What are some good (possibly exotic) varieties of mushrooms you would recommend eating...

What are some good (possibly exotic) varieties of mushrooms you would recommend eating? How would you recommend using them in cooking?

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Do Hen of the Woods count as exotic?

Seems so...

I really like shaggy mane.

Cut into pieces, brown in pan with butter and onions, deglaze with white wine, add some heavy cream and season with salt and pepper. Serve with whatever you want, i like rice and some meat.

OR bay bolete.
This one i usually cut into slices and sear in butter, season with salt and pepper and eat with toasted baguette, topped with herb butter.

The hen of the woods is usually served warm with lamb's lettuce and roasted walnuts. Just clean them, cut into eatable pieces and toss with butter for a few mins in a pan, season with salt and butter.
Mix with the salad and a basic vinaigrette (i simply use olive oil, white vinegar, salt and pepper). Top with the nuts.

I just added them to gratin. I guess it would make sense to eat mushrooms on their own but I usually end up mixing them into pasta, casseroles or stews.

We have some nice Black (I think lesbian) vegan ladies who sell mushrooms at the farmer's market.

Black trumpets and black chantarelles are incredible imo. You can probably buy the former at a store but you'd need to pick the latter on your own but they both taste the same. Candy caps are also one of my favorites.

Whenever I forage I don't do more than pan fry in a bit of butter then eat, but putting them on a pizza or in a pasta sounds good.

Hmm, Euros up and about on a Sunday morn...

Burger insomniac here, I'll post some OC. Is any of this edible? Made a comfy pic, anyway.

>Is any of this edible?
Nope. Please don't eat any wild fungi you find without being 100% sure of what it is. You don't want to mistake these for tasty common buttons only to shit yourself to death 5 days later.

Oh come on, if you really mistake amanita with buttons, that's natural selection.
But i agree, only pick when you're 100% sure and also get your finds controlled if possible.
Also because it's unnecessary to destroy mushrooms just to need to toss them away later.

These are delicious in anything.

I like to put these shrooms on my pizza or in salads etc

What does it feel like to micro-dose on those?

You don't feel as much as you would expect. Microdosing is a safe and fun way to get to know the effect of shrooms if you want a very mild "trip" But to me when I eat a few of those, the first thing I notice is how the peripheral view changes. You go from tunnel vision to a wider view. Other than that not much happens, some weird thoughts may occur, looking at the night sky or a lava lamp is suddenly a little more fascinating etc. I prefer microdoses at 5-10 dried shrooms. You can't really call that a mushroom trip at all, but it's fun though.

Depends on where you live I guess, they are common as fuck where I live.

How do you prepare these without getting poisoned?

Boil em a couple times in large amount of water.

Morels. Obviously.


Lion's mane
Bear's Head Tooth
Black Morel
Yellow Morel
Blue Oyster Mushroom
Pink Oyster Mushroom
King Oyster Mushroom
Meadow Mushroom
Hollow-stalked Larch Bolete
Cauliflower Mushroom
Orange-Brown Milky
Canary Trich
Horse Mushroom
Shaggy Mane
Zeller's Bolete
Two-colored Bolete
Chicken Mushroom
Pig’s Ears Gomphus.
Giant Puffball

All of these are edible and are not the big three (button, portopbello, Shitake) of edible muchrooms.

I add chopped blue/king oyster mushrooms to spagetti and lasagna. I've used sliced puffballs in place of button mushrooms when making chiken marsala though it tasted better the time I used porcini instead. And chicken muchroom can be used in place of shitake AND chicken in stir-fry.

Pretty sure not. I'm not an expert,bbut I've NEVER heard of mushrooms with bisters on the stems that were edible. and thosr brown ones in the back look suspiciously like Panaeolus foenisecii (Lawn Mower's Muchroom) which is moderately toxic and can kill children and the elderly. And as a rule, eating translucent/white capped mushrooms like that on the right is a bad idea.

Get a visual guide for mushrooms on your continent and learn to take spore prints.

Hey to any euros out there; what do these taste like? Amanita Caesarea.

Lobster mushroom

umm...that does not look like a lobster mushroom to me.

My nigga

the cafe down the road from me has been serving food with local chantrele and lions maine mushrooms all week

SWEET! Lion's mane is hard to find (or for sale).

If you want to go truly bizarre without caring about taste you can always try bleeding tooth mushroom

Sure if you want to assault your tongue with bitterness and waste a beautiful mushroom that could be used for dyeing instead (surprisingly it makes green)

Here's a probably one of the most exotic looking mushrooms out there, Lactarius Deliciosus, but I've heard from peers that it's mediocre and that it's name is a lie.

>Is any of this edible?
of course it is, but without proper identification that could be your last

Unfortunately this. I just moved to Japan and would love to go picking mushrooms but know i'd probably die instead of finding a good meal or tripping balls. Not to mention trying to get far enough out of the endless city to find any.

these are probably poisonous

Very cool looking. There was a thread a couple months ago, with a knowledgeable mycoanon. Lots of cool pics, edibility, etc. Probably in the catalog somewhere. /out/ also has mushroom threads for more info.

OK you motherfu/ck/ers, y'all need to learn how to take pics of mushrooms for identification.

1. the pic needs a refernce point. place an object with known dimensions next to the shroom so we can get an idea of how big it is.
2. Take pics of the gills (underside of the cap) and/or the veil (tissue that connects the cap to the stem). Gill color and the presence/state of a veil are of great helo when identifying shrooms and determining when they're suitable for consumtion.
3. Take pics of the stem, especially where it rised from the ground/wood. be sure to include a reference object.

It's very helpful if you can collect a spore print. To collect a spore print, harvest the cap, then place gill-down on a piece of white paper/cardstock for 24 hours. After 24 hours remove the cap and a circle of colored (though sometimes white) spred should be left on the paper. The color of the spores is very helpful when making identification.

Please note that all of this still is only about 90% accurate. To be absolutely certain about a mushroom you need to have a sample tested by a lab. Most college bio/chem departments can make the tests and many are willing to for a small fee or even for free.

If you really want to do them yourself....

>probably poisonous
Yeah, looks like an edible Blewit at first glance, but that little rusty brown dust left on the stem makes me think that's it's probably a Cortinarius, which is a genus you should stay away from, due to some deadlies.

These are called trombette dei morti
where I live. Chop them up and sautee them with garlic and butter , excellent on toasted bread.

Galletti. I do them with olive oil, a few tomatoes and lots of peperoncini. Pasta with them is excellent.

Porcini. These I do crepes with, beshamel and lots of pepper. Pancetta goes well with them as well

Ovoli Rossi. I slice the stems and do a beshamel with them, finely chopped. The caps I drizzle with olive oil and roast in the oven, then I put the beshamel and parmigiano on top.

It's called Stolt fjällskivling (can't find the english name for it). The latin name for it is Macrolepiota procera if that helps. It's really good.

Oh, parasols! I've always wanted to try these, kinda scared to since lepiotas have a lot of toxic species in them.

minun neekerini!
i'd say those are GOAT

Popinki are amazing

bump with the prince of mushrooms

>Macrolepiota procera

In italian "mazza da tamburo". you have to cook it like a cutlett, delicious.

Those are fucking delicious, I've had them just sauteed in olive oil with some salt, pepper and garlic, best mushrooms I've ever eaten so far.

What I'm concerned about is the fucking green macrovirus drinking from it.

what the hell is that?