"I'm gonna fail uni" drinking thread

>"I'm gonna fail uni" drinking thread

What are you drinking, what are you reading.

Straight Jameson reading articles from Philosophy of Science (the journal), just finished Nazi Literature in the Americas from BolaƱo instead of studying for the Statistics class I have a 60 in.

Taking pride in your failure and ill-discipline as somehow the embodiment of a rock and roll lifestyle (it's not) is quite literally the Oxford dictionary definition of homosexual. Or alternatively seeking camaraderie in your failure and ill-discipline - we're failures together! - is synonymous with sucking on cocks. You have a problem - yes? Be bold; face your demons; conquer the night.

I don't take pride in anything I'm just clear sighted about being a piece of shit lel

woah your banter is Veeky Forums as fuck you even mentioned the oxford dictionary

very cool

u mad niggy?

>gets self-conscious and dials it down with the response

no go back to the dictionary banter that was heaps smart and literary of you

Don't worry m8 failing out of uni is a prereq to being Veeky Forums
Maximum Veeky Forums points if you got within 1 semester of graduating and then just stopped attending

statistics is literally the easiest course you'll take in math, get your shit together OP.

Is failing uni the biggest meme of all time?

Sorry you're going through that shit, OP. I went through some similar shit and I remember how it feels. Life is bumpier than it seems like it ought to be, from where you're currently standing. In hindsight this will be just one bump among six dozen bumps and you'll be able to see how it wasn't that big of a deal.

Don't sabotage yourself either. As painful as it is, go in there and scrape by any marginal pass you can get. As painful as it is, it's better to get a shitty pass or only a few failing grades, than to tank your GPA completely. Trust me. Don't make the mistake I did.

Life is bigger than it feels from where you are right now. You'll be OK.

read yates' story "a glutton for punishment"

projection le post meme

>be bold, face your demons
You sound like a repressed homosexual who's family sent him to conversion therapy

That was changed by autocorrect

Who cares if he's Freudian to a weird level with his homoerotic references it's clearly you who is the fag for noting it.

>makes needless grammatical corrections on Veeky Forums

You're twice the fag he is

If I hadn't of fixed it you would've called me a faggot or a brainlet so nothing's changed

I thought lit was the smartest board. This place has turned into a board where you're defending this guy in the first post who made one of the stupidest comments I ever read

Lmao this.

Literally why.

I was agreeing with you, dumbass. So you don't understand sarcasm and you fix typos that still read fine. Are you actually autistic? For real.

>hadn't of fixed
nice grammar you fucking spastic

Faggot brainlet status: shambles.

How do each other's cocks taste?

>trying this hard to save face

Kek you panicked sperg.

Look I can hyperbole!

I feel a sting of embarrassment when passive aggressive, feminine dicklets respond with some sassy, sarcastic New York Jew, limp wristed response. If you think I'm a faggot, type: "you're a faggot!" Don't type: "wow, dude! You're SOoOoOo NOT a faggot!" You fucking faggot dweeb.

can't fail uni if I never enrol lads, checkmate
deciding on a trade or the merchant marines at the moment

lmao did you just have an emotional melt down over nothing.

protip: that is what women literally do. what you actually did. you talk one way then act the other.

and im not even from your country you wounded kek. keep crying about feminine shit with your literal estrogen banter.

Ironically enough, by trying to psychoanalytically prove another guy is gay, you've officially become the gayest person on the board, good job.

Smartest move you'll ever make. I got a MA in French and Russian only to train to be a carpenter afterwards anyway. All I ever got from it was 40 grand in debt.

Canned beer.

Reading Strange Pilgrims by Marquez.




Reddit: the post

>Le reddit XD , I'm a big Veeky Forums adult
Fuck up faggot.

t. ryhard

stop demanding that user entertain your fuckin goofy over the top pseud posts and this will stop happening to you

reddit user tries to fit in by acting edgy

how the fuck do you fail uni? i spent the whole year smoking weed and did none of the readings and i still passed

omg dude so cool. ur like so cool. i bet you did such a great job that grad schools are just begging for ya, huh.

suck my dicc and go back to ribbit

confirmed for someone who was denied by a long list of grad schools.

hope that mass of passivity you harvested while stoned all the time was worth it.

Meh. The dogpile on this guy is unjustified. OP is a fucking retard

>being proud on not doing school work

Congratulations, you're wasting your money and time in a shit university.

>not being a NEET that makes his own moonshine


> In my final year of undergrad
> decide to fuck it and go for a philosophy minor
> have some interest and try my best to do the readings
> still barely get fucking B's

This is infuriating, how do I git gud at writing these papers? I go to a pretty good uni but shit nigger this is harsh

Join the French foreign legion op.

Absolutely inspiring, that's some /r/getMotivated material right there! Thank you, kind sir

you're a faggot

I'm failing community college right now. My parents think I'm doing great and are saving money for when I transfer.... I just don't want to do anything, I wake up, pet my cat and just sit on the balcony for hours with my head screaming at my failures. I want to drop out and leave for a little while and clear my head, i have no motivation for it..


So you did an English course?
lmao I'd be almost impressed if you managed to fail

>exams not having ended in April

Mediocre posts.

should've tried to become a diplomat