Murdered and dissected multiple living things today

I killed and dissected multiple mice today, the first time I have ever killed an animal myself. I know it was for science, and that they're not people, but I feel bad and cold about having done it nonetheless. Picture attached is a snap of one of the mice in its cage that I recorded while no one was looking. Anyone else have these feelings?

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I actually also took a picture of one of the mice after dissection while no one was looking (although still had my gloves on...), id post it here but I feel like mods would delete it for gore or whatever.

cool what's your science kill count? Oh and doing it for classwork does not count as for science.

The lab im in studies mitochondria for medical purposes pertraining to the heart and its oxidative damage. My kill count is now 12. The worst part is of these 12, only 6 or so were usable for data.

>>The worst part is of these 12, only 6 or so were usable for data.
that still counts. Good job OP. I think you've got a bright future ahead of you, maybe you'll even be able to kill hundreds a day! Keep up the good work.

Shit sucks Op.

The life of a mouse is so inconsequential that killing several for your education and benefit is worth the sacrifice. I know it sucks, but it is for a good cause

You become desensitized after awhile user. You'll have to slowly lose part of your humanity to science.

You don't feel its worth feeling bad about? One of the technicians in my lab said it felt bad at first but she got to the point where she feels more apathetic about the killing and the only emotions she feels is enjoyment during the dissection, because she has a medical background from when she was in China. The worst part for me is how theyd squirm when you cut off the head, and even for a while after having had their heads cut off.
Yeah man. I had a bunny as a pet for a long time which made it worse somehow.

Is it losing part of my humanity? The research is to help humans after all, and they're only mice.
Thats a good point. The mice I killed were all only 10 weeks old, but thats mid 20s in human years. And like you said, its for a good cause.

I only kill things so I can eat them or defend myself from them.

Here's a pic of a survival surgery. One of the lab rotations I did induced heart attacks onto rats to study inflammatory signaling and mitochondria degeneration. The rat is sacrificed two hours post surgery to have its heart and blood harvested.

Eh, I think our intentions are humane but we do lose part of our humanity in the process. Especially if you had pet hamsters before it kind of messes with you somewhat.

>How serial killers start

OP here, might not be able to reply for a while as a sibling needs me to drive her somewhere.
Do you kill them yourself? It really is a different matter. And these mice arent for eating and are too cute to attack a human.

>I've seen the Dhamer movie. Trust me, I'm an expert.

>the first time I have ever killed an animal myself
You have killed lots of small animals before OP

I think it's a rather humbling notion when you realize the animal you keep caged in your laboratory exists merely to die by your hand, whether for a good cause, intellectual curiosity, or to simply satisfy your own sadism. It makes your own life seem shallow to be honest, made even moreso if you feel your family is an integral part of your life.

Hey OP. Here's the thing, whether it's by your hand or by somebody else's hand for your sake, animals due because of you all the time. Unless you're a vegan that is, and even if you aren't.

How about you volunteer at an animal shelter in your spare time or donate money to good causes for animals to offset your murders?

If I drove a bus through a children's crosswalk, would I find atonement through donating to an orphanage?

No, you would not - but it would be better than nothing. Similarly, this is better than nothing.

OP if you're going to complain then either quit your job or try to somewhat atone for your sins through offsetting them, what else do you want someone to tell you?

The science offsets the murder. It's kinda the point. Peoples lives are improved, saved even, but the information learned from these deaths. I recommend caring about science & the scientific method. Make sure you become somebody who can make sure the most benefit comes of these deaths, even if they are small, cute deaths.

I don't think a mere mortal could answer that.

>cleaning out filing cabinet in garage and burning old documents
>find rats have gotten into a drawer and chewed up some papers
>find plastic sleeve with like a dozen newborn rats each about the size of a pea

>when you cut off the head
Isn't snapping the mouse's neck the best method? I have no experience with it, but I've just always seen reptile store workers hit them on a table.

It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Based on what the OP has mentioned so far and from what I know by experience, it looks like he cut off the neck directly to remove as much blood from its body as possible, so that his data turns out better in the end.

I agree with this. I think this is the best explanation for you OP.

>first day in lab
>phd supervisor tries to "ease me into" the whole dissection process
>we take 3 rats from the breeding building (has a name in my language)
>"let's do one user, we can do the rest when you feel ready"
>"nah let's do them all today, i think repeating the process consecutively will be better for me"
>look of shock and horror on her face

I don't get why you feel bad op. the way I see it, you either feel bad enough about doing it that you simply don't (and I know people in my faculty who didn't go into physiology for this) or you simply accept the fact that you have to do it and that's about it. Those animals were given life to be killed, even those 20 days they got was because they were born to be used in your experiments. If it wasn't you, it would either be someone else or they simply wouldn't be born.

Plus, you forget what we're talking about here. We are talking about rats, not monkeys or dogs. The breeder called me yesterday to tell me one of my mothers ate all her youngs (despite being provided adequate food obviously) just for shits and giggles. You are empathizing with walking shitting machines

I think it boils down to a deep set ideology desu. There are millions of people starving and suffering all over the planet, but nobody really gives a shit. The people suffering in front of you are more tangible and therefore more real, the same applies to the mice. Whether or not the life you're taking is anywhere near your level of consciousness definitely is a part of the multivariate factored decision to end its life, but at the same time, you are still taking life. I think this is especially compounded by the fact that OP is a brainlet and his research is going nowhere, which makes it worse.

You know OP, this all depends on you as a person. Some people struggle with the fact that they have to kill mice, in which case that type of research might not be well suited for them. If you find it too hard, I recommend pursuing research that doesn't involve animal testing.