A bunch of light rotations with your hand

>a bunch of light rotations with your hand
>is enough to lift a fucking car
This is some glitch in reality, right?

Time for you to go back to sleep.

Its called mechanical advantage and its probably the most simple concept to grasp in all of physics. You move the car up one inch by moving your hand many feet. Figure out the rest brainlet.

widow maker jacks combine the mechanical advantage of a screw with the mechanical advantage of a lever. This is VERY simple stuff OP. So simple they put the word simple in it's fucking name!! They're technically called simple machines.

if you think that's crazy think about how with symple hydraulics you can stop a 2 ton hunk of metal going 70 mph with just minimal foot strength


i knew a guy who lost his hand using this shit

okay smart asses derive the mechanical advantage from Newton's laws of motion if you're so good

Work = Force x Displacement




>Work = Force x Displacement
Which of Newton's laws of motion is that?

the inclined plane

>big boy brain doesn't grasp that basic mechanics includes energy relationships

I understand how it works, but that actually does sound crazy when you word it like that

Somebody explain to me why the force pushing down on the jack doesn't cause the thing to rotate and get lower.

Don't pretend a question is easy unless you have the ability to answer it correctly. You're not fooling anyone.

You're in good company. Archimedes said "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world." Mechanical advantage is weird.

I believe it boils down to friction. The incline is so slight from the round gear's perspective that it is pushing more against the worm gear than down along an inclined plane. I don't know if there's a clean mathematical model for this.

On the fixed end there's a rachet (or something that works like a rachet) you can release when you want it to lower

op you are a faggot read until you cure

Newton's laws are for plebeian bugmen. Derive the functioning of a lever using Lagrangian analysis.