Why do some couple's love last longer than infatuation (3-4yrs)? Why do people get married...

Why do some couple's love last longer than infatuation (3-4yrs)? Why do people get married? Is it because they're too old, too ugly to find someone else or because they're are few people who match their personality/taste?

I think people get married for either routine/comfort purposes or it's political/has something to do with family.

Personally, I think people should just live together until they grow tired of each other, but I understand there are certain monetary/political/etc benefits of being legally married.

what about rich people?

You've never been in love have you?


>Reminder: Veeky Forums is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics

yes I have, the person I loved broke up with me and now I'm questioning love itself.

>psychology isn't science

But it isn’t.


What is love?

28 and been together since 2011, still as strong as ever but different.

People change and the relationships evolve with the people. Some become incompatible whilst some just get better and better, no single answer.

Baby don't hurt me

The reason you're here.

don't hurt me

Don’t hurt me

no more

>Why do some couple's love last longer than infatuation (3-4yrs)?
Some people don't marry whores and/or understand the nature of marriage.

>Why do people get married?

>Is it because they're too old, too ugly to find someone else or because they're are few people who match their personality/taste?
Your question doesn't make sense based on your previous questions.

I think I know but won't spoil it.

Love and infatuation aren't the same thing

>Why do people get married?
Traditionally countries needed a large population, especially for all the wars fought. SO getting babies was a priority and for that marriage was a functioning structure.

snap snap snap

the best outcome is that you both find out that you were both cheating on each other at the same time so the vectors cancel


I suspect that lust not love had more to do with it.

Marriage and monogamy have been holding our civilization, now that it's getting abandoned our society is collapsing

Break up before common law marriage

What you describe is actually primarily sexual infatuation that changes (or is supposed to) towards deeper companionship and true love. Couples often face crisis during the transition phase when the other "becomes" annoying and less appealing. In reality the other always was that way, but you were too busy being attracted to notice.

After 3 years or so it becomes more about what you invest in the relationship and how you work together. Many just think once the "free luch" part ends that's that. But instead you just have to get to know eachother's needs and work to fulfill them. It can be great! My wife for example cosplays for me and I go down on her. Win-win. We build trust over time. Don't break that trust and it can pay dividends big time.

How old are you?

The older you get, the more people around you are taken: it gets harder and harder to find a mate. To avoid ending up alone, people marry each other.

It is directly linked with the number of sexual partners you've had before marriage. Find someone who's had 0 and you're set

>Why do people get married?
To have kids together. Also tax breaks or something.

Long term coupling (love) lasts beyond infatuation. The biochemical signatures can still be found in very old couples.


Most people outside of the US/UK don't actually cheat that often.