Are hard boiled eggs badass?

Are hard boiled eggs badass?

I don't know if I'd ever describe a food as "badass" but hard boiled eggs are delicious, yes.

>poorly peeled
>yolks all fucked up from cutting with a dull knife
>one random upside down egg
>not arranged uniformly at all, they just sort of dropped them on a plate
>black pepper unevenly thrown on top
And then someone photographed it like it's a magazine cover or some shit. These eggs are some amateur hour shit.

I stopped boiling my eggs when I got a smoker. smoked eggs >>> boiled eggs


How do you peel these fuckers correctly? I dunk in a cold water filled pot, bring to a roaring boil, immediately cover, wait 15 minutes, pour off hot water, then refill several times with cold water. Tap them on a hard surface lightly in several spots, then proceed to peel. Inevitably every third or fourth egg has a small section of egg that lifts with the above shell.

It's maddening.

I like them, they're a quick snack and easy protein. I just adds bit of salt to them though, so I haven't really experimented much. But I don't like eating them too much because they turn my farts into this deathly miasma of nasal rape.

Start in hot water
Roll/tap and then leave to cool in cold water for five to ten mins

>roaring boil
>put eggs in
>cover pot
>turn off burner
>12 minutes, covered

>ice bath
>tap top and spin while tapping all the way around long ways
>make a million micro-cracks
>poke finger through the top/bottom where the air pocket is

If done right, the inner film of the egg should help lift all the micro-cracks of the shell up off the egg.

Note: some disgusting people like their eggs under-cooked and that fucks up peeling.

I personally like to use a spoon, but cause I'm not too coordinated and am too impatient I keep scooping into the egg. I feel like it'd work if you were good enough.

Have you tried that old science experiment trick where you crack both sides a bit, peel off the broken shell and then blow into one end and launch the egg out? I did it once for shits and giggles but I blew too hard and my egg landed and broke on the floor.

I used to have this problem. You just have to find the little air pocket on the bottom and grab that filmy layer and peel it off. As long as you made lots of little cracks it should peel right off when you get ahold of that filmy stuff.

>easy protein
when will this meme die?

All I'm saying is, if hout aren't even trying to make them presentable then why are you photographing them for the world to see?


That usually works but sometimes that layer is bonded to the egg white which makes it harder. Supposedly it separates easier when the egg is older.

>peel away shell at top of the egg
>do the same at the bottom
>grip the egg in one hand and hold the exposed top to your lips
>blow as hard as you can
The egg should pop right out the other end

Not an argument.

vinegar in the water you boil them in....

Imperfect hard boiled eggs look far better than perfectly cut ones. Makes it look more homemade and authentic. Gotta go for that look since we live in a age where perfect looks can be mass produced.

>Not an argument.
not an argument

> Gotta go for that look since we live in a age where perfect looks can be mass produced.
If I picture a good looking person in nice clothes and good hair saying this it sounds believable

If I picture an ugly dumpy pudgy short person wearing cheap clothes saying this it sounds like every syllable is a lie and even the silence between words is a lie. It makes me really depressed to imagine a clammy-handed loner making these in a studio apartment with Rick & Morty playing on the 45 inch 4k display and going "wabi-sabi. this is wabi-sabi"

they are indeed bad and they taste like ass

unironically autistic post you've given us here.

Yeah for sure dude

crunch the fat circumference of the eggs with your fingers forming a broken ring of shell until it can be peeled off in two big halves

fuck you OP I was literally thinking tonight how tomorrow morning I wanna make hard boiled eggs, cut them in half, slather on some dijon and cracked pepper and start the day off motherfucking right. fucking friday motherfuckers

>12 minutes
What in god's name are you doing to those eggs?

>Wet eggs

when summer is over
itll start all over next year though

no. i fail to see how food can be badass

Shit, I haven't boiled an egg to green-grey yolk level in years. Only been doing those 8 minute soft boils. Thanks for bringing this to my attention OP

that seems like pretty badass to me.

Smoked eggs?
Tell me about it user.
What wood you use? What's the process?
How long?
I must know

At 12 minutes those fuckers will be grey and disgusting. Give them 8 or 9 tops and they'll be solid. Though 6 or 7 for slightly wet is the best way to go.

Yeah pretty much. I could accept that as a "badass" food.

It's still true though, the presentation is shitty beyond belief.

I smash them against my head to crack the shell a bit then peel the top off and scoop them with a spoon.

all this hate for pointing out what should be obvious to each of us