Is Hegel a pseud...

Is Hegel a pseud? Going through his Phenomenology of Spirit is just like jumping from one unfleshed-out argument to another, none of which seem to properly connect. I understand his dialectical method, and I think it's a pretty cool system. But all of his analysis on the journey of Spirit seems pretty much just made up and pulled out of his ass. Can someone explain to me why the fuck people bother with this shit?

Other urls found in this thread: dialectic/

>Is Hegel a pseud?

Jesus Christ Veeky Forums this is embarrassing.

Not an argument.

You cherry picked my first sentence. Did you read the rest? And also have you read Hegel?

Nobody needs to argue when you question the intelligence of one of the most important philosopher of all time, you are just lazy fuck who doesn't want to research why he is known.
I'm sure you know better than the philosophy professors of the last 200 years.

The only way to understand Hegel is to laugh at how seriously Hegel takes philosophy.

Yes it is, brainlet.

Not an argument.

You can find all the arguments you want in literally every philosophical work written after Hegel.

Of course it's pulled out his ass. That's the whole point. Hegel is the best at ass-pulling, the phenemenology is one of the biggest, most beautiful houses of crap in the history of philosophy and he pulled it all out his own ass.

If you can't see the beauty in enermous, self-contained abstract systems full of shit then Hegel is not for you.

Yes, Hegel and the 200 years of philosophers answering to him are all pseuds and you, the enlightened NEET, saw through the veil of maya and is truly free. Now go back to /a/, /v/ or wherever it is that you came from.

Prove it.

It is an argument. It's just an argument from authority.

Philosophy is for pseuds, Veeky Forums awaits your STEM autism.

Just wait and let me write my 200 page dissertation on why Hegel was a genius and one of the most influential western philosopher instead of telling the retard OP to do his own research in books written by countless professors and philosophers who understand philosophy better than me.

You couldn't be more wrong.

>200 pages on Hegel is an impressive amount of work on Hegel.

True, he isn't even worth a single page lmao

There's no point to keep reading. Too many red flags. I also unwittingly read the word "unfleshed".

Jesus Christ you guys are insane. Hegel only influenced a small side of philosophy, and pretty much the people who came out of his tradition, aside from Heidegger, are bullshit.

He's also been critiqued as being a fake by not just me, but also by Schopenhauer AND all theological thinkers. That's a large gap between people who pay no heed to him.

Most of the hundreds of books that were written about him seem to be attempting to break down the minutae of his arguments and justify them, but they seem to me to be complete hogwash in the face of any scrutiny.

If you take Kant's reasoning in the Critique of Pure Reason for, say, the Transcendental Unity of Apperception, you get like fifty pages of hardcore logic and reasoning. Kant's worst principle was the 12 categories of the TUA, which seemed to come out of nowhere. But even THAT had more reasoning than everything inside of Hegel's Phenomenology.

Hegel goes on a long ass rampage after claiming that the "Unhappy Consciousness" just decides to surrender itself over to religion because, well, that's just what happens and what Spirit does and there you go. And then the surrendered Spirit spends 100 pages observing the most outdated bullshit science ever. His Phrenology is universally considered bullshit and he didn't know what he's talking about.

Ultimately I feel like people like Hegel for the same reasons they like Jordan Peterson. He says a lot of cool stuff that makes everyone perk their ears at how interesting and cool their stuff is. And they have a pretty good big-picture view on everything. Specifically History for both of them. But neither, when pressed, can give any solid argument for any of the shit they say. It's all whimsy and opinion. Pseuds.

not an argument

I enjoy reading Kierkegaard much, much more.

Peterson is no pseud. Have you even read Maps of Meaning?

I'm the user from Don't you see how silly it is to compare Hegel and Kant? Obviously, Hegel build on Kant but they are totally different in their writing and style of thinking. If you want painstaking Kantian style autistic, iron clad reasoning, don't read Hegel. Like I said in my post, you need a certain goodwill and appreciation for abstract constructs to enjoy Hegel. Of course it's trivial to poke holes in a giant theory building but nobody reads Hegel because he is iron clad. I mean just the very premise of the phemenology is kind of crazy, any uber-skeptic can just stop right there and not even open the damn book.

I mean, this was ultimately why Hegel was so devisive. One side said great, his theories are creative and beautiful and he has so many concepts we can use and the other side, ugh it's not providing tight, iron-clad reasoning for anything so it's useless.

You sound very boring. Like yet another person jazzed about empiricism who comes here of all places. And the way you underplay his influence is truly amusing.

lets find out what Sam Harris thinks, that will put this matter to rest...

