Does anyone kow any scholarly articles/academic sources on the question of "can music be considered literature?"

Does anyone kow any scholarly articles/academic sources on the question of "can music be considered literature?"

What I really want to know if food can be literature

It's about the lyrics being poetry, user.

yes. see the works of Steven Scher.

It's not. It's very obviously not. The fact that you have seriously thought about this shows how underage you are. Music is music, literature is literature. Go get your Dr. Dre™ Beats™ Headphones™ and hang yourself with them.

says the pleb with very obviously mutli-racial DNA.

>shows how underage you are
a committee of old people selected Bob Dylan for a nobel prize in literature :/

could you be more specific? Name of an article etc?

Aww did I strike too close to home? You'll be 18 soon enough, but for now you should go back to /reddit/ where plenty of psueds will agree with you that Taylor Swift is one of the most influential writers of our time.

he was one of the, if not *the* specialists in the field. look it up man, or do you want me to read it for you as well.
also, look up Calvin Brown.

Cheers, I'll look into it.

Singhi, Abhishek, and Daniel G. Brown. "Are Poetry and Lyrics All That Different?." ISMIR. 2014.

not in the slightest, since I got my MA in precisely this field well over 10 years ago. the OP asked for *academic* resources in a polite way, not in an underage pop music silly fashion (which would still warrant a considered reply).

you, on the other hand...

you're welcome.
be aware that, even academically, this is quite a debated field.

Scher, Steven Paul. "Notes Toward a Theory of Verbal Music." Comparative Literature 22.2 (1970): 147-156.

>got my MA in precisely this field well over 10 years ago
Which "field" precisely? I had no idea "music is literature" is a recognized MA.

his entire output is on the subject. Books, not only articles. A good academic library will have them,
>interlibrary loan.
try going to college.

So you are lying on an anonymous Indonesian cartoon forum. LOL

comparative literature, tr0ll, if you must know.
although some specialists in this area have a background in musicology instead.
any more questions or is that it?

>his entire output is on the subject. Books, not only articles.
Yes I knew that, still, I found the title and the abstract relevant and interesting.
>A good academic library will have them,
At least Music and text: critical inquiries is available at

Why did you treat that like I was pulling teeth? I asked an honest question and you responded like a child. All you had to do was cut out the quippy faggotry and behave like the educated person you apparently are. People like you and OP are the reason why this board is on life support.

ok good to know. i don't have a handy bibliography right here. but the subject is not that obscure tbqh

>OP asks legitimate question, receives legitimate answer. = faggotry
well done, Jeremy,

Lyrics are literature. Bob Dylan's lyrics just plain suck though.

Something with lyrics and poetry like Tucholsky and Brecht can be. Whatever you're thinking of probably isn't.

Literature can be part of a musical performance, but musical performances are not literature.