Who else here /completelyalone/...

Who else here /completelyalone/? Any books to help me temporarily delude myself into thinking that this loneliness is somehow a profound way of confronting my soul or other poetic shit like that? Already read Rilke, Nietzsche and Pessoa. Also, looking for book recs, so don't you dare start giving me normie advice

go outside

How are you completely alone? Can't you make internet friends?

MY diary desu~

just be yourself bro

I was alone for a while (maybe a year), I got deep into psychedelics and started reading along those lines.
I went 2 weeks without vocalising at all once during that time. It was around then I nearly chucked a DFW.
I still do LSD occasionally, and I microdose. I don't have real doses nearly as often as I did back then, which was as often as tolerance would allow.
So yeah, I'd recommend using this time to grow, read some far out shit, fuck yourself up with psychedelics (don't touch opiates).

Oh and keep a diary so you don't go insane, the act of expressing your thoughts is important and if you aren't talking to anyone you should be writing them down daily.


Get your shit together Jesus fucking Christ.

If its that serious just go join some social club

You people worship your shortcomings way too much, either do something or stop talking. Maybe both.

Can attest to this. It's almost therapeutic.

Why does solitude bother you? Realise that the people around you are not worth interacting with and deepen your distance with them

i remember being a lonely teen and reading catcher in the rye because i thought i would relate or something but he had too many siblings who he made good connections and i was a lonely child etc etc

death on the installment plan is a lot better

whats your situation? Do you see people at work or do you go to school?

Catcher in the rye

The real irony is that you absolutely have your shit together. This is akin to asking someone mired in trench warfare why they don't just go out and enjoy the sun. Besides, have you made any conscious effort to go out and make some friends? Because if you haven't then you aren't alone, you just aren't even trying. No one can fault you for not attaining results in something you don't even try to do. Also, how are your other life affairs? There's almost always more to the story than just "baww I'm alone guiz :'(((". Look to other areas of your life. Are you succeeding there? Stop being a whiny bitch and trying to project it on others.

Also not Veeky Forums, take your sorry ass back to r9k or adv or Reddit or whatever hole you crawled out of.

I am. If I were to read poetry it would be Walter Scott, Robert Burns, or the like. Hang in there, keep reading.

I've been lonely since I remember and I just say stuff to myself inside my head, sometimes to imaginary people in made up scenarios. However it's not like they ever say anything back so I'm not crazy.

Why? To see all the happy normies, Chads and Staceys having fun in the sun?

>he doesnt into psychedelics opis combo

fuck off junkie

>implying I have an addictive personality
Is not my fault that your daddy came home all coked up every night to kick you ass
If anything, I'm addicted (or better said, obssesed) to literature and new experiences
Keep living life in trial lite version, kiddo

Read Dickens. He writes the best and most intimate characters. You will feel less alone.

Looks like I struck a nerve... and the drugs killed off too many of your brain cells

Really made me think, thanks for redpilling me on my degenerate ways
Care to enlight me on women and minorities?

I guess it's easier to dismiss my words when you make stuff up about me, how pathetic

Yeah, exactly. It might motivate you to get your shit together.

I like to think of the great dead authors of the western canon as my friends and imagine what they would be like at dinner parties hosted by me.


>"These tendies are simply divine, Fernado"
>"Now remind me, Friedrich, what was that delightful witticism you shared about women at our last luncheon?"

>feel sad for OP
I'm so glad to see /r9k/ shitters like you being miserable

yeah I'm /completelyalone/
no books really help like ive read 100s and at the end of the day i'm still /completelyalone/

Were you under the impression that reading hundreds of books would net you a social life?


>this loneliness is somehow a profound way of confronting my soul or other poetic shit like that?
fuck how'd you make me laugh at this? Thanks.

Anyway, read Monte Cristo if you haven't. It was a bit slow at times but it was really inspiring and i felt less lonely because of the protagonist's even lonelier situation.

>Why? To see all the happy normies, Chads and Staceys having fun in the sun?
I don't get where you guys are coming from with this. I like in Seattle, Washington and when I go outside I just see sullen men walking by themselves and women, even ones in their 20s, walking around with no makeup on and their hair tied in a bun while looking at their phone. Can't even remember the last time I saw an attractive couple, and I literally walk miles around various parts of the city every day going to and from school.

Addendum to this: the only attractive Stacy-like girls I see are either local high school age girls or rich university students from Asia. The local girls give up before they finish freshman year of college.

>t. Robert Walser