You may as well just kill yourself now. Your hardcore empiricism will get you literally nowhere. LOL Kant was a fucking boring autismo and I bet you are too.

yes read Schopenhauer instead

Thanks man, this is genuinely good advice

Fuck off plebbit

hegel was a mystic. i am not using that as an insult, but seriously, if you know about the German mystics that influenced him greatly and read them, then read hegel, you will know it to be tru.

The question is did YOU read the rest? Hegel pretty clearly describes his thoughts. I can't see someone who actually read Hegel making your complaints.

His analysis was not pulled out of his ass, it was described every step of the way. If you actually read and understood it, you could have followed along. Instead you shitposted on Veeky Forums. Good fucking job, shithead.

The conventional reading of the PhS is that it's an introduction to Hegel's way of thinking, not a systematic philosophy. The dialectical progression of thought and history is on full display in the System of Logic, obviously, which then is the basis of his systematic political and historical philosophy.

Most historical figures have contented themselves with reading the PhS and maybe the Philosophy of Right, but many have grappled with the Logic and Hegel's full systematic philosophy, e.g., Lenin, Heidegger, Adorno, Gadamer.


We need a filter on "not an argument"

Any ideas? I'm thinking "baka onii-chan"

Not an argument.

You're the worst dude. Yeah, I just took a class on him in. Whole class agreed his argument read more like a story than a work of philosophy. Not to say that there's no merit in that. But the original question posed was: was he a pseud? And I think I got my answer. I was convinced of his haphazard philosophy right off the bat when he randomly assumed Sense Certainty would lead to Perception without giving barely any reason for the jump to Perception instead of, say, some form of interaction with objects in Space and Time or something. He never indulged other possibilities because to him Spirit's journey through history is set in stone, and there's no possibility of anything changing the trajectory he specifically laid out. There's no free will, and yet he has no argument for why there isn't free will. Spirit moves forward, and Hegel seems to claim within his philosophy of Spirit that one can discern all of history, including, the future, by way of his philosophy; yet, he doesn't give any way of explaining how a knowledge of Spirit's journey might lead to the changing of horrible events in history from taking place. He claims he is searching for the concrete universal; yet, nearly all of his theories are abstract with concretes attached to them, which is, in my opinion, just another way of being abstract in thought. It's lazy to me. And I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Prove me ( ) wrong if you think you know better or you have some argument against what I just said.

>the entire continental tradition is bunk
>>except for the one fascist of the bunch


This board is hell.

what the fuck is a pseud if hegel qualifies while being perhaps the most well read philosopher in the history of the discipline (cf his lectures on history, history of philosophy, aesthetics, the sciences...)?

could it be perhaps that people are stupid and illiterate and just sling the label of pseud at anyone they either can't read or intuitively disagree with but can't articulate why?

>i just took a class on him
You are not qualified to talk about something you do not understand. Study Hegel thoroughly for at least 5 years and then your opinion might have some merit.


Not even reddit is this bad.

you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. why on earth do you expect spirit to be therapeutic or predictive? can you cite even a single line of text in support of this ridiculous objection? i think only pseud here is you for thinking you've found the blind spot in hegel after thinking marginally about him for 10 weeks

This is technically true but saying the PoS is not systematic is kind of an insane statement to make about a 500 page book that's nothing but abstract upon abstract upon abstract systems.

You would know

>Hegel only influenced a small side of philosophy
Stopped reading right there cuck

baka onii-chan

Hi Will.

He's a half-pseud.

Veeky Forums completely BTFO

Hegel is literally retarded

Reading books doesn't make you intelligent or intellectual. Those are qualities that you are born with, and no amount of work or knowledge put in will ever, ever change that.

lmao good spot

>that's just what happens and what Spirit does and there you go. And then the surrendered Spirit spends 100 pages observing the most outdated bullshit science ever. His Phrenology is universally considered bullshit and he didn't know what he's talking about
Wait, it gets better!

Here's the man on gravitation:
>"Three times," he says "has an apple proved fatal. First to the human race in the fall of Adam, secondly to Troy through the gift of Paris, and last of all to science through the fall of Newton's apple." (Werke, XVI, 17)
Is it any wonder only commies and the occasional nazi would like him?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the University of Tübingen, and I've been involved in some serious ontology. I am trained in dialectical warfare and I am the top dialectician of all German philosphers. I will wipe you the fuck out with some serious post-Kantian idealism, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Hegelian sorcerers across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, caveman. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can destroy your entire philosophical system in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in the ancient philosophy of the Greeks, but I have access to the entire arsenal of German Idealism and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Atheists, New Agers, and eastern flim-flammers pls go.


>hating a philosopher because he can't predict the future


I'm pretty sure there is some kind of agenda behind all those Hegel hate threads lately, the language used is very similar in all of them.


