Cute girl food

Itt: food that cute girls(male optional) eat

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looks like the final dish from ratatouille

What's with the sprinkles on the image? Was this photographed inside a particle accelerator?

it's.. ratatouille

various sugar drinks/shakesr, alcohol, one Chipotle burrito, and nothing else that day.

Looks like some chopped garlic, some thyme, and maybe some pepper?

I remember someone telling me that it's not ratatouille because it's not cut right

He's talking about the tiny white dots over the entire image. Look at the bottom left corner of the full image.

I kek'd

it's either scanned or steganography.

>being alt-right

>Cute girl food

No such thing.

It is fucking Confit Byaldi as is stated in the image, holy shit, turboplebs.

>Look at the bottom left corner of the full image.
Whoops, I missed that.

I'm guessing stenography. That doesn't look like any kind of scanner artifacts at all.

Some one is shit at image manipulation. They turned up the saturation without removing the noise first. The amount of noise was probably due to shitty lens settings and bad lighting.

It's weird though. The noise is very high in magnitude, yet sparse in distribution.

I've done a lot of shitty image manip in my day and never seen anything like that. You could be right though. One of the herbs is shaped like thyme, but the color is very dark for thyme. That could suggest some kind of manipulation.

The bluish hue of the background is the main cue. It was originally white.

confit byaldi is just a variation on ratattouille

When you change the recipe and give it a different name, it means it is something else, and not the same thing.

It's called "Rattatouille Confit Byaldi"

Confit Byaldi is the same damn thing as ratatouille except they just cut the vegetables in thin slices for no good reason.

t. frenchman

Also I would like to add that ratatouille is fucking god tier if done right, those who call it girly are retarded

Same dish, different angle, no noise, no added saturation. Its from a 2012 blog. The second pic is the OP's image, all saturated up.

>Confit byaldi is a variation on the traditional French dish ratatouille by French chef Michel Guérard.
>His recipe, Confit bayaldi, differed from ratatouille by not frying the vegetables, removing peppers and adding mushrooms.

This is a bait thread, fyi. Same as the last 100 that were posted last month.

Are the ingredients from Fukushima?

Girl (male) here
Ive found that since starting E my appetite for carbs and sweets has skyrocketed. Sometimes ill walk into a coffee shop and just stare intently at the pastries while the barista asks for my order like 3 times lmao.

Anyway i like oatmeal creme pies because theyre small and cute but not too small to be held with both hands. They go nice with hot coffee or tea. (Also theyre kind of lewd)

>those who call it girly are retarded
girly is not an insult

>This is a bait thread, fyi.
Literally my first thread on the topic and not intended as bait

congratulations on the skittles

The last one is either still on the board or at least in the archive if it wasn't deleted by a mod. There's been a lot of "battle of the sexes" posts this week.

>Typical divisional social propaganda. You try to make a side to be on so you can hate others that are not on your side as well as bring others to your side to prevent your own cognitive dissonance. The truth of the matter is that you are using "divide and conquer" tactics you learned from entertainment propaganda meant to keep the masses off balance and disorganized.

>There are no "sides" to be on. Stop making up problems where none exist.


the irony of that last paragraph. You are seeing aggression where there is none.

When you step in shit, you have to call it for what it is, kid.

And when you're being a conspiratorial retard you have to take a deep breath, count to ten, and realize that not everyone is in quite as deep as you. this thread was not meant to be inflammatory, I just like cute things and found a shitposty way to frame it because I find that funny

I'm the one who made that thread you're describing.
I really did mean "feminine foods" as in foods only and feminine """men""""" enjoy, like craft beer and specialty coffee drinks.

Light fishy dishes.

Noise is an artefact of things within the image either on the camera sensor or after during manipulation, which those clearly aren't

They clearly are since that's the original source here,

It most certainly is

Oh yeah? well you're girly!

No it isn't. Fuck off back to a male board then

Can I talk about girl stuff then?
I can't find a mentrual cup that is comfy. Am I asking too much? I need a small one. I'm pretty sure I have an tilted uterus.

Yeah it is, and always has been.

Sorry you're so triggered

It's a food board famolamo. I just use tampons

You're the one feeling insulted that something you like is referred to as girly. Offence is taken not given, so go away

>Yeah it is, and always has been.

This. Even to most females it is a bit of an insult.

Thomas Keller who's notorious for using traditional food pairing with innovative presentation... So bad example if we're trying to debate semantics

>he effortsposts
>he effortsposts unironically


I know you should never order chicken salad on a date cus it makes you look girly but fuck they delicious

Why wouldn't you want your date to think you're feminine? are you a dyke or something?

i dated 2 vegans so now i associate vegan cheese, applesauce in baking and hearty salads with shame and regret

hoooooly shit though, these girls were champion poopers and farthers, i've never seen bathrooms rendered literally inutile by a bowel movement (male or female) until i dated a girl transitioning into veganism before. her farts sounded like a brass section warming up

if you're a girl who's trying to be cute for a dude just make some really good shit that he hasn't had before but which is part of a cuisine he has expressed an interest in,

ex if he likes indian food make him a curry or if he likes thomas keller type shit make him steak and vegetables but with a type of vegetable which is slightly offbeat or prepared in a different way from normal, check it out, brussels sprouts WITH BACON or some shit idk

if you're literally asking what cute girls eat, and by cute you mean skinny, im pretty sure the answer is 'not a whole lot'



ratatouille is just the name of the movie, you fucking dink

>>Being this stupid.

It's both, your moron. That's why they picked it for the movie. Not only is it the name of a well-known dish, it's also a funny pun because the character in the movie is a rat.


Both photos are in the blog, one is before baking, the other is after.

That’s just a way of preparing ratatouille you pseud

Look into the origins of the phrase 'conspiracy theory.' There are indeed campaigns of social manipulation being waged across the internet by forces which seek dichotomous situations to enable the aforementioned divide et impera tactics. If no such divisions occur then they will be manufactured at societal fault lines like gender, race etc, all in the service of preventing mass social consciousness so that they, in the words of George Carlin, can keep going to the bank.

>eww talking about periods is so icky this'll get 'em

I'm a cutiepatootie trap and I bake a lot of stuff.

That looks so good

If so, surely tye ones implying an issue with femininity, not OP, would be those instigators.

>referring to self as cute
Camel detected

What does camel meean?

>being this new

>falling for obvious bait

Your face is most likely reminiscent of a ruminant

how has your taste for salted caramel changed

not him bu people with special food tastes are most of the time autistic af and you don't want to come of to autistic on a date, 's that simple bru

Wouldn't feminine food constitute normal if you're a girl?

An asian gril, yes. But let me ask you, when was the last time you saw a feminine 'murrican wench?

Is there a meat version of ratatouille? I've always thought that shit was delicious sliced meat but when I found out it was vegetables it kinda turned me off. [spoiler]Is it tasty? I don't mind vegetables but man it really did look like meat to me in the movie.[/spoiler]