Is William Faulkner the greatest American author ever?

Is William Faulkner the greatest American author ever?

Cormac McCarthy out-Faulkners Faulkner

That's not Henry James.

Of course not, you fucking prosefaggot.

This. Henry James is the only American novelist who can compare with the European greats

Not only the greatest American author, but the greatest author of all time.

Pynchon is Faulkner 2.0

Sorry, you cant cook an omelet twice, you just get a burnt mess of chicken menstruation.

It's probably Henry James.

That's not how you spell Melville

>he took the bread
>then he ate the bread


In my country, this man is everything.

No. saul bellow is

Yes. He's up there with Poe and Whitman. If you're American and haven't read him you're missing out.

gibe cigars, raul

After Melville and McCarthy, probably yes

>Best American author
>Not TS Eliot or Ezra Pound
Holy shit that's some bad taste

He's up there, sure.

Objectively speaking, Jews can't be part of the Western canon.

Its Melville undoubtably.

To those who would might question McCarthy, you should read Suttree.

Objectively speaking, the Bible was written by jews and is the basis of the western canon.

But blood meridian is better

>He's this upset that he's too much of a brainlet to appreciate good prose

>Best american writer
Melville, Gaddis or Pynchon if you want me to be serious.

Nothing Pynchon has written is anywhere near as good as As I Lay Dying or The Sound and The Fury.

Get some sleep bloom, its getting late.

To be honest I think it is a matter of distinct personal preference, Suttree or Blood Meridian. Both express in different and beautiful ways the identity and experience of being American, some will get more out of one or the other.

Gravity's rainbow and M&D are better, even V. is up there

As I Die Reading was rather boring imo

Are you guys all retarded. No one in this thread has written anythng near as great as women and men. Joseph Mcelroy is the greatest american author of all time.

he's definitely good but I cant read fiction without feeling like I'm wasting my time...I really liked The Sound and the Fury senpai

What does Veeky Forums think of Emerson? I never seem him discussed here.

Transcendentalists are too often quickly dismissed. There is such passion in their writing, you can sense how important it was to them declaring and marking territory for the new nation.

Emerson is a joy to read, especially where poetry is concerned.

And Dickens was a fan:

>...there has sprung up in Boston a sect of philosophers known as Transcendentalists. On inquiring what this appellation might be supposed to signify, I was given to understand that whatever was unintelligible would be certainly transcendental. Not deriving much comfort from this elucidation, I pursued the inquiry still further, and found that the Transcendentalists are followers of my friend Mr. Carlyle, or, I should rather say, of a follower of his, Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson. This gentleman has written a volume of Essays, in which, among much that is dreamy and fanciful (if he will pardon me for saying so), there is much more that is true and manly, honest and bold. Transcendentalism has its occasional vagaries (what school has not?) but it has good healthful qualities in spite of them; not least among the number a hearty disgust of Cant, and an aptitude to detect her in all the million varieties of her everlasting wardrobe. And therefore if I were a Bostonian, I think I would be a Transcendentalist.

his essay on the subject basically calls for society to accept a bunch of bums who sit around doing fuck all to contribute to society

b-but they will m-make art when the time comes!

i feel like light in august by him gets overlooked a lot and honestly i think its his best book. Joe Christmas is a character i have never forgetten.

Sound and the Fury is fucking beautiful.

I agree, extremely overrated book. Christmas is, in my opinion, one of the most developed, complex, and tragic characters in literature.

>once a bitch, always a bitch
Could Jason be any more based?

This fag gets it

Garbage tast. I like pynchon, but you can hardly compare the two

Nah, he's cucked by his own love of money. Dilsey is the ultimate matriarch.

Oops, meant underrated*.

no Steven king is the best author

Bro he's not even top modernist

Do you really think that, or are you memeing? Do you really think he's better than Melville, Faulkner and the rest? And better than the other postmodernists, Gass, Gaddis, Pynchon?

Mark Twain

I prefer Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville.


This. He's definitly up there as one of the greats. But tbf, i haven't read enough American Veeky Forums to be totally objective. Still, the Sound and the Fury is beautiful. It's actually what got me into lit in the first place.

>Only had to read the first two sections in class
> finished the book on my own anyway because of how great it was

One of my favorite quotes, desu. Too bad Jason can't live up to the precedent it sets.

who else is a southern gothic writer?

Yeah I do. Hes much smarter aswell. Almost too smart. If you would like a quick rundown on mcelroy ead ancien history.

Flannery O'Connor

>good prose