Our boy Georg become a sort o meme on THAT board once they discovered the words hegelian dialectic. Just search the term in the archives and you'll see who's behind that.

how will continental "philosophers" ever recover?

Yes, Hegel is a pseud and you are a genius, OP. People only bother with his work because they're not as quick to learn as you and I.

A lot of threads and posts on Veeky Forums are ads or propaganda, it's plain to see.


>Almost all of Veeky Forums except a bunch of empiricist madposters who claim to have read him gather in defense of Hegel

is he /ourphilosopher/?

>Almost all of Veeky Forums
you forgot about user

>assumed Sense Certainty would lead to Perception without giving barely any reason for the jump to Perception instead of, say, some form of interaction with objects in Space and Time or something.

>He never indulged other possibilities

Words mean things, you horrid little nugget.

After Sense-Certainty, Perception is the first and only possible act. There is no agency involved, and no 'interaction' to be had. No other process is possible in a sane, unmedicated human after Sense-Certainty but Perception. Force and Understanding come after. This is not difficult if you read Hegel and paid attention.

You should demand a refund from your school, you illiterate sperg.

I doubt anyone here aside from a couple of posters has read him.

Is Veeky Forums a pseud?

My name is Will and my friends know I browse lit -
I hope you don't think that autist is me.

>/pol/ is anti-hegel

Nice false flag reddit. Do you idiots mind stop brigading Veeky Forums for a moment.

The problem is that Hegel is /ourphilosopher/ even if we don't want him.

who would have thought that such a stupid and authoritarian opinion would have been brought in defense of the futility of reading dialectic/

Almost nothing there is offensive as the shit in the recent anti-hegel threads on Veeky Forums. And yes hegelian dialectic can be used to describe situations of conflict. I don't see your point. You are the type of person who says that's slavs and jews can't be nazis and thinks that is logically sound.

Yeah but I dunno if blaming Hegel hate on the Big Logical Positivism lobby and their army of shills is a workable theory, even by /pol/ conspiracy standards

I just have to address how this is by far the stupidest comment I've ever seen in my life. Way to defend Hegel's philosophy WITH Hegel's philosophy, and use a tone of intelligence when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Fuck man, don't talk about things you don't understand.

Hi Bad Phil

>hegelian dialectic = thesis, antithesis > synthesis

reee, this is all marx's fault

You fucking swine, don't go linking Veeky Forums threads to reddit

I didn't do it

How retarded can someone possibly be when they think it's not ok to defend a philosopher using their philosophy?

You are a mentally ill faggot who needs to stop posting and fix his life.

Sense-Certainty: photons and pressure waves reflected off on an infinite faggot land on my sensory organs. Brain says check it out man.

Perception: yup I see something alright. might be a faggot. could be an illiterate sperg tho!

How new are you?

All Hegel did was rewrite Heraclitus in a more a convoluted way. Prove me wrong Hegelfags.

How about you prove yourself right first.

Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat

This should be added to the sticky.

>being this retarded

perception has to follow sense certainty. by definition, sense certainty is what provides the content for perception. though how we understand perceptions will obviously develop (which is the founding fucking premise of hegel's work, the dialectic), that we see *something* (= a perception) is first required before we can say anything else about individuated objects within 1 unified perception, relationships between these things, etc. etc.

hegel is pritty clear m8 (i paraphrase): while apprehending it, we must refrain from trying to comprehend it.
thought is concrete, its *about something*. sense certainty is what provides this something, and perception (as object, not faculty) is this something.

if you honestly don't see kant as setting the stage for hegel, you dont understand either of them. kant, fichte, schelling, hegel. read them in that order, and you'll see hegel was right.

also, how tf can you dickride kant for his logic, and not absolutely gush at hegel's deduction of the categories? it was fucking brilliant. maybe not 100% correct, but one of the most impressive developments in philosophy ever presented. you're hating on hegel for his religion, yet somehow entirely forgetting kant's horrendous 9th section of the 3rd critique (if we want to pick at weak spots), and cherry picking aspects of each philosopher to suit your pathetic sensibilities. go reread hegel, you've clearly misunderstood him

All Hegel did was set the stage for Stirner who rejected him anyway.

>mfw my Perception precedes my Sense-Certainty and I charge people $3.99 a minute for it

greater than synthesis


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at the University of Tübingen, and I've been involved in some serious ontology. I am trained in dialectical warfare and I am the top dialectician of all German philosophers. I will wipe you the fuck out with some serious post-Kantian idealism, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Hegelian sorcerers across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, caveman. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can destroy your entire philosophical system in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in the ancient philosophy of the Greeks, but I have access to the entire arsenal of German Idealism and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

this is a copypasta than which no greater can be conceived

it's called thinking emoji