Absurdist/nihilist literature. As a complete layman in terms of philosophy...

Absurdist/nihilist literature. As a complete layman in terms of philosophy, where should I start with absurdist/nihilistic lit?

If I start with say, Camus which of his works should I begin with?

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I'm going to start with the myth of Sisyphus its a good place to start. If you want to start at the beginning of existentialism try one of Soren kierkregards books

check out fathers and sons by turgenev
bazarov was literally the original nihilisit

I agree with , The myth of Sisyphus would be a good start. My first Camus book was The Stranger, I recommend it too.
I also have a question but I don't want to start a new thread: is Nausea by J.P. Sartre worth reading?

>I want to read Camus to impress girls, help me Veeky Forums

Also, absurdism/nihilism is bullshit. Don't know why you guys on this board like this shit. Read real philosophy: some good Greek like Plato, and some good German like Kant.


existentialism start with camus + sartres fiction and myth of sisyphus, move onto non-fiction + Kierkegaard + Dostoevsky, by then you can probably discern for yourself what to read and what would interest you

It's a great novel.

>existentialism start with camus

>not an existentialist

Indeed he is not

nothing wrong with that. we all read for our own reasons.

Explain how absurdism isn't just rebranded existentialism

Actually, I'm looking for ways to cope with my meaningless, lonely, worthless life and self hatred.

I couldn't impress a woman if I wanted to.

explain how liberalism is not just rebranded christianity

Do you believe that it is?

im just saying that rebranded things can be materially different. camus' is an interpretation not all existentialists would be on board with

get a job

Wow. You're a pussy.

The Stranger
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
Crime & Punishment (as an attack on Nihilism)
The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

Start with St. Exupery, perhaps even the Little Prince. Then read Wind, Sand, Stars -and- Southern Mail. Then Sisyphus etc.

>St. Exupery
>Le Petit Prince

At the Existentialist's Cafe by Sarah Bakewell is a clear, relatively comprehensive introduction to existentialism and its its related movements. You'll be able to pick up primary sources after reading this.

If you want Camus after that you can just read his collected works in publication order. He really didn't publish that much.

Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre and The Stranger by Albert Camus are two good short novels by THE existentialist and absurdist.

Waiting For Godot, Endgame, and Happy Days are all short plays by Samuel Beckett that are all more or less about the things absurdism and existentialism are getting at.

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller is a good later novel that links absurdism to the war.

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is another later novel that serves as a clear explication and application of absurdism, and connects it to political thinking.

Kafka is an important precursor. His complete works are recommended. The Trial is particularly important to this topic.

get a job

Although I do not believe that there is an -ism with it's members agreeing with what it is.
Perhaps ideas, these memetic creatures, practice Divide et Impera to remain in control.

Well, you're right. I am. I don't want to be, but I am.

nothing wants to die, even the things that were never alive

That little sheep of which there is 'nothing so important as' can refer only to the mind and needs of the little prince himself, all alone on his little rock in the midst of a suspiciously attractive universe. We can confront him with that ultimate question on his 16th birthday. He'll be ready.

Nice Facebook tier advice. What's next? Go outside? Be yourself?

I'm reading it right now and it really does feel like a slightly worse "The Return of Philip Latinowicz". That being said I recommend both books.

Camus is a faggot poet with nothing substantial to offer. Ignore him entirely, or read Sisyphus if you're prepared to laugh at it--not with it. Read a Short History of Decay instead.

In existentialism being is defined as a state that is uncertain, Camus defines as a certainty in the absurd.

Because liberalism is an ideology and christianity is a religion

Ultimately this just comes to the same thing, since one isn't answering the question and the other is saying you can't answer the question
Absurdism is very much like existentialism, albeit not identical, but it's more flawed than the latter since Camus can't explain why we should rebel in spite of the absurdity

Rick and Morty

religion is ideology you mong, you literally believe a concept because you are convinced of its benefit or correctness without objective fact

>religion is ideology you mong, you literally believe a concept because you are convinced of its benefit or correctness without objective fact
That is neither the definition of ideology nor what religion is

>objective fact
care to define this?

>care to define this?

Absurdism,like nihilism is an existential concept.

Existentialism seeks to get at the core of being.
Nihilism is a conclusion drawn by some thinkers when they asked "what if metaphysics don't exist?".
Absurdism is a solution to nihilism if the nihilism is real.
