What if every probability is just 50/50 (either it happens or it don't) and the coins just happened to flip the way...

What if every probability is just 50/50 (either it happens or it don't) and the coins just happened to flip the way they did so that this proposition seems ridiculous? It's not even that unlikely, the opposite is just 50%.

what if everyone except you is actually mentally retarded but all them jst happen to move and think randomly in the ways that they would seem functioning

Yeah but what are the odds of that


Toss a die.
Either a "1" comes up or it doesn't. 50%
Either a "2" comes up or it doesn't. 50%
Either a "3" comes up or it doesn't. 50%
Either a "4" comes up or it doesn't. 50%
Either a "5" comes up or it doesn't. 50%
Either a "6" comes up or it doesn't. 50%

Probability you don't understand probability 100%

>Probability you don't understand probability 100%
Wrong. He other does or doesn't.

Wrong. Events in the past are no longer probabilistic.
Did the Sun rise yesterday? If "yes", probability of it having done so is 100%.
Did the OP demonstrate brainlet-ness. Clearly "yes", so it's now 100% certain.

Works the other way too. Probability of the Yankees winning LAST year's World Series is 0%.

but you can model probabilistic systems! Given the information we had yesterday what probability would we assign to the sun rising?

Statistics are the second best thing to predict the future other than "laws."

Obviously 50%
This is a good argument of OP original case.

There is no such thing as probability. The universe is deterministic.

>either it happens or it don't
My sides

That's Bayesian Statistics. The Sun, having risen every one over the last few billion mornings, allows us to predict with a very high probability that it will rise tomorrow.
It's still a 100%, no uncertainly, fact that it rose yesterday.

What if OP is a faggot and the probability is 1

>probability do 50/50 many time
>coin throw, many 50/50
>dice 2 sides, 50/50
>1 dice 6 sides be 3x 50/50
>wat be meaning?

>it do if it do

Either it does or it doesn't. The previous recurrence tells us nothing about what may yet happen. What are you, a historian?

Then a coin flip occured on whether the probability of OP being a faggot is 1 with positive result.

Care to play a game?
A die will land "6" side up or it won't. 50/50 odds, right?
If it does, I pay you $2. If it doesn't, you pay me $1.
It's easy money.
Either one of us can quit after 10 rolls.


Quantum Mechanics would like to have a word with you.
Anyone who still believes in determinism shouldn't be allowed to post on this board.

Assume [math]P(E) = \frac{1}{2}[/math], where [math]E[/math] is any event.

By definition of probability, the probability of some event in the universe of events, [math]U[/math], occurring is 1.

Define the event [math]E=U[/math]--that is, [math]E[/math] is the event of any event occurring. By our initial assumption, [math]P(E) = \frac{1}{2}[/math]. However, this contradicts our definition [math]P(E) = P(U) \equiv 1[/math].

[math]\therefore[/math] OP is a faggot. [math]\blacksquare[/math]

I guess we are lucky the universe hasn't contradicted itself yet. But there's only 50% chance of that happening anyways.