Why is this thing in the Pappa Johns boxes, wtf are you supposed to do with a single pepper

Why is this thing in the Pappa Johns boxes, wtf are you supposed to do with a single pepper

It's for prostate stimulation, if you're buying Papa Johns you probably need to be able to feel something in your life.

Ewwww, vegetables.

Nigger pickles.

Its one pepper, unless you weigh 500lbs you cant eat a whole pizza by yourself, you can share 1 pepper, its too small to dice and spread over the pizza and thats too much work if youre gonna order a pizza anyway

So its pointless and just gets tossed out

It helps white people feel like papa John put it there himself

you take it and squeeze the pepper juices over the pizza slices

Ittsa pizza poopie!

Squeeze it onto one or two slices to make them spicy you dolt

there’s hardly anything in the damn pepper!

>juice from 1 pepperoncini
>enough to make anything spicy

I just eat it wtf else would you do?

why are you complaining about a free pepper

I've ordered PJ hundreds of times. There has literally always been enough juice in the pepper to get a slice with a bit of spice.

You're supposed to eat them as an antipasto, usually my local pizza place puts a few

I bite off the tip and then squeeze the juice on the pizza

I lick it repeatedly yp and down and squeeze the juice onto my face

You squeeze the pepper juice into your Pepsi to make Peppy Pepsi.

It's a palate cleanser like the ginger with sushi.

Thank you dubs of Truth

Bob it's time to go.

eat it

You just eat it, pepperoncini are fucking amazing, best pickled pepper.

Then throw that shitty garlic margarine in the trash.

> Not being able to finish an entire large pizza by yourself
> Beta manlet

Ah, I remember when they put in 6 of those

>squeeze pepper juice onto slice(s)
>take bite of pizza, then bite of pepper
easy enough


You dump that pepper in the garlic sauce they give you

>not getting extra cheese and a cheese topping so you don't need to eat that much white bread

This, never done it with pizza but I'd do it with my salads if I was at an Italian restaurant. I've seen Mexican/Indian people do it with their food too.

>nigger pickles
That's what my grandma calls watermelons.

I just take a bite

You take a bite of pizza, take a bite of pepper.

Are you retarded? It's a palate cleanser and acidic counter to cut the fatty cheese.

> Not burying the last slice in the yard and growing your own pizza bush.

>americans actually believe 1 single pepper will save them from being fat

You do realize fat in food and being fat are two different things, right?

>the american is now trying to pretend like he knows what he’s talking about
You show me evidence that, that pepper breaks down “fatty cheese”

Papa bless

>all these ignorant idiots

It's a pepper cheeny, and it's there to play the traditional game where everyone plays rock paper scissors and the loser has to eat it in place of a slice of pizza, which then goes to the winner

It's not about "breaking down" the fatty cheese you commie retard, it's about cutting through the flavor of the extremely rich cheese with a sharper flavor, this is done all the fucking time in cooking and the fact that it befuddled you goes to show you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about with regards to cooking /int/ is that way if you want to circlejerk over whatever irrelevant third world shithole you live in. Also learn to speak english before posting here you illiterate cunt.

>the american now got his heart broken because he knows he’s still fat and alone
>still provides 0 evidence of his original claim
>It's a palate cleanser and acidic counter to cut the fatty cheese.
>w-what do you mean evidence? i-i just meant it killed flavor!
sure you did

>cut the fatty cheese.
>You implying this means user thinks peppers somehow counteract fat
Interesting strawman desu, any idiot can tell he's talking about the richness of the cheese being cut by the acidic pepper, stay poor though.

>I know I'll pretend to be retarded, that'll show him!

What in the sweet fuck are you even talking about

>“At Rocky’s, they always included a pepper with every pizza,” Muldoon said, “it was just a nice extra touch that their customers really appreciated, and John noticed.”
>“John always acknowledged how much people loved that inclusion of the pepper, and since day one, he made sure there was a pepper in every one of his pizza boxes, too,” Muldoon said.

Basically, Papa John is a fucking retard and so are his customers

>same fagging this hard

you really wish, don't you

go on and post a screenshot to prove me wrong then


>unless you weigh 500lbs you cant eat a whole pizza by yourself

At 6'5"/230lbs, I used to do it a few times a year. How does it feel to be a manlet?

literally this

i was shocked the first time i heard people didnt plant their own pizza bushes

But I don't need help cutting the cheese.

Gorgeous looking pizza shrubs.

>go to Quizno's and buy the cheapest thing there
>clean out their entire stock of free pepperoncinis from the pepper bar into a tupperware container

Not everyone is a 90 lbs weak effeminate faggot. After a day of physical labor an average man should be able to eat a large pizza no problem.

Why? That's fucking stupid. Watermelons aren't pickled.

>being this dedicated to winning an argument on a Cambodian Khmer- Rouge-conspiracy online network
Get a life lad.

>Taking the time to come up with that epic memepost just to pile on a retard who was BTFO long ago
Take your own advice lad

>5'11' king of the manlets/160lbs
>could eat entire family sized pizzas

Speaking of Pappa Johns their new deep pan crust is actually too much even for me

>being a fag this hard
Also what happened to the last ronin vibe, i kinda miss it moonrune man

i eat it every time.

5'10" 135 lbs can easily eat a whole large pizza and have room for more

It's garnish

>wanting vingar shit all over your pizza

I just use my shaker of ground Hungarian wax pepper if I want something moderately spicy.

Is that your only reaction image? I see you post it all the time.

At least, I constantly see someone being an idiot and then post that image as if it makes any sense in the context. It could be different people, but I have a strong feeling it's one and the same autist.

Ive used it 2 or 3 times on ck in the last week.

>Americans proud of eating 40,000 calorie meals by themselves and getting fatter

wew, yeah youre so manly for behaving like a fucking pig

If you work physical labor and had a small lunch and breakfast you'd work off about 3500 - 4000 Kcal. I think a pizza like that at most is 2500 Kcal. Not saying you should do it every day but it's not that big of a deal as you make it to be.

I'm guessing you're some form of sickly looking manlet that's proud of eating half a carrot stick and a grape each day at best while smoking a pack of cigarettes.

why would you get papa johns in the first place? hes a filthy jew redneck.

6' 8" 275-lbs here. I can eat a large pizza for lunch. My TDEE is nearly 4,000 calories because I work out for over an hour a day. Consider that pizza and that pepper, mine. And who really is going to take it from me?

sprinkle some of the seeds over the pizza for spicy twist

the juice isn't what makes it spicy, it's the seeds. sprinkling juice just makes the pizza very vinegary

>should be able to
There's a difference between being able to and actually doing.
I can probably down an entire box of twinkies in one sitting no problem but I'm not a lardass so I don't.

Do you get thin crust or thicc? I feel like I could kill a large thin crust without much effort but all the dough would make it hard to eat a thicc one

>physical labor
literal pleb

I weigh about 120lbs and am 5'11" but I don't care, I will fight you to the death for that peperoncino.

Why would you spend a day doing physical labor? Are you poor, uneducated, or both?

You want a fucking medal, you fat bitch?

I know this is a day old post but
>pepper cheeny

Really only one pepper? I haven't had pappa John's since i was a teenager but i remember them always giving us 2-3 peppers a pizza

underrated post.