Marxists actually think we do not have enough technology and thats why the inevitable communist global revolution...

> Marxists actually think we do not have enough technology and thats why the inevitable communist global revolution hasn't yet occured

Source? I'd love to hear this dumb shit

Read Marx. We need to live through capitalism because capitalism will produce the necessary technology for socialism.

That is necessary in the historical progression towards communism.

So if it hasn't happened yet, then we do not have enough technology. We need more iBads.

Nice vulgarisation

"Nice vulgarisation" - Vulgar proverb

yup, always thought of marxism as a technological religion.


I think many get disillusioned with it because of its implicit techno-progressive religiousness.

I literally told a friend about my ideal for politic distribution of my country and how my only hope for it to happen was thanks to science in at least a century. Are you my spying on me, OP?
Do you think capitalism will just go on indefenitely? I like to think that people in general can't keep being this retarded, but when I come to think about it, the history of humanity has always had its share of insane stupidity.

go to bed kid

wtf I hate literature, books, and writing hjr ifjdjskgbsk kg skfksls s fkhod sjfjgi dkgkg etgdg

>Do you think capitalism will just go on indefenitely?

Just because you get an idea in your head that it has to end doesn't mean it really will. To say "It's hard to believe that it would go on indefinitely" isn't a real argument that proves it cannot go on indefinitely.

I think collapse is more likely than communist revolution.

Veeky Forums is finished Veeky Forums is finished nobody will ever touch another book in their lifetime

Why don't you give a source that's less than 100 years old you handjob.

>the history of humanity has always had its share of insane stupidity
Well at least you're doing your part

to think that industrial development will necessarily lead to communism is of course misguided.

however if communism should constitute some kind of leisure society technology better be involved.

i have doubts about the usefulness of too much leisure time. not everyone is used to it. you have to make yourself comfortable with it. start reading writing acting and the like. maybe it is not for everyone so some "useful" labor should remain. otherwise no power process can be undergone
t. theodore kaczinsky

accelerationism is probably the most misgueded form of this ideology

Sage and report this thread.

"Marxists" may believe that, Marx did not.

Read Marx. We need to live through capitalism because capitalism will produce the necessary conditions of a property owning class and the working class.


Shit is done for quite a while now. Capitalism has proved far more sustainable than Marx predicted. Read Castoriadis.

Marx was based AF

Too late, bookfags are finished. Rest in peace to all geeks and losers who enjoyed literature discuusion.