I have a big tendency to get lip herpes. I heard you get them when you get saliva on lips when outside...

I have a big tendency to get lip herpes. I heard you get them when you get saliva on lips when outside, either your own or from kissing, and I think the former is the case. But I never get them when I get lips wet from a drink or something. Is that something in saliva that makes them pop out or is it something unrelated?

Also, can I eat pussy (while not having herpes on my lips at that moment obviously, because no woman would let me eat her pussy while I have them) and not give woman herpes? I read that these are two seperate viruses (lip herpes are caused by HSV1 virus and genital herpes are caused by HSV2 virus) but I want to be sure.

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Usually you get an outbreak from stressing the area. Saliva on the lips when outside can cause stress due to the changes in moisture level and rubbing and shearing caused by the tongue. Wind and cold weather can make compound this effect.

Herpes isn't contagious unless you have a breakout. Herpes is still herpes regardless of the type and just as contagious. I wouldn't be too worried, herpes is mainly superficial and in only rare cases is it actually life threatening. The only downside is that they are permanent.

Atleast this my understanding. This is coming from someone who got herpes from wrestling, also known as mat herpes, and has to deal with it.

My lip herpes always comes out during stressful periods in my life. Which makes sense since somewhere I read that the virus is dorment in your nerve cells throughout your entire life once you get it.
Anyway, I've been getting it for 20+ years and the best advice I can give on dealing with it is try you best to ignore it and if it get's bloated just puncture it with a clean needle. This way mine always disappears 1-2 days. If I put some retarded cream on it that way it will stay there for a week. Maybe not the best advice but it works for me.

>lip herpes attack
>burn it with almost pure ethanol

Maybe stop sucking dicks everyday.

I've getting lips herpes all my life. I had a pretty agressive outbreak last week. Following this, I had an outbreak on the tip of my TONGUE, like 5 days ago, and it hasn't progressed. Should I go to the doctor? I've never gotten one of these on my tongue.

Fuck guys. I feel sorry for you.

I've had two close calls kissing girls that had just gotten over it (I could see the little outline of the scab, covered in makeup).

Thankfully, I didn't get it.

More Serious fucking research needs to be put into a cure for that cunt of a virus.

Herpes manifests itself when your immune system is weak. Get your diet, activity and stress in check. See a doctor if you have to.

You did get it.

both of these anons are right

gonna try that needle thing..

Well after a number of years and no outbreaks and some of the most stressful periods of my life I think I like this virus.

>I didn't get it
user, i...


only do that if there is a big yellow bump and be careful with the skin underneath it is really thin. and some sort of puss or liquid will come out. drain that and mine usually disappears in a day.

Is there a way to cure that shit completely?

As far as I know, killing yourself works.

I've got a gf with herpes (found out too late). My immune system isn't really strong, but I haven't got any outbreak till now. (Worried a bit about the future)

You probably got herpes from eating pussy, and no you will infect them.


70% of the women have HPV.

So... Good luck.

How are you not a virgin but still so immature and insulated from human knowledge?

>warts growing all over your dick, balls, and mouth
Explain to me again Veeky Forums why purging the unclean is not scientifically accepted method for dealing with pestilences.


in serbia there is this cream ACIKLOVIR
i have no idea whats it called around the world
when i sense a breakout (it can be also seen at the mere beggining, like a small redness and itchines on the lip) i apply the cream AND VOILA its gone in 2 days max
it doesnt even live to the crust stage, it just slowly dissapears and its painless

It's an antiviral called acyclovir

this is fucking trash.

one of the few things I'm in total agreement with the altright on is that sexual promiscuity needs to be shamed.

Well user, in this case only 30% of women don't have HPV. Probably they are the ones that should be power washed from the deck of humanity, don't you think?


yeah i have oral pills called valacyclovir. 500mg daily and 0 sores

Lip herpes is 100% transferable to the genitals and is highly contagious from basically the first time you feel a tingle through the development of open sores but also afterwards from scab tissue.

Don't be the asshole who gives some poor girl herpes on her fucking vag for the rest of her life because you wanted to pretend like you didn't have it.

Inspect the penis before you suck it, it's not hard.



I used lysol applied with a q tip and it went away.

My curiousity peaked when i read on the can of a lysol disinfectant spray that it killed herpes among the list of viruses.

As some of you may know herpes is forever but comes n goes. It flares up.

Well like most of america i have oral herpes or cold sores.

I noticed that if i looked really close n stretched my lip i could see the little bumps even when i wasnt going through a flare. They werent noticable unless i really looked close and are kind of like blackheads but white.

Well after reading the label i applied the lysol to my lips and it burned a bit but i shit you not they went away by like 80%.

Lip herpes is 100% transferable to the genitals


They are two seperate viruses hsv1 and hsv2

is it only transferrable if you have an open sore or one that is healing though? say for instance someone gets cold sores but hasn't had them in 2 year or so. is it still transferrable?

You're mis/uninformed. Yes there are two viruses, but hsv1 and hsv2 can act on both regions. I.e. your genitals can have hsv1 or 2, same as your lips or other mucus membranes.

Holy fck im so glad i got a non-white conservative gf without any of this shit. Herpes sticks w/ u forever, but I did kiss a girl who had it but wasn't having an outbreak. Im glad I didn't get that shit

>Well user, in this case only 30% of women don't have HPV. Probably they are the ones that should be power washed from the deck of humanity, don't you think?

No, nobody here thinks that, unless you're a bug chaser in which case your should kill yourself immediately (rather than slowly).

ok /pol/

I had been getting them once a month for 20 years... started taking 1000mg of Lysine per day and haven't had one in over 2 years.

>Herpes isn't contagious unless you have a breakout.
It is though

>I heard you get them when you get saliva on lips when outside
> is it something unrelated?
Completely unrelated, you sound insane.

t. medical professional

Stop spreading misinformation, this has been medically proven. Your post is dangerous to public health. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS MAN

Theoretically yes, though transfer is almost guaranteed if there is an open sore. It's possible to avoid it if there are no active sores, but long term exposure makes it almost a sure thing. There's such a thing as micro=sores that you aren't aware of.

you stupid fuck, alcohol desinfection doesnt work against viruses

This is true.

In the past they were believed to be completely separate, but numerous medical examples have proven this to be false. You can have oral herpes on your genitals and vice-versa.

we dont know shit about herpes

micro-sores* not visible to the naked eye, or so small they're not noticed or confused with acne. They can occur pretty far from the lip such as near the base of the nose or jowls.

Not exactly true, not sure who told you this.

We know quite a bit, actually.

You mean YOU don't know shit about it.

I'm a microbiologist. Read a fucking medical journal.

none of that is true

Why isn't there a herpes cure yet? THere must be something that can turn it off.
We're on the cusp of killing malaria and closer than ever to a blood test of cancers. Why is herpes so hard to deal with?

I got herpes from a guy who went down on me, so yeah. It's HSV-1 luckily. Apparently this is much more common these days, and the good thing about it is that when you have herpes outside it's usual region you get less frequent outbreaks. So having HSV-1 on your genitals once a year but even less frequent than that.

I had no outbreak this year and one last year due to a very stressful event.

Viruses are hard as fuck to "cure."

we dont even know how that virus gets active and why.
all we know is stress or disgust.
that's too diffuse for me.

>having incurable sex disease

just kill yourself or never have sex of any kind ever again. literally your only options, everything else is just mental gymnastics to justify being a shitty person.

But 80% of Americans have HPV.

>implying amerimutts shouldn't kill themselves