Why do college age millenials write social media posts like replying to a corporate chain mail?

Why do college age millenials write social media posts like replying to a corporate chain mail?

>my heart goes out

worse yet they couple these contrivanced with



Politically correct drilling?

t. Triggered vocablet

Why are Millenials so obsessed with the word "Literally"? It honestly pisses me off how they use that word out of context so much to exaggerate something so trivial.

noblesse oblige (ed. nancy mitford)
the uses of literacy (richard hoggart)

I don't know why they do it, but I do it to annoy autists.


extremely good post. thanks user

That's the point, these words to not broaden the vocabulary, they are just meaningless corporate slang, hence the contrivance. So many people reading with a straight face how a shill called superhero movie 'poignant' even in its most 'egregious' moments. Oh and don't forget 'heartfelt plea'.

>'many people reading'
>and don't forget
>'broaden the vocabulary'
Will someone please shut this projecting brainlet up?

calm down sperg-o
have a poignant moment with your star wars toy

This level of irony should be outright illegal.

Dude what if all language is a series of memes that are simply rearranged in different fashions?

What if we're all robots mimicking eachother and independent /origin thought is an illusion(or at least incredibly rare)?

Really makes ya think, eh?

Was in class yesterday and a girl speaking couldn't go more than five words without having to spend a long while thinking followed by saying the word "like"

>exremely good post
Wtf are you talking about. A good post would summarize the main point and then recommend the books for further information. Namedropping some shit is not "extremely good" at all

someone's salty OP's interested enough to do that himself and work out they are relevant and even interesting. should we give him chapter by chapter summaries and see if he has any homework he wants to do for us too? looks like you'll have to read them both tonight and make an excellent post with further reading from the past half century or so if you want to make a better post.

Didn't even read past the first sentence. Get to the fucking point I don't care to read your self-masturbatory post with """clever""" remarks and stupid assumptions bitch bye

wow thanks for the book. much excellence very learned.

nice memes:)

I share Veeky Forums with this

>I can't say egregious, a word I learned in like 7th grade because it will cause an autistic dweeb connection failure and he'll have to buy a bottle of Windex by the time his thread is deleted

>[Mitford's] argument, a set-piece even today among literary parlor games, was that the more elegant euphemism used for any word is usually the non-upper-class thing to say—or, in Miss Mitford's words, simply non-U. Thus: It is very non-U to say "dentures"; "false teeth" will do. Ill is non-U; sick is U. The non-U person resides at his home. The U person lives in his house. And so forth.

So an English aristocrat discovered counter-signaling 60-or-so years ago?

no she just popularized it. she's more a humble farmer

Also, not that this discredits her or anything, but wasn't one of her sister's a Nazi?

>wtf I love the Mitfords now

the mitford sisters are all over the map. deanna's hardcore red, but unity's hardcore fascist. they're pretty much all intellectual powerhourses regardless of their allegiance, but nancy is probably a bit more democratic leaning towards socialist than the one you're thinking of: she wrote a satire of her sister's marriage to mosley, and her sister was considered the brains of mosley's fascism.

sorry *decca* not deanna. short for jessica.
unity and diana are the fascist ones.

there's a great quote about the sisters from the newspapers at the time:
> Diana the Fascist, Jessica the Communist, Unity the Hitler-lover; Nancy the Novelist; Deborah the Duchess and Pamela the unobtrusive poultry connoisseur

what the fuck are you even talking about? I have never observed this.

I think he's talking about randoms talking about books (e.g. Goodreads reviews), not just arbitrary people on the street

This was fun. In a class I took, our teacher was helping us do presentations and said that words like that are filler, and that it's better to say nothing at all if you're still thinking. When everyone did a presentation there were lots of pauses.

It literally pisses me off

I think the worst offender is the expression "People of Color". I literally [tee-hee] don't understand how it differs from "colored" people and why they think such a catch-all term for every skin color on Earth is politically correct.

> why they think such a catch-all term for every skin color on Earth is politically correct.
huh? it's just a label for non-white. Do you have a problem with the existence of a catch-all term for that?

I don't have a problem with it, but I don't understand why they [libtards] don't seem to mind it.

Why would anyone mind it again?

a lot of the old libtards got their skulls bashed in trying to get rid of colored signs in the US

Oh I see sorry I wasn't aware

A new challenger has arrived