How do I become a deep thinker? My thoughts are always subvocalized unless I focus...

How do I become a deep thinker? My thoughts are always subvocalized unless I focus, then I can process sentences within an instant.
If I could master this, I think studying would be easier.

Also, can you visualize a bottle spinning and slowly coming to a stop?

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Speed is for chadgineers to show off how fast they can spit out their times tables.

Go slow. All meaningful work is done slowly.

Consider this:

You are a little faggot who wants to visualise rotating cocks.

I want to hurt both of you.


Meditation should help.
>Also, can you visualize a bottle spinning and slowly coming to a stop?

when i try to do this the bottle keeps spinning and i'm unable to stop it.

really strange

Me too man. Or if I visualize a bubble and try to pop it, it always evades me or just kind of squishes but won't actually burst

I think you two didn't have a meaningful relationship with your dads when you were a child. Am I right?

I'm asking out of pure pyschological analysis, I don't mean to offend.

start slow; gain tempo.
do logic and learn poems by heart.

i also get that sometimes, there's like a 99% chance i can visualise things how i want, but 1% of the time it's like there's a voice forcing me to keep visualising things as they are at that moment (in the bottle example, there'd be someone screaming at me that the bottle must keep spinning or i die)

i didn't

>My thoughts are always subvocalized unless I focus
Breakthrough in neuroscience right here.

so that's normal?

Take a friday afternoon and try to derive as much modern mathematics as you can without aid (something that interests you, even if it's simple), or maybe read a book about something completely out of your comfort zone and reflect on it (since this is Veeky Forums I recommend Poetic Diction by Owen Barfield.)

And yeah I can visualize the bottle

You're right user

Read more and post less

>My thoughts are always subvocalized unless I focus
I doubt this is true.

How did you know? Get out of my mind

You work with ideas of having idea.

Then also, compare as much larger as possible.

People call me deep going on 3 nodes...

I really don't think it can be called interconnection.

lol what the crap.
You sure it has nothing to do with the gaps in visualization, but that it is definitely a pedophile father?

If you want to be able to stop the bottle, the trick is to visualize in smaller increments. The sense of motion is caused by transitions like slides on a power point. The mind can't slow down because the bottle gaps are too large.

Picture the bottle and imagine it moving around like the minute hand on a clock. See it at each of the sixty tick marks. It took me until just passed the '1' to rapidly develop across the clock at the same speed before.


Youre level of retardation is astounding me

visualized the bottle coming to a stop, a kid picking it up, and tossing it and accidentally hitting a dude in the back of the head with it. the dude than chases the kid.

My theory is that people who can't visualize a change in motion are people who mostly feel helpless when it comes to outside events. As in, they are so used to not being able to change events around them that they don't even believe they can change events in their own mind.

It might be just depression though. I used to have the same problem when I was a depressed fuck.

I have hard times visualizing everything except simple static geometric figures. I cannot also properly visualize colours. Have never had vivid dreams, etc.
I'm just not a visual thinker.

Learn how to think

My visualization is really weird.It's almost as if it has a life of it's own. It's like when you're in a dream and you try to control things but can't.

Anyway I had to play around but did it. The bottle came to a halt in a less than natural motion though.

As for your question. I have no fucking idea what you actually want. Just solve intuition/logical/physical puzzles. Check brilliant, it's a really good website.

i'll have to search up the bit about depression later.

T. Soyboy

Why is it so hard to keep the spinning bottle still in my mind?
Every time it flies upwards like a helicopter rotor and hovers above my head, I can only watch it stay in one place if its directly above me and I'm tilting my vision 90 degrees upwards to see it, even then it's slowly ascending away.

I tried but I can't visualise the bottle from the side, if I try to my visualisation makes thing weird. I either cannot stop it or have to move my point of view with the bottle. Also I visualise a green arrowish thing fixed to one point of the bottle, so it moves with it and I have it in my sight so I can watch the speed of rotation. I really don't know how to describe it, it's like my brain cannot render appearing side of the bottle while it rotates with the other side disappearing and also slowing down movements. It is somehow interesting, never thought about how every other people visualise things.

What does a bottle spinning look like? Is it blurry? Because the better I try to make the visualization the more it completely falls apart and disappears. It's like I'm forcing my computer to have more fps than it can and it just breaks

I can't even get the bottle to spin on its own. I can make it move slowly as if I'm giving it a push every step of the way but if I try to get it to spin, it stops immediately as if there is too much friction opposing the motion.

Video editor here

I .. Just... Whaaa...
Is this a troll thread ? I found it astounding that you cannot imagine a bottle spinning !!!
Or is it a learned skill ? Ive been dealing with film my whole life and ive been creative a lot..

Do you guys even daydream cool stuff ? LIke, before you fall asleep ?

high level video right there.
catholic education was incredible back in the day

based bishop

this is definitely a troll comment but yeah, i visualize stuff before i rest. it's easier to do so when my room is dark.
also i have a tendency to replay the same scene over and over again to get it just right.
and sometimes, i don't think i actually see anything? more like my mind is giving me the idea of a thing to visualize

I am from /x/ originally;
this little magickal trick might help you as well:

Nope. I can't even visualize a water bottle. I see an extremely faint set of lines that move back and forth towards one another, but I can't make them change speed. I guess you could interpret that as the edges of a water bottle

wew lad

i saidmagickal to provoce you a little,
i admit it.
yet all has its magic to it.
/x/ is shit, though (mostly); and since Veeky Forums is neither of my taste, I might join reddit. not kidding here.

I heard somewhere that that means you are dreaming.