If a black hole is space/time imploding in slow motion what happens when it's done?

if a black hole is space/time imploding in slow motion what happens when it's done?

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idk what happens when 1/x reaches 0?

>a black hole is space/time imploding in slow motion

I don't think you know what a Black Hole is.

A Black Hole (we really need to create a better name then this) is an object (or region) in space that is so dense that its gravitational field does not let even light escape. The hole is surrounded by an event horizon, and anything which passes this horizon (including light) can never escape.

>does not let even light escape
explain radiation. All it does is orbit the black hole. Light can escape it if it moves normal to the surface.

>A Black Hole (we really need to create a better name then this)
No we don't

Shouldn't the light in the gif redshift when you are inside the black hole?

Don't shoot the messenger!

>We need to Black Holes a name change
>No we don't

"Black Hole"...?!

If that doesn't sound like the most primitive description for any object in scientific history then you are L O S T.

>does not let even light escape
>explain radiation.

Hawking Radiation ≠ Light

But light is (a portion of) electromagnetic radiation.
Which is what Hawking Radiation is, but just created in a different way from light.

>if a black hole is space/time imploding in slow motion what happens when it's done?
It's not.
A black hole is just matter, like any other matter, just densely arranged.

Hawking radiation are particles, and not just photons. It's not all electromagnetic radiation.

Also, only light that crosses the event horizon can't escape, Hawking Radiation is created outside the event horizon, so as long as it has enough energy it can escape.

This gif is making me nervous. For some reason space creeps me out like no other thing.

How do black holes die? What stops them from eating away at its surroundings forever.

It not happening in slow motion.
A man (or a probe) dropped into the hole passes through the event horizon and (according to the solutions to the Einstein equation) keeps right on going, reaching the central singularity, in finite time -- as measured by his own clock! The equations only break down in the final instants before the singularity is reached.

External observers see the man SEEM to slow to a crawl at the horizon and never make it through. He just red-shifts and fades into blackness. Conversely, if the man looks up (back the way he came) just before crossing the event horizon, the external universe blue-shifts and speeds up.

A black hole is not matter -- save for whatever has fallen in but not reached the singularity yet. It's a self-maintaining distortion of space-time. It is not the residual gravity field of whatever's inside because whatever's inside can have no effect on what's outside..

Hawking radiation is created outside the event horizon. Virtual particles (the result of vacuum fluctuations) pop into existence just outside the EH. One may escape and the other fall in. ALL sorts of particles are produced this way; photons, protons, neutrons, electrons, gravitons. The smaller the hole (and the sharper the gravity gradient) the more likely that shorter wavelength particles (with higher energies) will be produced. If we just look at the photons, their distribution is precisely that of a black body (a solid which absorbs all radiation and emits it solely as a function of its temperature. Planck introduced the notion of the quantum while trying to explain why black bodies act the way they do.)

Most of the questions asked on Veeky Forums about black holes, serious and stupid, are answered in amazon.com/Black-Holes-Time-Warps-Commonwealth/dp/0393312763

Black holes, unlike in the movies, do not simply vacuum up everything. They have no more gravitation than the mass which went into them.
If the Sun abruptly collapsed into a BH the Earth would continue on its yearly orbit without a bobble. It would get dark, of course.

To avoid falling to a hole, just don't go too near and keep moving. It's not like it puts out tentacles and grabs at prey.

Holes "evaporate" due to quantum processes. But it's immeasurably slow. A Sun-sized hole would stick around for maybe 10^70 times the current age of the universe. (I'm not even going to try to spell out how many billion, trillion, quadrillion, etc. years that is.) Future life-expectancy varies as the square of their current mass, so the supermassive ones at the centers of galaxies will last even longer.

A black hole is matter, it has mass, it just isn't in a form that we are familiar with.

It's not matter. Unless you have a very loose definition of "matter".
Not protons, neutrons, quarks, or gluons. Light has mass, but it's not matter.
A BH is not light either.

It's a self-sustaining gravity-field. Period.
Thorne explains this very clearly in these very words. Read Thorne or another semi-technical treatise on General Relativity.
Whatever's fallen inside cannot be touched or probed and it has no effect whatsoever on the external universe. It has no properties whatsoever except mass, spin, and charge.

When I say "mass" I mean you can move a BH with gravity or charge. And it will resist moving. It has mass -- both gravitational and inertial. But it's not matter.

>Light has mass
I have some bad news for you.

Well how the hell do you define a Black Hole anyway? Besides those awful vacuum-cleaner depictions in media.

As something your mom sat on

Fuck you.

Well, it has to be denser than a neutron star because those still have neutrons.
That's basically the definition. In a neutron star the protons and electrons have merged to form neutrons due to the gravitational pressure, but it lacked the mass to collapse further.

Oh, and the apparent horizon must be located outside the object.

"Interstellar" got the appearance of a BH right. Thorne was a consultant and the CGI artists implemented the equations he gave them. (In fact they did such a good job that professional Relativatists now use their software as an aid to visualization.)

Thorne also told the director that certain key plot-points were impossible. Escaping once you'd fallen through the event horizon. Traveling back in time. The director went ahead with that crap anyway. I suppose we're lucky whenever Hollywood pays even a LITTLE attention to science.

I have worse news for you.
Light has mass.
It travels a curved path (a null-geodesic) in a gravity field.
It has momentum and energy -- and you can't have either of those without mass.
What light DOESN'T have is rest-mass. Because it's never at rest.

That's a good thing, OP.

>It has momentum and energy -- and you can't have either of those without mass.
Of course you can! You never hear modern scientists talking about rest mass vs. relativistic mass, they just use the term "mass", meaning rest mass.

>It travels a curved path (a null-geodesic) in a gravity field.
That doesn't mean it has mass, that just means it travels through space.
Also, momentum can exist without mass.

I think it is okay.

What physicists do you know?
Any will tell you light has mass. Because they lack rest-mass, it's usually unnecessary to add the word "relativistic". It's the ONLY mass they have, so no qualifier is needed. You may be arguing semantics.

Light has energy. E=Mc^2
Light has momentum. Light exerts pressure. Look up "solar sails" or "laser driven sails"
It exerts pressure because it's absorbed by surfaces or reflected (in which case you get double the pressure because the total dV was 2c)

Look, you're aware that the center of mass of a closed, isolated system cannot be moved? No arrangement of gears and whirling weights can change its net linear momentum. (Which doesn't prevent people from trying to build propulsion systems which work in a vacuum but which aren't rockets.)
Imagine a box with a flashlight inside it at one end. Turn the light on and the recoil starts the box moving. The motion continues until the photons slam into the other end and are absorbed. The box is again at rest, but it has moved. That's impossible unless some mass has moved in the other direction so as to keep the center-of-mass in the same position. During the time the photons are in transit, they are the ONLY things moving in the right direction. Therefore, they have mass. This thought-experiment is one of the easiest ways to derive E=Mc^2