Best character in the entire IP finally gets brought into the Disney corporate-fanfic timeline

>best character in the entire IP finally gets brought into the Disney corporate-fanfic timeline
I'm pretty damn happy, honestly.

>reading something you know to be "Disney corporate-fanfic"

>he keeps posting this shit thread
Fuck off an die already. Also the best SW character is objectively Revan.

Fuck the new canon. Star Wars Legends is way more "real" than anything (((Disney))) came up with. Disney merely paid for the right to use the brand name. It's like the ship of Theseus- at some point, it's not the same Star Wars. It's just called that.

And by the way, (((Disney))) is not the same company that Walt Disney founded, either. Disney was a cornball, but he wasn't a progressive, or tolerant of homosexuality at all. Modern Disney is literally all run by childish bisexuals. I'm not kidding.

>the best SW character is objectively Revan.

This, exactly.

But even the illegitimate holders of SW realized Thrawn was too great to shelve. It's the small victories.


But the ship of Theseus is the same ship you enormous faggot.

Zahn is a good pulp writer.

best character in IP was Jizno Baft

Why do I keep seeing this blue guy pop up whenever Star Wars gets mentioned lately? He's just some obscure character that 90% of people didn't care about until recently.

fuck everything about "cinematic universes". at least the old EU didn't pretend to have continuity or "canon" but this new concept prevents any story from having any sort of meaning relative to even itself. just endless outward spirals of stories until no one cares anymore

Won't it be a lovely thing when these stupid franchise movie universes become boring and people stop going to see them, then hollywood will finally collapse?

The book is pretty weak.


Cuz he's a black alien representing diversity in cancer wars.


He's a big sith

>I'm not kidding.

That's the sad thing.

but what about bringing back the other parts of the supposedly best star wars books that fans wanted to be filmed as episodes 7-9

like the super hot redhead spy ninja jedi assassin chick who was in all the movies but just off-screen and later marries luke

or the riveting tale of luke having to fight his clone "luuke"

or the bit where there's a species of monkey-lizard that evolved the power to turn off the force, therefore revealing force powers to be x-men style genetic mutations many years before the midichlorians were introduced

Nice that Zahn is writing it, but It's kind of sad that he has to rewrite what he's already written just so Disney can shoehorn a character with marketable value into their nu-canon.

>caring about fanfiction

Thrawn is entry level faggotry