Why do you continue to discuss these people, 1 year after I made this image?


Other urls found in this thread:


Brother Nathanael isn't even a pseud, he's clinically insane

Kek is that Gore Vidal up there on the left? I hope so, fuck Vidal.

This is not literature.


How is Fantano on there, he doesn't even pretend to be an intellectual in a broad sense. He's just a music critic

Somebody should put Angela Nagle in there

Where are the rest of them? Last time I saw this image it included people like Jesus and Pynchon

He does uninspired skits mimicking Sam Hyde's stuff

That's the fake image, the OP is the real one.

The process by which to select who goes on the chart is very selective. I take great care in exposing pseuds.


I was I was this eloquent

Literally who?

Why Frank Yang isn't there?

>Not including based Gadfather

Not gonna lie though seeing Peterson on the bottom there gets me triggered

The only ones I genuinely disagree with are Yanis Varoufakis and Harold Bloom.

They literally only talk about their own field and they're more than qualified to do so.

Bishop Robert Barron and William Lane Craig when? AtheneWins when? Also where the fuck is Alain de Botton? If there's one guy that deserves to be on this list it's him.

Other suggestions (don't know much about them but might be worth 'investigating' OP):
Douglas Murray
David Pakman

A lot of these are "literally who?"s and irrelevant YouTubers. You could knock off about 50% of this and it would be much more concise.

Yep, them being there throws the whole image into question.

I don't usually and when I do it's to talk about how they're incorrect.

Zizek and John Green are well known authors and most of the other e-celebs have crappy books on Amazon or whatever.

Because no one cares about your autistic declarations

OP here.

Very good suggestions, will be added.

You don't get out much, do you, OP?

Piero Scaruffi is the hero rock music needs. I'm unironically listening to Rock Bottom right now.

How did Peterson construct his cult?