science says

He exists to take my abuse. So.. probably?

a) Video games appeal to people who have difficulty participating in real life activities like socializing and sports for the very simple reason that all you need to enjoy them is to own one. These kinds of people who have difficulty in IRL situations tend to also not have a very positive image of themselves and distrust other people. Projecting your own insecurities into politics and distrusting people would naturally lead one to support a hierarchical, structured and elitist state.
b) Video games reinforce their negative image of themselves and of society due to the fact that real people and the real world will not ever be as good as idealized fictional characters and worlds.

Self-hatred I would say is the most important part of it. It's no coincidence that Veeky Forums is a hive of both radical right-wing politics and self-loathing.

>political """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""science"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

It's not censorship to complain about things in games that you don't like. If that was censorship /v/ would by far and away the worst censors on the planet.

>Young men are disposed towards more radical right-wing ideology.
Do you ever go outside?

Young people are disposed towards radical politics in general, but men are significantly more inclined to the radical right.

>b) Video games reinforce their negative image of themselves and of society due to the fact that real people and the real world will not ever be as good as idealized fictional characters and worlds.

I think you just described pleasure readers as well.

Do they eventually grow out of it?

>literature which is a passive medium
M8 you're either doing it wrong, or you're reading YA

And how are video games not passive? You sit there and press buttons in response to prompts from a specialized computer.


Young men are always the politically interesting class because men are supposed to be finding a place in the world and staking their claim. When you tell an entire generation of young man to stake a claim on society and engage with it, and the only place available for men in society is currently
>Be a huge pussy and self-flagellate constantly about how bad you are and how much you hate yourself. Be content working a 9-5 job with no purpose in a boring world that hates you forever. Spend every night on OKCupid telling condescending women that you approve of Queero-Cucko-Gender Theory and that you're sorry for even existing, then jerk off to porn that makes you hate yourself and take pills to fall asleep. Everyone's a snowflake without even trying, effort is patriarchy, and ironically liking capitalist rehash slurry pop culture and drinking diarrhea sugar drinks is the only worthwhile existence for mankind. Vote Obama!
then you're going to have a lot of men dropping out and doing other things.

Men naturally created cultures and subcultures with their own little hierarchies and social systems, so the outcasts go and find other outcasts who seem to be doing something a little less fruity and retarded, and that tends to be fun escapist stuff that soothes the pain of being buried in braindead normies 24/7. These little groups are exclusionary and elitist by nature, and they are vibrant and tightly packed, while the mainstream is too diffuse to get anything done. That's how politically interesting things happen. It's basic Dunology.

And whatever the mainstream is that is excluding these guys, they're going to react against that, with whatever is available. It so happens that the mainstream identifies as lefty, so these guys will patch together some weird Libertarian Nazism (??????) and attack with that. It's not philosophically sound but neither is the giant neoliberal orgy of rich college turds drinking Starbucks that calls itself the left wing either.

Either way, the end result is what we're saying: retarded not-really-leftists confusingly acting like fascists while calling themselves antifascist, battling against libertarian Nazi free anti-identitarian identitarians with sticks in a park while the rich continue to jerk off into wads of money.

>Summer, the Thread.

They aren't though. Most young men I know IRL are only slightly less left-wing then their woman peers.

You seem to be confusing Veeky Forums to be representative of the normal young male population. It's not. The kind of people who would use Veeky Forums are an extreme minority that generally isn't very well liked by other young people.

Worst thread on a board that's been shit for two years, congratulations

Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant to any serious discussion. Statistically, young people are more radical. That includes radical right wing.

No, but as they get older the opinions they've always had start to be less radical.

Unless you're reading choose your own adventure, literature is passive.

In video games you are making decisions and participating in the story.

Of course, you assertions are about as retarded as the poster you are responding to.

People can play video games and/or read books and still be social creatures. Unless you are spending all of your time locked up with a book or a game system, you can easily fit social aspects into your daily life.

Even working a 60 hour week, I manage to find a few minutes here and there to play games, plenty of time to read, and I still spend time with my friends and go out places.

It's like you assume no one knows how to balance their life.

Okay, if you have some statistics that show young men are largely on the far-right I would love to see it.

Good question. Counterpoint: what is it about celebrity culture and celebrity worship that attracts left wingers so heavily?

>Of course, you assertions are about as retarded as the poster you are responding to.
Poster he was responding to here: I was being deliberately retarded.

Are you insane?

Left-wingers are entirely about distrust if not outright hate for rich people. It was not left-wingers that elected a reality TV star as president.

