My theory on inbreeding and the desire to preserve ones genes

Have nowhere else to post it so I guess I'll post it here.

The sole inherent purpose of any given typical organism is to procreate and pass on one's genetics. This is not a new concept.

Now, a child will typically have 50% of a parent's genetics. A grandchild will typically have 25% of a grandparent's genetics, and so on.

The child of a father and daughter, however, will have 75% of the father's genetics, making the child more like the original father than the daughter or any other child.

Thus, I propose that incestuous acts are simply "last minute" subconscious attempts to keep one's genes in the gene pool for as long as possible.

The same can be said for cloning attempts and attempts at DNA sequence.


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Of course user, that was why all the ancient royal families in Europe and elsewhere inbred. The problem is that it creates low-quality offspring and fucks long-term gene survival so most people don't do it.

Possible but not likely because incest increases the likelihood of the expression of deleterious recessive alleles/genes. Evolution favours offspring that are more fit.

the more homozygosity, the more healthy the offspring

that's why ppl should be encouraged to procreate with those as genetically different from them as possible.

also check out this video

you mean heterozygosity. And outbreeding is usually NOT healthy

Assuming you have no bad recessive alleles there is nothing wrong with isogenizing yourself. After ~gens you’d be pretty close to genetically identical (at least that’s how it works in mice and flies).

20 not ~

>Inbreeding depression seems to be present in most groups of organisms, but varies across mating systems

People are attracted to people who look like them. This is basic shit and well proven.

Its also why lots of gay couples look like fucking clones of each other.

huh? im whiter than wonder bread. Why am I attracted to phat assed mestizas then?

exoticism and racial fetishism

huh? Im an olive skinned or the words of /pol/

A lot of women that look like her in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavian countries.

They love big kebab cock too so I would suggest visiting.

Features more than skintone, ie nose, eyes, lips, ect. You will in all likelihood be most attracted to a woman with similarities in those areas.

>samefagging this hard


nope try again

and let's have a mod confirm that too

Inbreeding is problem if you're too close (siblings or first cousins). Outbreeding is a problem if you're too distant. The optimum mate is someone from your own population (ethnic group) but not closely related to you.

I don't see why it's so hard to fucking understand.

Incorrect. Northern Europeans for instance suffer from many inheritable diseases like Cystic Fibrosis.

If a Swedish woman gets creampied by an Arab or sub-Saharan African, her offspring is a lot more likely to be healthier than if she had been creampied by another northern European.

So based on what charges were they arrested and how did it go?
Is this one of those bong jokes about the butter knifes and police but in reality?

>Inbreeding is problem if you're too close (siblings or first cousins).

The Cheetah population is dying out because they lack genetic variety. A lot of offspring gets born all diseased and unable to survive for long.

Behold, the result of inbreeding

We had this thread last night, and I'll tell you the same thing I told you last night. That's not how genetics work, it's not a 50/50 split like that. There you go, now you can ignore my post again and continue trolling.

yeah it is, fag

Why are you on Veeky Forums trolling right now? Do you actually have nothing better to do? Reading a book on genetics would be my suggestion.

Bad pop psychology. The subconscious is a useless construct and trying to pin any action on subconscious processes is pointless, as it can't be studied.

I think cases like what inspired the OP are more about emotions than genes. If you meet a stranger that turns out to be your daughter who look like you you are going to be filled with emotions that have no hook in your long term memories. It makes sense that transferring these emotions into a sexual fantasy happens. This is a pattern with siblings who were separated as young children as well. Our brains aren't good at compartmentalizing emotions.

Humans are genetically similar enough that outbreeding depression isn't much of a problem and even then its effects are worst the first generation and decreases after successive ones. Contrast this with inbreeding which accumulates over time.

You try to advance your own genetics, but you try to avoid dangerous recessive traits. That is all there is to it. If we could get away with it, we'd all fuck our sisters. But our children would die of cancers expressed by faulty recessive genes, so we do the next best thing: we fuck our neighbors. The perfect human with zero dangerous recessive genes would have no problems in procreating with his own family.

Kids who are inbred are not born healthy, so they die.
It's very common for people to be repulsed by inbreeding. You've just got a weird fetish. You don't represent the population.

>looked up and read their story
>mfw can't contain my boner

My theory is n33t otaku accidentally gets asian-looking daughter of about same age and decides to go for it.