So much shit and nonsense in this thread that also doesn't mention a single fucking book. Gamers aren't right-wing, they're just angry resentment machines who've jumped into putatively "right-wing" politics because it pisses people off. SJWs aren't left-wing, but are also resentment-machines that have done the same with putatively "left-wing" politics. Fuck this thread and this shit board.

Also, if you think reading is a passive activity and video games are active, you may not be a moron, but you sure as fuck are wrong.

Did you not see all the celebrities and Hollywood and media and all the traditional apparatuses of the status quo rally behind Hillary? I understand why the celebrities did it, they will never have to suffer the consequences of globalism but will reap the benefits, unlike the common man.

Trump was elected because he represented the average American who was ignored/chastised by liberal America for existing.

not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling.
not participating readily or actively; inactive:
a passive member of a committee.
not involving visible reaction or active participation:
to play a passive role.

Do you do a lot of jumping around and cheering when you read or something?

Spend some time outside of Veeky Forums, OP.

What does this thread have to do with books?

>Lots of celebrities endorsed Hillary
>Therefore left-wingers are heavily attracted to celebrity worship

>Trump was elected because he represented the average American
Well that's strange. Because last I thought he received the smaller portion of the popular vote.

>liberalism is leftism
>a billionaire bourgeois businessman is somehow not in the same ballpark as Hollywood

Imagine being this enchanted by ideology. Yes, trump abused working class disillusionment, and that's a major element of why he won, but he does not actually give a shit about what he espouses. It's so funny you don't even realize you're unintentionally giving leftist arguments in defense of the laborer. Some real life Mike Fallopian shit.

Going to go out on a limb here...

Have you tried reading the second sentence?

I mean, it's not a great topic for debate, but it's really not any worse than:
I could go on, but looking at the catalog depresses me.

3/4 of those are somewhat related to literature.

OP has absolutely nothing to do with literature.

Despite what you believe he believes he was the only one speaking in defense of the common worker. Hillary's policies of globalism and weakening of international borders would have lead to the lowering of the quality of life for the common American, in exchange for higher profits margins for the elite.

He was the only choice for the common man. Hillary attempted to gain wider support by painting herself as the gay,trans, women's, minorities etc candidate but at the end of the day her policies would have hurt all of those people if they didn't find themselves in the financial elite. Say what you will about Trump, but under him jobs have returned to America, the economy is at an all time high, and we aren't at war with Iran. All in all he is doing a great job, and I'm Canadian so I don't have a dog in this fight.

That sentence is just an attempt to incite an off-topic circlejerk instead of "cerebral" discourse, though. It's even more transparent than .

> but under him jobs have returned to America, the economy is at an all time high, and we aren't at war with Iran.
He's only been president for 3 months, did you know that?

And since he made a shameless flip-flop on his promise not to go to war with Assad I'm not optimistic that Iran is safe.

Good question OP, why don't you ask


This. Trump was an outsider to the establishment and talked about protectionism, autarky, and non-interventionism.

Every single other politician avoided these issues and kept shilling for the policies of big finance capitalism that want to dissolve all nations and turn us all into a soup while they live on safe island compounds and move us around as labor forces. Every single other politician, as Chomsky says, went to the same schools, worked for the same elite institutions, went to dinner together, knew each other's aides and staff and whole families, etc., and were all embedded dicks-deep in dubiously legal government meta-agencies and cabals and lobbies and special interests.

Trump came along and was hated by all these people, including especially by their media lackeys - the public press acted as the disgusting lapdog of The Establishment throughout the whole election.

Any Marxist who wants to destabilise the bougeoisie should have voted Trump just to throw a wrench in their creepy accelerationist plans, and anyone who actually thinks that internationalist globalist finance capitalism is bad should have voted for Trump.

The people saying he's reneging and becoming a typical neocon/neoliberal servitor, as if this is a critique and we should therefore have voted for Hillary, are hilarious. Trump could backpedal 99% into neocon/neoliberal shillism and he'd still be 1% shy of Hillary. She was the fucking custom-designed robot of the neocon/neolib fused death cult called "The Political Class." At least Trump had a CHANCE to slow down their plans.

Literature is only passive if you don't engage with or think about what it is an author is conveying and just let the words meaninglessly wash over you. Though plebcore like nearly everything contemporary tends to be so vapid that there's often nothing to engage with in the first place.

Why do people like this guy make me cringe?

The 3rd thread is actually good though